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  1. Ok here 1.4 mir2 client !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cheers m8, this has helped me a lot :) /Smiler
  2. house/palace

    I think the best option is 2 have about 10 houses and 1 npc in each and make the npc which teles u in remember your name, and then make 20 palaces with an npc in and do the same :) /Smiler
  3. WhIpLaSh

    Whiplash is dead and buried tbh.. /Smiler
  4. house/palace

    I think theres a command which, when you click on the npc, checks if your a certain name then teleports you in... /Smiler
  5. Link for mir 1.4

    Does any1 have a link for mir 1.4, I cant find it anywhere.. /Smiler
  6. Any Advice Please?

    Yo all, ive just come back recently and havnt played mir for ages and I am currently looking into playing a private server, i was just wandering if any1 can give me any advice on what server to play, I dont want the advice from the server owners just the players please :) /Smiler
  7. The New XBOX Colour

    tbh i like the black one, it looks much betta :) /Smiler
  8. MY pcs betta than yours :)

    Now, now urban dont double post :) /Smiler
  9. StarDust

    Dont reset it, otherwise you will become very unpopular :( /Smiler
  10. The new gta game

    Does anyone know when the new gta game is coming out? /Smiler
  11. whiplash

    shudnt this be in advertisements? /Smiler
  12. GTA Vice City Multiplayer Or Online

    I no, in the 1st one he doesnt speak at all.. it kinda suks, but i still dont understand how he looks older in gta vc, because gta 3 is set in 1990 and gta vc is set in 1980... /Smiler
  13. Logging in

    Have u disabled UPNP? because if you havnt than the m2server wont load up properly :) /Smiler
  14. Which server are you playing?

    Im not really playing on any server atm, can anyone point me in the right direction of what server to play? Thanks, /King
  15. A Npc I Need?

    I cant remember all the npc commands soz m8 :( have you checked the search button? /Smiler
  16. Which Computer do you prefer all round??

    I think that ps2 is the best for games and that xbox is the best for graphics, but for just browsinhg the web and stuff i think that the desktop pc is betta, laptops have never really interested me that much, and as for gamecube, thats a piece of crap :) /Smiler
  17. A Npc I Need?

    There isnt really any need to make it so it only answers to your name.. justp ut it in a secret place and make it so if your level 255 it talks to you :) /Smiler
  18. Help

    What do you actually meen? Do you need mir 1.4? /King
  19. Items / Drops

    thanks m8, this has helped me a lot :) /King
  20. GTA Vice City Multiplayer Or Online

    theres one thing thats always bothered me, in the GTA 3 game, is it tommi vercetti or is it someone else, because if it is, he looks a lot older in gta vc.. /King