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  1. Client fails?

    I used this guide And setup a Holley 3.55 server, the server runs fine, but i cant find a working client? It says So i downloaded the euro client from GamersHell, as the Mirfiles said 28hours to something stupid Edited the mir3.cin file as it...
  2. Client Connection Closed

    My friends Mir cant connect to my server, screenie below shows all my exe's running and saying the server is fine.. whats worng with it? :(
  3. 2.3 ONLINE Guide?

    Hey people, i know i dont post much but if you have noticed i have been roaming this forum for about 3 days now.. I'm looking for a decent guide to make an online server, all the ones i have found are for offline use.. i have tried adapting them but as of yet i have been unsuccessful.. I'm...
  4. Questions about LG3G

    hey.. im using LS3G (3.38) serv files.. i was roaming through my client data folder in KaoriMIM, i was wondering how i would find out the Looks number for an image, erm.. i have an example here >>>>Link<<<< how would i find out the Looks number for that? also i was wondering how i could...
  5. Entire map as Safezone

    erm.. i searched for this, but only found how to make a certain ammount of a map into a safe zone.. i was wondering how i could make an entire map a safezone? is there a setting for the MapInfo.txt file much like the "FIGHT" setting? thanks in advance
  6. Sever Client

    >_< sorry to keep posting.. my friend has a problem connecting to my server, he's using the exact same client as i am.. nothing wrong with the server.. but when he double clicks the Mir3.exe it does nothing.. no errors.. its not running in the background.. it just doesn't load atall.. is there...
  7. CruelDragon3G 3.38 Skills

    hey, erm.. im having problems with the skills in the LS3G files.. none of the skills work.. to be exact.. i cant get skills.. i @make the manual and double click it but nothing happens.. it just stays in my bag.. and doesn't give me the skill.. can anyone tell me whats wrong? i've never done...
  8. Error Extracting "??.txt"

    hey, erm.. i've spent the last couple of days trying to find a desent set of DM2's couldn't find any so i thought i would setup a M3 server.. just for me to play around with.. well anywho.. i got some files.. erm.. LS3G? and when i go to...
  9. What Am I Doing Wrong?

    can some one tell me what im doing wrong? i have had this same error wit like 3 differant server.. RaGEZONE, Massacre, Crusade, i extract the exe and dll file to my "C:\Program Files\WEMADE Entertainment\Legend of Mir" folder.. then run the relivant exe.. and bam.. i get that f--king...
  10. JoB Account maker

    ok.. i dont know if this is the right place but here goes.. im having trouble setting my Mir3 JoB Account Maker up... i have 1 question.. Wtf do i do? the file is below =) thanx File thanx inadvance =) :D Nate