2 byte Hex to remove testga function


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 20, 2004
This simple process will remove the functionality of the @tesga command. It will still work as a command and will still accept the password but the M2Server will not enable GM commands at all, even if the password is correct.

Load up Hex Workshop, or your favourite hex editor and open the M2Server.exe and follow these instructions:

Press ctrl+g and put in D12BE. Click go. Now change the 04 to 00.
Press ctrl+g again and put in D1301. Click go. Now change the 05 to 00.
Save the file and that's it, you're done.

If you are not using hex workshop then you need to find the offsets (position in file) below and change them accordingly:

Go to D12BE it should be 04 change to 00
Go to D1301 it should be 05 change to 00

I just tested this and it appears to work OK.

If you have Deadons M2Server then you won't need to do this.
