Other 2 Things


LOMCN Veteran
May 9, 2010
Just need a little help with 2 things please, 1 how do i trigger a script to run from when some one stands on X Y cords of a map? MapQuest im sure but not 100% how it all works.

2, AutoPatcher now im having great diffuclties trying to set this up iv uploaded the files etc but it says they wont download when i run patcher.(Can someone can help on TV il pay you for your time)

If someone can me with either of these it will be much appriecated, Thanks.
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LOMCN Veteran
May 9, 2010
Thanks got it all working but just having problems stopping people enter if there under the level check.

Still looking for some help with patcher, i have files uploaded but when i run patcher it says they didnt download, try again. Now im getting a error about ini.
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