50inch hd tv


Staff member
May 19, 2003
to start off with. im not argueing. i just wanted to say something :(

you dont get A's and B's in uni, you get firsts and seconds. or a third if your stupid. and the salary totally depends on what course you take. if you studied phycology or sumthing obscure then ofcourse you are going to be in a low paid job until you find that right one which requires your skill with phycology.

i take computer science, and they guarantee me a starting salary of 40k in a microsoft area providing i get the right grade (probly not likely with me)

mcdonalds wasnt very good payed last time i checked, and although the carrier ladder is good (my m8 when from food guy to assistant manager in a couple of months) the hours are long, and is really only a young persons type of job (or an old person with no qualifications) because of the amount of hours it usually requires.

im in third year uni, taking computer science, i have about 12 hours of lectures a week, and 4 courseworks on the go at once. i do get plenty of spare time, but you dont know the meaning of stress when ur at college/6th form.

my 2p, just bored.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
currys is good for prices (i work there), but you wont find a high quality 40" for that price in stores. i recommend dixons.com (one of our online partners) they always have much better offers than any store.


Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
well tbh that was completely uncalled for. i was studying national diploma in sports in college and you may do 4 subjects but the qualifications from the course i did was just as much as yours will be.

you dont have to be foreign to work in mcdonalds, the reason they hire foreigners is because they work when sick and ill. they do as many hours as they can and they work harder than any one else plus they dont have interact with any one whilst their in the kitchen.

anyway you can slander mcdonalds all you like but its obviously a better job than yours if the moneys better and the hours are more flexible.

you talk all about the hours you study at night etc, what do you do in your free periods and in class? obviously not enough. and during half terms you could have done a weeks work aswell as studied and pulled in a bit of extra cash.

people who work in mcdonalds do have a real view of life as for alot of people its just a part time job while in college uni school or whilst searching for a new job. and the fact you think you'll end up with a better job than me just because your studying 4 subjects in school shows how blinded you are. as the results from the 2 years mean that you then have to go on to college/uni where you'll do 2-6 years studying something else building up £'s of debt whilst not having a job because you have twice as much of a work load then once you leave youll have to repay your debt's whilst working from the bottom in a job you probably despise.

im not saying im above you but your not above me so dont act like you are.

youre not a nerd at all and your probably gonna do orite for yourself but dont assume results will get you a better job than me as my dad is a boss of 10 people who work below him. all of them left uni with A's and B's he gets 100's of applications for job's when theirs a vacancy and these people with a's n b's from uni start off at about 18k a year without many prospects of going above 30k. they travel for up to 1-2 hours to get to work.

anyway i could go on and theirs probably points ive forgot to make but anyway.

For starters, you said foreigners work harder than anyone else? you're clearly stupid, yes, the majority of them are hard working, but how on earth can you say that they work harder than ANYONE ELSE in the whole of the united kingdom, you don't know that, nobody does, so stop stating inappropriate comments.

McDonalds is a better job than mine? I work in a bar collecting glasses on Fridays and Saturdays.. I get £5.00 an hour for basically socializing and collecting a few glasses now and then, and I get to listen to the music I like..

I complete most of the work in class, unless I don't understand it, and in my free periods I tend to either come home to see my pup as he has to sit in a cage all day at the moment because he's only 15 weeks old or I get some work done... I do work at night because I want to pass, I was predicted A's and B's in my GCSE's and I almost failed because I didn't put the effort in, I'd rather over work myself at getting my pass grades than spend time trying to earn money at the moment.

As for over the summer holidays, I use that time socializing with my friends, going on holidays and basically catching up with them as I put in alot of work through the school terms and don't get to see them much.

I think I'll get a better job than you when I'm older? I can't actually remember saying that, please quote me, I assure you, you won't be able to because I never said that, nor did I infer it.

Also, you say you HAVE to go to college/university after you've gotten A-Levels, what a load of tripe that is... I could just as easily go for a job interview the moment I leave 6th Form, who are they going to choose - me and my A-Levels or somebody else without A-Levels. I know you'll pull that down to the whole 'depends if they've got experience, they've had 2 years to work', I see that, but what about in two years later? I'll have 2 years experience and some A-Levels, he'll have 4 years experience... any employer in there right mind would choose the person with A-Levels.

You also appeared to say, I'll get a job starting from the bottom? A person with a degree starting from the bottom, are you insane? if that was the case, university would be non-existent you loony.

My dad only has GCSE results aswell, and he's raking it in and owns his own JOINERY company.. you know, a hard labor job? He has to get up at 6am in the morning, and he comes home at 6-7pm... whereas, you look at someone like a lawyer or a doctor, they earn double the amount with the same hours, and if the truth was known, a hell of a lot less graft. My dad started on about 5k a year! Yes, very little, it's taken him almost 20 years to get to where he is today... think about it, if I finish Uni at the age of say? 23, I'll have 25 years to catch up to my dad's current age. That's what? say I'll start at 16 grand a year, times that by 25.. that's 400k, and that's on a basic salary for 25 years, not happening...
Whereas my dad made 125,000... which salary would you prefer.
What I'm trying to say is, University is there for a reason, because grades take you places, if you go for a hard labor job, it takes years to get up the ladder and earn the big money, if you've got grades you earn the money right away without all those years of practice.

The top and bottom of it is, you see me as some blinded person, who thinks results will get them everywhere - that's true... I do believe that, and it's a fact basically. For starters, you can straight away see my grammar and vocabulary has double if not triple the standards which yours does, and that's just for starters...

Colonel, you won't win. I know my life and I've thought this through for hours, as I say, I thought about taking the same route as you, but it just seemed irresponsible and illogical.

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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Nov 12, 2006
Sadly experience > grades more or less these days. Obviously grades will help but so does work experience. But yeah I'm one of those "college" people, and I'm on a full time course, you're studying 3-4 different subjects? So tbh I will have more knowledge in my field of work then you do with one of your subjects. And damn I know what job I want to have when I'm older.

My two cents and stuff.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 30, 2005
Newport S.Wales
ok when i said foreigners work harder than most other employee's i meant that in mcdonalds, as i couldnt say that about other jobs as i havnt any experience except self employed labouring. 3 employee's of the month were 2 asians and my brother, whos a couple of tests away from manager.

youre probably the most over payed glass collecter i know. most are 20 quid a night, a night being like 6 hours or so.

results from 6th form/college are only standard so to speak where as uni results are advanced class'es and knowledge.

tbh with you uni takes away all the fun of life at your younger years. ( this is my personal opinion.) your collecting up debt earning penny's part time and ok your gonna get results and get a tidy job.

and tbh you may think grades and experience come before just experience but i think youd find experience comes first.

whilst writing this reply ive just come off a 8 hour shift my feet are on fire and im freezing cold so excuse my vocabulary even though its not to the standard of 6th form a level but its good enough.

its not a case of winning and losing its a case of you have one view and i have another as we both have diffrent life styles and diffrent ideas for the future.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 30, 2003
Sheffield (S2)
lo peeps i just bought a 50inch plasma screen tv 1080hd for 1.5k i was just wondering if you think thats a good tv screen size as max is 63 atm 50 then 63 i think i just messured it with a tape measure not bad ay can imagine playin ff7 on it wher he puts ares in the water loveit all the way really and trully =P i just got a new carpet in ma room a brown 1 looks and feels mint and am gettin a laptop 4 christmas new phone on the 9th aswell i pod phone with 0 2 plays youtube vids only phone that does also spent 1k in 1 week out of 2 jiros by mistake and sellin tv and ma 2nd pc 2 ma bro 4 130quid =P

The be-spoke Fujitsu 50" screens we fit are the best around even at 720, we used to fit panasonic but when we got a sample at the office we were won over.

bigger is not always better to truly compliment a room, i recently had to advise a customer on a 50" and not a 63", cut a long story short i was right they ended up wanting the 50"