An old idea from years ago...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 12, 2004
In Orbit around Uranus
I can remember, quite a while ago, that someone suggested a Mir Reviewer. A space on the forums where players could review individual Mir Servers and provide feedback for said forums.

Did this ever go ahead? If not, are there any others still interested in this?

I do believe it's a great way to get a look at active servers before you download the files and find that it is, in fact, a pile of fetid hippopotamus dung!

I am talking about quite a few servers I've tried recently, although I never test out a server with the Player name Oberon. In fact, I'm not active on ANY server as Oberon at the moment. If you think you see me ingame, in all likelihood, it's not me.

I will not review any until I know whether this ever went ahead, although I do have the priliminary reviews wrote down and stored. I have a lot of time on my hands recently, having been forced out of my career by an unforeseen event. (I was a chef, and I developed a near fatal food intolerance... How fatal?


Staff member
May 19, 2003
i think wittin did that for a while. or maybe leecuz. well someone did it.

you're welcome to make threads about reviews, just name it sensibly and if the idea takes off again then they might all be moved to a new section.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 12, 2004
In Orbit around Uranus
Thanks Farphit. I'm only in the process of checking out my second server for reviewing, but I will merely be reviewing the servers based on GamePlay, Accessibilty (ie ease of use, connectivity) and Community.

The first of my reviews shall be posted shortly.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 16, 2005
You'll just be called biased over saying which server is crap to one that isnt.. It will start of as a decent idea and will just end up turning into a popularity contest.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 12, 2004
In Orbit around Uranus
You'll just be called biased over saying which server is crap to one that isnt..

Valid point, well noted. Thank you.

I shall take that into account when providing a review, also I will state the level I achieved with each class, merely as a comparison against other classes. Each will be used over an equivalent period of time as the next.

Any reviews will be clear and concise, and I will refrain from giving any one server a personal review or recommendation. LOMCN already has their own recommended servers, one of these I am currently trying.

For example, if I spend 4 weeks levelling a Warrior, I will then spend 4 weeks levelling a Tao and then a Wizard. Lengthy yes, but fair I think.

My goal is to provide new players a guide to choosing a server more fitting to their own ideals and requirements. I know you can see the server stats in each individual server's advertisement post, but this is generally from the Host's point of view. People will dispute my reviews, and I hope that they do. That will be the feedback that, hopefully, will lead to a happier, healther Gaming Community.