Anyone else feel like you're going round in circles?

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Feb 26, 2004
I don't intend to make this a flame war, so don't start one lol.

But does anyone else feeling like you're just "testing" servers lately. I personally don't mind testing files and helping servers, but lately I do a lot of "testing" only to have the server disappear or not re-open...which can become irritating after you've helped find bugs and stuff.

I mean i've had my doubts about all the servers in testing at the moment lol

Jamie's, Sijo and Ace.

Jamie's is thankfully back in action after a fairly decent quiet spell and it seems to be flying and making some pretty hefty progress. I've no idea whats happened to Sijo? An by the looks of it the Ace team have just disbanded leaving a select few.

I understand the typical LOMCN community, how sometimes you really just don't want to continue working because of the lack of or bad feedback but the limited decent and loyal community we have left is being killed off by people giving up after saying they intend to release something pretty spectacular.

If you want to give up, thats fine it's understandable! But don't promise a server, if you did and you do give up then let someone else continue or even sell it on in fact, i'm sure somebody here would buy the progress made so far. But what a waste of ours and even your own time to just bin a project because the **** side of this community has pissed you off lol

I'm saying this because i'm slowly getting bored of being a "tester", I want to be challenged for bosses, racing for levels and items, PKing for the defence of friends and guilds! Because at the moment, in Jamie's for example, I just don't care lol. I do what I need to test what he needs and I freely throw rares on the floor for people because it will eventually not exist...but sooner or later even I will have enough of being a "tester"


Apr 14, 2004
United Kingdom
In regards to Sijo Mir, it’s no secret that Tyraes has been helping with the new server and also helped on AceM2, I myself have also been helping out.

We took the decision to move Sijo to the Ace files when Milo approached me showing me the Apple source last year and was hoping to get a team together. The goal of Sijo as I’m sure you know is to create a total new world so that average Mir player has no clue what maps, items and monsters are in game to bring back that adventure feel to Mir.

Now we did have a world mostly built using the Ruby files to which Tyraes has released some of our old maps here as we have no use for them. When we moved to Ace as you have seen from the AceM2 these files use new objects thus rendering our old world kind of useless as we want to take full advantage of the files and features. It quickly become apparent that the Ace files were written for the Chinese player in terms of balancing/speeds etc.. Myself and Tyraes took the decision to help the AceM2 Team get files up to Euro standard ready for a public file release. (Yes we really did plan for this and will still happen.) Thus having files at a stage we all know we could then port our “Sijo World” over to the Ace files and continue working to release Sijo.

We both continue to help Sam and the team with the new server which in turn helps us with Sijo.


Feb 26, 2004
In regards to Sijo Mir, it’s no secret that Tyraes has been helping with the new server and also helped on AceM2, I myself have also been helping out.

We took the decision to move Sijo to the Ace files when Milo approached me showing me the Apple source last year and was hoping to get a team together. The goal of Sijo as I’m sure you know is to create a total new world so that average Mir player has no clue what maps, items and monsters are in game to bring back that adventure feel to Mir.

Now we did have a world mostly built using the Ruby files to which Tyraes has released some of our old maps here as we have no use for them. When we moved to Ace as you have seen from the AceM2 these files use new objects thus rendering our old world kind of useless as we want to take full advantage of the files and features. It quickly become apparent that the Ace files were written for the Chinese player in terms of balancing/speeds etc.. Myself and Tyraes took the decision to help the AceM2 Team get files up to Euro standard ready for a public file release. (Yes we really did plan for this and will still happen.) Thus having files at a stage we all know we could then port our “Sijo World” over to the Ace files and continue working to release Sijo.

We both continue to help Sam and the team with the new server which in turn helps us with Sijo.

So what was it that I tested a while back? Is that the real taster of what Sijo has to offer?

Can't quite remember now as it was a while ago, but i'm sure there were some new fancy looking objects in there. Also the attempt at re-balancing the classes is pretty awesome if it's accomplished.

In my opinion the individualism of Sijo was better than i've seen in a long time. The fact the classes were being re-balanced made much more of a "new world" than i've seen on any other server i've ever played. But of course I would love the fancy new look, but if I wanted one or the other, i'd say the way Sijo was going would be the best


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
What you tested before was a taster of what is to come. For now though we are working on Ace V2.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
What we need now i for AceM2 files to be at a stage ready for release. Once they are ready they will be released to the public. We will then see an increase in servers and less test servers.


Feb 26, 2004
What we need now i for AceM2 files to be at a stage ready for release. Once they are ready they will be released to the public. We will then see an increase in servers and less test servers.

The amount of servers doesn't bother me lol. I love the fact theres test servers in fact, shows real work is being put in, what I don't like is them being dropped after months of testing lol.

Hopefully Sijo/Ace or whatevers its going to be called now will work out lol.

I certainly wouldn't like tons of 5 minute servers opening up...theres one being advertised at the moment for example lol, pure joke of an attempt at a server
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Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
The amount of servers doesn't bother me lol. I love the fact theres test servers in fact, shows real work is being put in, what I don't like is them being dropped after months of testing lol.

Hopefully Sijo/Ace or whatevers its going to be called now will work out lol.

I certainly wouldn't like tons of 5 minute servers opening up...theres one being advertised at the moment for example lol, pure joke of an attempt at a server
Well that's the whole point of test servers though... For people to just test for a while. They're never going to be long term ;-)


Feb 26, 2004
Well that's the whole point of test servers though... For people to just test for a while. They're never going to be long term ;-)

Yeh I know, as long as they come back for real then it's all good :P Just don't like it when they disappear


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 24, 2012
I certainly wouldn't like tons of 5 minute servers opening up...theres one being advertised at the moment for example lol, pure joke of an attempt at a server

That's exactly what we'll see if/when these files are released, in the end it will destroy what ever magic acem2 files have.
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Feb 26, 2004
That's honestly quite true unfortunately :/

Then don't public release until your server has run its course. If/When that happens you can release and let all the crap servers come up, just don't drop your server and take the files with you lol

I expect Jamie to do the same, I'm helping test for HIS server and HIS files. Once he's had enough I hope he too releases his files but not while he still has the potential to run a brilliant one


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
The decision whether or not the files will be released or when is not upto myself. Once me and Hazuki have finished helping Sam and the team out we will move to make SijoMiR again. Ofcourse though we will look to help develop Ace v2 if needed.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 5, 2004

I don't have much to say on the file side of things or who has worked on what BUT as a player the whole outlook is somewhat a bleak one.
Of course this is my own opinion and its not my intention to piss anyone off.

Servers go up, servers go down. Servers are up with maybe a handful of people online. It's all just a bit too sparse.

So I can assume we all played euro at some point, we were all in the same boat and we played it because that's all there was.
Private server communities do cause too much disparity. Sure we all want different things from a server but are we picky because we can be?
At the end of the day it doesn't matter what the rates are, it's all relative.
The result of being picky is that the mir2 community is spread out, here, there and everywhere on random servers with only 5 players.

So as the original poster stated about going around in circles; from the perspective of just a player, yes we are.

Without sounding naively optimistic I don't know why the developers of the servers we play can't produce one great server we can all enjoy.

Final thought is that without a player base the game is boring as hell no matter how good the server.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 24, 2013

Servers go up, servers go down. Servers are up with maybe a handful of people online. It's all just a bit too sparse.

So I can assume we all played euro at some point, we were all in the same boat and we played it because that's all there was.
Private server communities do cause too much disparity. Sure we all want different things from a server but are we picky because we can be?
At the end of the day it doesn't matter what the rates are, it's all relative.
The result of being picky is that the mir2 community is spread out, here, there and everywhere on random servers with only 5 players.

So as the original poster stated about going around in circles; from the perspective of just a player, yes we are.

Without sounding naively optimistic I don't know why the developers of the servers we play can't produce one great server we can all enjoy.

Final thought is that without a player base the game is boring as hell no matter how good the server.

Things in bold, Ace V2 is still being worked upon and i have no reason not to assume it'll be successful. Around a month in to V1 they had a player base of over 200 (this was before the stall map was made and there was a ton on there). I can only assume/hope that the players would go back and there will be a decent player count, nor will it be a test server :)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
Without sounding naively optimistic I don't know why the developers of the servers we play can't produce one great server we can all enjoy.

To be honest no game developer or no company can produce one game or one product that everyone will like just because of how humans differ from one another. The Ace project in itself is promising because of how good these files can be with some more fixing and adding to.

From a players point of view I know it's frustrating to see servers go up and down hence I've decided to put a server of my own into development and help develop and fix up Ace v2 so that people will have something atleast half decent to play.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 5, 2004
To be honest no game developer or no company can produce one game or one product that everyone will like just because of how humans differ from one another.

Yes I agree but that wasn't really my point. We are discussing mir2 only don't forget.
My point what that before private servers euro mir was fine for us because that's all there was. Sure there is some +/- , things people liked and didn't.
Private servers cause too much variety and spread the community when at the end of the day it's futile because there aren't enough of us in one place for it to sustain.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
I also agree with your point but unfortunately times have changed and there are people who are bored of the same euro content that has been played for the last 13 years. If there wasn't something new people wouldn't stay hooked for long and the soul reason to be playing would be the user count which even still does get boring if there is nothing refreshing to do with that user count.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2013
I also agree with your point but unfortunately times have changed and there are people who are bored of the same euro content that has been played for the last 13 years. If there wasn't something new people wouldn't stay hooked for long and the soul reason to be playing would be the user count which even still does get boring if there is nothing refreshing to do with that user count.

Agreed! Personally I don't much care how great the server is or how many people are playing or what rate the server is, Level 0-42(ish) with the same content we have all been playing for 13 years is no longer interesting. After that a good player base on a well managed server is fun and exciting, even more so if there is new content, items and skills!


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 4, 2007
What should really happen is LOMCN should cut the C out of it's title, delete all server adverts but it's own, open a LOMN server, trash all releases past, present and what would have come, and let people just play if they want. We can't go about having files being released anymore, the files themselves may suffer from 5 min servers. Who in the hell wants any kind of variety?


Feb 21, 2013
What does CN in LOMCN stand for anyway? Is CN as in ChiNa?

I like this sijo mir idea about redoing basic mir except it remains to be seen how radical that would be. I had a bunch of ideas how to change things in stock euro mir but no ear. That said I wouldn't like to see changes made for the sake of changes, that wears off soon, the novelty of it I mean and can even put pple off because they might not see any logic behind the change, just arbitrary irritating change.

I think we need someone with deeper pockets, some suggar daddy funding a server for it to have some longevity, someone who knows nothing about coding and so can't be part of the coding team (but he could provide some financial incentive to keep the development going), maybe even someone who doesn't play so he doesn't tire of mir LOL. Just somebody who would fund the fun for a bunch of pple.