Anyone going to bring a server out


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
We've gained 1 member :D

That's it, My work here is done.


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 8, 2009
Newcastle Upon Tyne

best server out, and always will be

as for this so called euro server, give it 1 month before its done for, as always

I Will agree what Ben says on this one, there will be so much going on for gms to handle and moans and groans, then it will be classes are not balanced, then Gm end up being currupt given friends from mir or close friends that blaintly live around the corner from them irl, or a mir life buddie from euro mir beta, all the exp and money and items.

tbh i don't think it will work. my opinion.

and with it not being official its going to be a money box game (hence yes its free to play but if you want you can buy this n that from potcash) aka usa mir ....
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Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
That's it Prai, spam their crummy facebook group with our link!! How dare they. 615 members!
I've already been using the group to advertise us ;)

---------- Post added at 12:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------

In regards this server, the plan is to have it pretty much as standard as 2.3 euro.

Nothing custom added, but I'd have thought there may be things added in the future (Or it will die imo).

I have been helping Chris as he's a good mate of mine. It may work and last a while, or it may die after just a couple of months. Either way, fair play to them for trying.


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 8, 2009
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I've already been using the group to advertise us ;)

---------- Post added at 12:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------

In regards this server, the plan is to have it pretty much as standard as 2.3 euro.

Nothing custom added, but I'd have thought there may be things added in the future (Or it will die imo).

I have been helping Chris as he's a good mate of mine. It may work and last a while, or it may die after just a couple of months. Either way, fair play to them for trying.

Oh yes of course, anyone that attempts to make a server (even if its sh!t or in a rumble tumble) you still have to give them credit for keeping mir going. and the public.
Tbh we could do with most from fb lot to come back to private server also.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
It'll fail for a few reasons

They are trying to make a copy of a 2.3 server, with TDs files you said? which are out dated, and unbalanced, so thats 1 reason it will fail.. its advertising that its a euroy copy - but it wont be... it'll be a buggy / unbalanced version.

You're all saying it has 612 members and that its usercount is going to be that big (which it wont), and if that is the case, the files wont hold together if the usercount goes ne where over 300... OS used to lag hard when it hit around 200+, just because the files aint coded very well. And there wont be 612 users either lol it will be like 100 tops, half the ppl that have been joined to that grp have never played mir, or have complete quit, me being 1 example thats a member but wont play.

Another reason, you say oh ye woopie doo they wont have donations etc, they will eventually or it will close down. Few reasons bein the 1 above, it will start to lag, ppl will want a better dedi, ppl will offer money to pay for this dedi.. etc etc. Or a GM will be offered a stupid amount for a rare, eg some mir sword or sowg, who knows and thus begins the ball rolling on "secret deals".

Its meant to be a euro copy, but we've seen time and time again that euro copys do not work, the drop rates do not work for a low user count community (even if its in the 300+). Boss's spawning every 3hours will become boring, lack of drops will become boring, etc etc.

Not only that, these are 1st timers running the server? Its not easy 2 do, and they will most likely mess up with new content, or drop files, or an npc, or something like that, and it'll all come crashing down.

I mean i wish them the best of luck, its good that they are trying to revive mir for the old timers that are stuck in the past, as mir is quite a good game (well it at least offers something most other games dont). Just have to see how it goes

I know some1s goin to reply with dont be jealous or w/e, but dont bother as i rly dont care, this is me talkin as an individual thats had more than enuff experience running servers.
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Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2003
Ya Mums
There are people from lomcn backing this and helping in background ben so they have experience. Besides wasnt your greatest server your first one (well once u converted it to 2.3 from 1.4), al give em a shot just because it will be a laugh to meet up with people who I havnt played with for years.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Dont take this the wrong way, but name 1 person from lomcn that is helping in "the background" that has experience running a 100+ usercount, successful server?

as far as im aware, there isnt many of them.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 26, 2003
Dont take this the wrong way, but name 1 person from lomcn that is helping in "the background" that has experience running a 100+ usercount, successful server?

as far as im aware, there isnt many of them.

if it had 50users with no donations it would be successful...donations ruin mir its as simple as that


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
To be honest, I don't think they are even aiming for a massive usero**** and I don't see anyone sayingf that all 600+ members will play?

They said how they missed mir, so they agreed to put a server online for a few of them to play. More people have shown an interest since and it's just snowballed from there.

I expect some to logon, play for a few days and never bother again, and I expect some players will geek it, and play 24/7. Either way I see the server been put up more for the "fun" of things rather than anything too serious.


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
They're aiming to create an exact copy of Euro mir, with that ever so slight increase on drops here and there. I'm not sure if they are already but i heard the servers going on a Dedi, so i assume they're taken this as serious as any other server owner.

Good luck to them i guess. Baffles me to why people use 2.3 still :P


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 26, 2003
They're aiming to create an exact copy of Euro mir, with that ever so slight increase on drops here and there. I'm not sure if they are already but i heard the servers going on a Dedi, so i assume they're taken this as serious as any other server owner.

Good luck to them i guess. Baffles me to why people use 2.3 still :P

i hear its easier to detect cheats on 2.3? but i think their using it cause its simple and near rdy for what they want to do...a dedi has already been ordered and should more than likely be set up tonight so it is been taken serious there hoping for a thursday/friday to go live and if it hits 50+ users it will grow.... eventually theres going to have to be new content added like every game imagine if euro was up now it would have alot more caves ect


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 10, 2011
ITV 9.25am
al give em a shot just because it will be a laugh to meet up with people who I havnt played with for years.

This is exactly why I'll be playing. Theres alot of people I have kept in touch with who havent played mir for 5+ years and they are gonna play this.
If its destined to fail, it'll be a laugh along the way and good to catch up with people.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 1, 2009
People want a stable server, no donations and no **** like on USA mir - if they can pull it off it will be good 50+ users is enough but the more the better!


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
be interesting to see how the deal with all the cheats TDs files have, not to mention the exploits

People want a stable server, no donations and no **** like on USA mir - if they can pull it off it will be good 50+ users is enough but the more the better!
its greedy to even wanan ask for such a thing, why should the server admin dedicate a lot of his own time to workin on the server, but pay for it as well?

ppl that want stuff for free are bums that need to realize this is the real world, and nothing is free


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2003
Ya Mums
be interesting to see how the deal with all the cheats TDs files have, not to mention the exploits

its greedy to even wanan ask for such a thing, why should the server admin dedicate a lot of his own time to workin on the server, but pay for it as well?

ppl that want stuff for free are bums that need to realize this is the real world, and nothing is free
You can also say people who make a server just to get cash are bums.... There are cheats in all files and they know the exploits already and have removed them.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 22, 2011
It seems people are happy to donate towards the dedi costs BECAUSE they know its free to play and theres no donations for items. People respect that chris cant be expected to pay everything himself aswell as running the server
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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
out of interest who is this chris person, what were his characs on euro for example?