
  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Jan 10, 2009
Hi, I logged in & made a char to have a look around. I ran to Bichon wall but nobody was there & hardly any npc's such as storage & auction npc? wheres the main town everybody hangs out at please?

Arcadia. You will be able to go there after lvl 35, meanwhile you've to make quest in the little town you start.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2009
Can anyone please tell me how you get to Hiddenlands? I am lvl 47 and not sure where to level and I hear HiddenLands is the place to try.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 9, 2011
lol how can you level on this server from level 1 becuase the field of view is god dam silly try and kill one mob then you get 10-16 after you


LOMCN n00bie
Jun 26, 2013
When id archer coming out on this server, or which other server will be having archer anyone know?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 14, 2013
Meh I'm not arguing with you if you can't play mir stop moaning and go play pokemon or something with less buttons.

Some of the updates that I recorded:
Castle wars translated and reconfigured 8pm 2hours
A.Speed should now go up to 16
Arcamon food now goes up to level 40
Done a lot of stability work
The weapon luck system has been revamped and changed to critical hit % - each % is 1in100 chance to hit max damage
Fixed monster item drop issue
Fixed some more quests
Fixed fencing skills to level up
Terror Temple fully updated
Trust Merchant added in Arcadia town, please do not expect too much of it yet as it still needs a lot of work and use at own risk
SoulFireball revised
Thunderbolt revised
Thunderstorm revised
IceStorm revised
FlameDisruptor revised
EtherealBlades revised
Vampirism revised
Right/Left Guards weakened
KingScorpion fixed
DarkDevil weakened
Shelob fixed
Experience gems upgraded
Taming has been made easier
TwinDragonBlade fixed
Traphexagon fixed
Healing + Mass healing upgraded
FurtherFencing, AdvancedFencing and SamuraiTraining fixed
Modification to quest systems so that hopefully you will share kills from all bosses (remember you must be on the same screen as the eventual boss killer)
Some performance changes to help with server load as it is obviously struggling at the moment!
Added more code to help find errors
Fixed all known quest issues let me know if there are any more
Fixed thrusting 1 hit kills/some other skill fixes more to come tomorrow
Fixed shinsu 1 hit kills
Shortened pets attack range so they don't go off gallivanting
Added more pet food to drops

Scorpian i'd love to here your opinion on the disruptive changes you have done to your game recently. Your silence on facebook & your own forum is so frustrating please speak to your player's instead of giving them the blank.


- Recently gold drops have been revoked from groups, no incentive for group play only solo - why?

_ Since halloween event the market has been over-inflated with lvl 100+ items which people still cannot sell. The drop rate was just too high Prices have just over halfed for these items. There isn't enough currency in-game to substantiate this change, how can you rectify? Start with the above- the largest guilds in game group hunt, that's dwindling now because of no gold dropping anymore in groups.

- There is no guide of implementations to game, or a structured breakdown of the games features. Why? It seems ludicruous to go to so much effort to make a great private server like this with no guide for new and old players alike? This would dramatically improve player base education of the game & allow more player's to understand what the game offers. For new players this game is frustrating, if you have played mir before you have a headstart. What if you have not played mir before?

Finally talk to the community you have on this game- if you continue ignoring player's questions/queries it's just going to head down the same route as project 69. Let Arcadia be more than that -

