Zircon Ben's Mir3 - Discussion

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Pzia GM probably need to update that document on that part, Bio isn't needed in refining Most if not all players refine using supieror quality fodder items following a simple formula and the weapons tend to turn out 12-15, resets are 1m on here but no stats carry over.

Always use 3 supieror items then its 5 rush refines 5 30-mins 5 1-hour refines. (You can do longer refine duration and it does improve the odds but most use this or stick to rush all way through).

Also about bosses its not that bad yes the current endgame bosses sometimes have PVP/PK at them normally English Vs Chinese but you can spawn any boss even the endgame ones without a global message apearing for everyone by killing 1000 monsters this allows smaller or less pvp orientated guilds to gear up almost a 100% risk free.


LOMCN Member
May 17, 2021
But i went to the refine npc and it asked for 5 bio like it normally does so I dont really get what you mean.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
But i went to the refine npc and it asked for 5 bio like it normally does so I dont really get what you mean.
it asks for bio but you don't actually need to put bio into the slots to refine you can just use accessories which is what most if not all players do. Just put 3 superior accessories into the slot pick rush from drop down and hit refine button then collect weapon 1 min later rince and repeat.
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Jan 10, 2015
Just spent the best part of 48 hours mining bio in the mine, and got none...that is some insane drop rates. please correct me if im doing something wrong, i read the docs and followed it precisely. to have all the other ores in my bag but no bio after 48 hours hours of pure mining makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, i actually like the server but i cannot play a server if its that hard to refine a bloody weapon lol.
it is really very easy to refine weapons, there is a fully document in game client to show you how to do weapon refine
if you put the right items, you can up to 100% success rate
i tested, the black iron is very easy to mine
maybe you can ask other players how they refine weapons
have a good time


LOMCN Member
May 17, 2021
didnt get any bio when i did it so im lost on how you "tested" it, ill try vyzes idea and see if that works. One thing i did want to ask though is when should you master refine?


LOMCN Member
May 17, 2021
really had enough of olymp now, but not getting to grips with the targeting system on my tao compared to wiz on here...=/ decent server though. MY tao spells just constantly miss all the time even though my reticule shows up on screen its wierd....pretty much gave up on my tao now so i will main my wiz on here. Its shame because i love playing my tao always have done.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
So I started this server back at the start of the season and I'll be honest the PVE back then is great nicely balanced however the attitude of the GM and sheer ignorance to even acknowledge major issues in PVP and the newer PVE content was enough for me to walk away from the server as did a fair few other players today after the War.

What issue you might ask?

Take Sabuk: the lord spawns in the center and because the guild challenging couldn't win they try to expliot by luring Sabuk lord to the Safe zone. They didn't win it but this is a pretty big flaw one that is easily fixed by making sabuk lord work like Phophet Sama and Slave Sama if you move Slave X feet away from Sama it respawns in the middle. Just make a Flag spawn in middle with sabuk lord with that mechanic and its fixed.

Next is Para Ring on casters more Shamans/Wizards than anyone else 2 shamans can hold off a full party by spaming tempest on the other side of doors and all around on the floor its impossible for anyone to get close to them because of that but it gets worse Shamans have multiple 15 second spells that can Crit and 1 shot a max level fully geared with advantage warrior.

But you talk to GM about this and all you get off GM when you try to tell him off issues is Smily face or Hahaha followed by nothing will change during a season in pvp, or each class has its own strengths and weaknesses. (yeah most do shaman doesn't and para on casters wrecks pvp balance)

Then there is the new equipment and dungeons where items don't drop instead what you have to do is complete dailys killing bosses designed for fully gear and upgraded groups of 5+ to earn this currency. Then you need to farm either a 2nd set of RB1 stuff to use as sacrificial fodder or destory you upgraded items for the rb 2 stuff which is a whole 1-3 sc/mc/dc better on the base stats you then have to rince and repeat for tier 3 and tier 4. (Talking Months of work on a server that resets every 6 months for such minor gain)

Theres other issues like asking gm when is the expansion and him always responding with 3 days, or him Hyping up all these new feature none of which probably work because there still not ingame, lastly is this big expansion he kept hyping up amounted to 1 dungeon that was poorly designed and all these new higher tier items basically being copy pasted stats +1-3 sc/mc/dc no AC/MR none of these Legendary weapons with unique skills like he promised. He's like Zed in that reguard promises the world then fails to deliver on time or how it was hyped up.

Though from all accounts Zed did get his act together and introduce all the features he promised so fair play to him hopefully Ben gets his act together and addresses all these issues in future if he does who knows if myself and other would give server another shot in future.
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
But you talk to GM about this and all you get off GM when you try to tell him off issues is Smily face or Hahaha followed by nothing will change during a season in pvp, or each class has its own strengths and weaknesses. (yeah most do shaman doesn't and para on casters wrecks pvp balance)
Theres other issues like asking gm when is the expansion and him always responding with 3 days, or him Hyping up all these new feature none of which probably work because there still not ingame, lastly is this big expansion he kept hyping up amounted to 1 dungeon that was poorly designed and all these new higher tier items basically being copy pasted stats +1-3 sc/mc/dc no AC/MR none of these Legendary weapons with unique skills like he promised. He's like Zed in that reguard promises the world then fails to deliver on time or how it was hyped up.

Though from all accounts Zed did get his act together and introduce all the features he promised so fair play to him hopefully Ben gets his act together and addresses all these issues in future if he does who knows if myself and other would give server another shot in future.

You are too sensitive and struggle to much to put feedback for a server that is seasonal. But i guess they should exist for the casuals, although most servers (including mine) has catch up mechanics up to a certain level.

Also thanks for the kind words, zenx is 2years and 4 months old :eek:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
@zedina Aye when I find a server I like I get invested in it being successful because it means it will be active and have good largescale PVP but usually there is some overpowering flaw with PVP that makes 1 class extremely broken.

Typically its Dance of Swallows not being given a reasonable cooldown which makes Assassin over powered but before Assassins existed it was Tempest/firewall and this is before Ben made the areas larger and Jamie coded Para to effect ranged casters spells. I bet you can imagen the SS that PVP is with basically double para chance on a ranged class that out burst damages Assassins with AOE spells.

Anyway I've uninstalled now and left servers discord if GM gets his act together maybe I'll try again next season if other are but after todays war about 5-8 of us left from the largest english guild and from what mates said a lot of chinese also left which I can only assume is because PVP will die out now we left due to GMs refusal to address issues brought up by players wouldn't mind Zed but most of the people who complained about para are the shamans themselves.

Anyway IMO No mir is better than bad Mir gunna go play some Hearthstone BG well I wait for Mir4.


LOMCN Member
May 17, 2021
A bad server is better and will be better that is the calamity of mir 4....but i digress. Its interesting to see the same individual who tried his best to get me to try bens server only to be saying some bad things about only weeks later.....but these problems are quite bigger compared to my gripes however im glad i stopped with my issues with it to spend all that time to see the issues you have spoke of....


Loved your server for a bit but it soon become clear that with the server going for so long 2 years + as you so put it, that a new player starting actually finds it really hard to get going, yes you have catchup mechanics but you have added a lot of stuff on your server that is not known to a new player unless someone tells him about it.
Take myself for example i was plodding along on your server and realised a lot of your tweaks were unknown, i was lucky that a friendly player was around at the time to explain a few things.....but not everything, i think it would be good to create a doc manual or something simlar to imform new players of everything that has been added and how to use them, if that was added i think I would return now bens and olymp is no longer playable.


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005

Loved your server for a bit but it soon become clear that with the server going for so long 2 years + as you so put it, that a new player starting actually finds it really hard to get going, yes you have catchup mechanics but you have added a lot of stuff on your server that is not known to a new player unless someone tells him about it.
Take myself for example i was plodding along on your server and realised a lot of your tweaks were unknown, i was lucky that a friendly player was around at the time to explain a few things.....but not everything, i think it would be good to create a doc manual or something simlar to imform new players of everything that has been added and how to use them, if that was added i think I would return now bens and olymp is no longer playable.

Feel free to pm me on discord and let's talk about what you found/ecountered to be difficult to discover.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2004
Hi how to run mir 2/3 in windows 10 pro 64 bit? any tips?


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 13, 2013
have you changed the movement speed from what zircon was? it feels some what slow feel abit wired.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2004
Do ppl with lvl 70 +- still exp in Minos ? Wonder if there are some good easy exp caves?