Cheats and LOMCN

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Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Hello LOMCN members

This announcement has been made to inform ALL members (and staff) that ANY posting or linking to cheats of any kind for any server will see your account banned

I understand that members playing Mir2 USA are angry at the fact that the Chinese are cheating, this is still not a reason to use cheats
If you think you have seen someone cheating on Mir2 USA send a screenshot and email to Gamepot

On a side not to this I know for a fact that WEMADE are working on a new anti cheat system for all their online games

LOMCN DOES NOT WANT users which participate in DoSing/cheating/scamming or otherwise disrupting any on-line server/user in any shape of form.
LOMCN reserves the right to remove users which merely threaten the operation of on-line servers.

LOMCN has always and will always ban users for cheats (using or linking to)
This forum has always been against cheats of any kind

I hope you understand the reasons for this

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