Crusade V2 Online 5/7/06

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 28, 2005
yesh i have a rl aswell thts why i get lb to take over to level me
because im usually spending time with my gf.

EvilGoku's Leveling Services.

1 lvl = 20 mill
2 lvl's = 40 mill
3 lvl's = 65 mill
4 lvl's = 90 mill
5 lvl's = 120 mill

pm me ingame you pay half before we go and the other half when done.


clip = nubb.

does this server keep crashing because i always lagg out...
happend like 2-3 times today.
Last edited:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 10, 2004
yesh i have a rl aswell thts why i get lb to take over to level me
because im usually spending time with my gf.

EvilGoku's Leveling Services.

1 lvl = 20 mill
2 lvl's = 40 mill
3 lvl's = 65 mill
4 lvl's = 90 mill
5 lvl's = 120 mill

pm me ingame you pay half before we go and the other half when done.


clip = nubb.

does this server keep crashing because i always lagg out...
happend like 2-3 times today.

no server on 8meg conns should lagg atall,
running ok had full shut down at 6ish last night,


Mar 14, 2006
Southampton UK
on previous page i said that there will be a new cave going in tonight, here are the maps again incase you missed them update22806.rar

bit of info, you will be able to tele into the cave from the tele guy in the hz, there is a lvl 100 restriction to get in to the entrance, the cave will get harder and harder the further you get in, there are 2 bosses in the cave but they are far in and you will need to be quite high in lvl to be able to survive the mobs in those areas, access to the best items ingame also, so might be worth lvlin up and getting in there to kill the bosses ><, will be a reboot later tonight to implement this when you get in the cave you will know where you are ..... wont say any more but enjoy



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 28, 2005
yeah it was my end sorry about that.
what are these game scrolls used for ... are they of any use or shud i just chuck them away??



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 10, 2004
yeah it was my end sorry about that.
what are these game scrolls used for ... are they of any use or shud i just chuck them away??


gamescrolls are a scroll which means they may have a use?

have a think what game scroll could be and what you may gain from it.

also with a scroll you click them in some cases


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Nov 3, 2005
ok so far so good with my comp reinstalled windows but that was not problem so far i think it problem with processor over heating.. put some more of that cooling thing on it lol and havent shut down in bout 2 hours so far so good.. be in game in a min so hope u all aint missed me lol


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 10, 2004
i have submited a relic for smugglerwall to see if i can take it you guys are welcome to come and fight aswell might be funn plus good testing point.

cya tonight


LOMCN Member
May 28, 2005
North East (Brotton,Redcar)
hey all me again just letting you no that i may not be back on friday but i may be if not it will be ina few month as ive no cash at all too pay my net bill lol >< if any millionares are willing to send me any ill gladly accept :P lol

just gotta moan at my dad on friday to get him to pay lol hope it works as im really missing playing server -_- just hope everything is going on well and you lot aint pissing wannaB off cos if ppl piss someone off alot they take server down cos they just cant be assed hosting anymore :P as thats what happed with it befor -_-

anyways peeps takecares and i shloud cyas all soon (Y)

Clip hope your lvling ^^ :P lol



LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Nov 3, 2005
hey all me again just letting you no that i may not be back on friday but i may be if not it will be ina few month as ive no cash at all too pay my net bill lol >< if any millionares are willing to send me any ill gladly accept :P lol

just gotta moan at my dad on friday to get him to pay lol hope it works as im really missing playing server -_- just hope everything is going on well and you lot aint pissing wannaB off cos if ppl piss someone off alot they take server down cos they just cant be assed hosting anymore :P as thats what happed with it befor -_-

anyways peeps takecares and i shloud cyas all soon (Y)

Clip hope your lvling ^^ :P lol


u 198 last i seen i think so rebirth soon for u lol


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 14, 2005
This may just be early morning ramblings but here my current suggestions for server in its present state.

*Vapourise needs to become SC based.

*AC/AMC needs balancing e.g Warrs should have more ac than amc, taos mixture of both, wiz more amc than ac. (E.g set a stat max for a kit say 500, split that between AC/AMC so that Warr gets 350ac 150amc, tao gets 250ac 250amc, wiz gets 150ac 350amc)

*Wiz new skill either Flamefield (may not be necessary as we can kill ppl ne ways) or WindThrust(Thrusting) seems as only thing that can kill me at the moment is a warr's para n thrust.

*To balance wiz having a warr skill maybe make Paraball do some decent ranged damage.

*I've not seen rebirth kits yet so I dont know current stats but maybe add pvp stats to them as thats where then fun is @ that stage in the game. e.g Warr Kit have 30% M.Evasion split over entire Rebirth set, Taos have 15% M.Evasion 15% P.Evasion over entire Rebirth set, Wiz have 30% P.Evasion split over entire kit (im assuming P.Evasion will evade para?) this should be a balanced solution to making rebirth worth while.

*If above is introduced Rebirth sets need to be locked to each class unsure how this could be done but typically done via weight limits. (Due to rebirth players having a new pet, Wiz/Tao no longer need Warr kit for clone/slave).

Hope some of this rambling is usefull any comments muchly appreciated.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 10, 2004
This may just be early morning ramblings but here my current suggestions for server in its present state.

*Vapourise needs to become SC based.

*AC/AMC needs balancing e.g Warrs should have more ac than amc, taos mixture of both, wiz more amc than ac. (E.g set a stat max for a kit say 500, split that between AC/AMC so that Warr gets 350ac 150amc, tao gets 250ac 250amc, wiz gets 150ac 350amc)

*Wiz new skill either Flamefield (may not be necessary as we can kill ppl ne ways) or WindThrust(Thrusting) seems as only thing that can kill me at the moment is a warr's para n thrust.

*To balance wiz having a warr skill maybe make Paraball do some decent ranged damage.

*I've not seen rebirth kits yet so I dont know current stats but maybe add pvp stats to them as thats where then fun is @ that stage in the game. e.g Warr Kit have 30% M.Evasion split over entire Rebirth set, Taos have 15% M.Evasion 15% P.Evasion over entire Rebirth set, Wiz have 30% P.Evasion split over entire kit (im assuming P.Evasion will evade para?) this should be a balanced solution to making rebirth worth while.

*If above is introduced Rebirth sets need to be locked to each class unsure how this could be done but typically done via weight limits. (Due to rebirth players having a new pet, Wiz/Tao no longer need Warr kit for clone/slave).

Hope some of this rambling is usefull any comments muchly appreciated.


*Vapourise needs to become SC based.
this is being looked into same as it was on crusade one not sure if this can be done but as i have said several times its being looked into.

*AC/AMC needs balancing e.g Warrs should have more ac than amc, taos mixture of both, wiz more amc than ac. (E.g set a stat max for a kit say 500, split that between AC/AMC so that Warr gets 350ac 150amc, tao gets 250ac 250amc, wiz gets 150ac 350amc)

this is also being looked into and is going to take some time.

*Wiz new skill either Flamefield (may not be necessary as we can kill ppl ne ways) or WindThrust(Thrusting) seems as only thing that can kill me at the moment is a warr's para n thrust.

have thought about wizz have new skills and at present there is not one
reason for this is becasue wizz can out lvl anyclass at present so introduceing say flamefeild on mass attack at high damage would kill the server quicker so soz wizz.

*To balance wiz having a warr skill maybe make Paraball do some decent ranged damage.

well we have already introduced a tao an war skill to try and ballance out lvling etc.

*I've not seen rebirth kits yet so I dont know current stats but maybe add pvp stats to them as thats where then fun is @ that stage in the game. e.g Warr Kit have 30% M.Evasion split over entire Rebirth set, Taos have 15% M.Evasion 15% P.Evasion over entire Rebirth set, Wiz have 30% P.Evasion split over entire kit (im assuming P.Evasion will evade para?) this should be a balanced solution to making rebirth worth while.

*If above is introduced Rebirth sets need to be locked to each class unsure how this could be done but typically done via weight limits. (Due to rebirth players having a new pet, Wiz/Tao no longer need Warr kit for clone/slave).

you might have something here will wait to see what koni thinks about it,

other than that all suggestion are welcome as i have always said but most we are awear of but just havent got around to sorting them out or we are currently working on a coupple of projects at a time which are very anouying.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 28, 2005
are random tele's gettin banned??
as we were owning rebellion with them they said they are gettin taken out of the game.

/evilgoku :eek:


Mar 14, 2006
Southampton UK
not as far as iam aware, but if ppl are using them to grief someone ie, tele out of war area to give someone pk points then ile simply ban accounts :mooned:


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Nov 3, 2005
not as far as iam aware, but if ppl are using them to grief someone ie, tele out of war area to give someone pk points then ile simply ban accounts :mooned:

no he is on about in SW room when some1 is para they can just use RT to move round the room and it also can help when u have SW and last few mins left just RT around the room so no1 can hit u... think bout disabling them in the SW room
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