Do you think a Server with.... is better than....?


Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2015
Lul what a noob, you had to pay monthly after level 22 or 20 cant remember on euro.


Dec 10, 2003
Todmorden, West Yorkshire
I use to be more against GameShops/Donations back when less people used dedicated servers as it cost nothing to run it, usually it was run on a spare PC someone had, but next to nobody runs them on a home PC now.

That being said, the cost of the dedi's aren't as much as some other games.
And from my point of view, now after developing for another game before, I wouldn't want to waste my own free time and get moaned at by players without getting something in return.

There has been and always will be, servers coming up to make a quick buck, that will never stop, usually you can tell those apart within the first week of being online.

What I think of a successful server is, longevity and a more balanced server towards the non-paying players and the paying players, there will always be that gap but if a server/game is done right, there should never be that much difference between the two.
Prior to working with the Affinity team, when I was developing for another game, I tried my best to give the free players just as much as the paying players, everything that was in the cash shop was accessible some way or other without paying (minus the cosmetic stuff which holds no true meaning other than looking 'cool'), you can't really do that with Mir however so it's a difficult one to tackle in those terms.


Dec 6, 2013
I say it's best to follow what the official Korean server is doing as it has been studied from all sides what the best option is


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
If your going to do subscription, I'd recommend a monthly package of GameGold and the odd exp/drop pots etc.

There's a lot of casual players, myself included, and taking any feature away from us will deter me from playing.


Feb 21, 2013
I agree that those who run server need to be paid to be able to put up with the demands and bitching from us players. :gorilla:

Also like the current setups where you can buy in GS for rl $ or gg as it keeps the wolf fed and us cheap sheep still be able to have a run on the pasture for free. But agree that GS shouldn't be overpriced (and of course not key to game or gamebreaking), to give folks feeling they are getting their buck's worth and spend more that way.

I'd think subscription is a no go, except maybe for somebody with big reputation, as one example, if those who run Chronicles (and maybe few other such examples) made another server with subscription, maybe they'd get away with it. But on second thought doubt that very much.

BTW I think Gamepot mir you could play free to lev7 all three chars, but you couldn't log on chars lev8 and up. Orig euro was probably pay from start and I recall being told (and I belive that) Phoenix server with some 50 paid accts was carried along, not making profits, maybe even some loss. I remember paying some $15 Cad, in later yrs even $18? which was like some 10+ maybe 12 GBP? Dragon server used to have some 200 - 250 accts, in early yrs some 400+? And I think Gamepot in ~ 2009 started with 700 - 1000+ (was it single server or two?). But even in those days company had to run several games to spread the cost of staff and dedis and make some profit.