DRAGON Chronicle - 2.3+

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
Rather not highjack this topic.. rz and 2.3 , hmmmmmmmm hehehe.. ill just wait and see what the future holds.. but anyways to keep back on topic... FIX YOUR BUGS :)

Jesus LOL

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 1, 2006
go make a 2.3 server so i can play noob lol

this is the 2nd wipe and 3rd restart,

Spells are fkd up - only spell thats broken is TDB, and it's being wrked on
Doors are not accessible even to the 1.5 doors like BDD/MTKr - they been fixed...

Mob stats are fkd up, - all been fixed...

Maybe they should of properly tested rather than just put it up to waste ppl's times.

After the 1st wipe they said there will be no future wipes, wats to say in another month there will be another wipe? ull only get new players, older players will just leave, ur refreshin ur players but soon all the new players wont come.

. .


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 11, 2004
N. Ireland
Mob stats been fixed? so u can a web+ghoul in BDD hitting u when being stormed by 3 ppl?

there is too many to name

BDD+MTK doors were only fixed when xmas event was implemented, 2 hours later server is "apparently" Dos'd

OK we will do thing's euro's way and how it should of been done from the start, the server will not be online until we fix everything and are happy with how it's running on performance.
We will keep you posted on how far we are progressing.

this is a quote from DC forums.