Dragon Chronicle Closed?

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Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Nov 13, 2003
DO IT! Anything better than the code on SVN is always going to be welcome ;)


LOMCN Leecher
Dec 19, 2006
what i dont get why was there like posts like ooo were've just bought a line to put the accounts on so u can make ur accounts in ur webbrowser to corrisponde with ur ingame account then out of no were just scrap everything together oh well


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 15, 2006
Well lets be honest ... DC was an absolute ****up.
They had amazing Coders .. but the Team that did the setup of the server and tweaking (GMD) was an absolute retard ...
Youve got amazing code going on ... Nick practically fixing things "for the fun of it" and coding because he enjoys it .. Its not even work to him .. PCN/Cheeky or w/e just fixing things quickly on request. Code going on like mad ... then youve got GMDragon who can't even setup a fking dedicated box to run the files correctly.

IMO - DC was a euro Clone ... just release the entirety of the code .. was that not the original goal of the DM2 files and the LOMCN project???

Release everything , all the code , and at least then the DC team will be remembered as the people who completed / wrapped up the DM2/Lomcn project ... rather than the ****ers who wasted 3months of everyones time.

Just my 2 cents .. and OMG i soooo knew this would happen .. that was the most idiotic server team EVERRRRR ...

Coders = 10/10
Everyone else just didnt have General competance.

I agree with you 100%.

GMD never did anything good for the server, apart from slow down the process of it actually being a successful server.

I hope the rest of the server team have learnt from this.


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
ALL of the people who have posted say "its crap" "The GMs are rubbish" have no idea what it takes to run a server
The money involved getting a host machine
The time spent working on the server
The money spent getting web hosting and a VB Board
The time spent setting up everything and planning it all

Then you get posts like "whens it up" ,"this is crap" ,"I want to play now", "why is this not working"
A long list of stupid PMs and e-mails
MSN getting overrun with questions

Until any of you have hosted a server you have no right to commit on a server team and its members

The DC Team is a great team ALL OF THEM, as is any server team who spend there own money so that all of you can play mir for FREE

From this post on any crap about any server teams being "crap" or "rubbish" will result in a warning for abuse



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
If any of the development team is interested in helping an new-ish team just started out with some famous names on this forum then please contact me.

We have fully dedicated Europe 100meg hosting with a vbull licence, a design unit, data mapping team and consultancy. Our current team are also eager to learn and willing to adapt... we've got a lot of great ideas and currently only myself and one other are working on the programming side, having only programmed with VB and C++ the transition is slow - would be great to have a competent coder on the team.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 15, 2006
If any of the development team is interested in helping an new-ish team just started out with some famous names on this forum then please contact me.

We have fully dedicated Europe 100meg hosting with a vbull licence, a design unit, data mapping team and consultancy. Our current team are also eager to learn and willing to adapt... we've got a lot of great ideas and currently only myself and one other are working on the programming side, having only programmed with VB and C++ the transition is slow - would be great to have a competent coder on the team.

I never did like you Sawell, but you know exactly what you're doing and would make a great server. Hopefully you can get a team together.

Good luck.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 15, 2006
ALL of the people who have posted say "its crap" "The GMs are rubbish" have no idea what it takes to run a server
The money involved getting a host machine
The time spent working on the server
The money spent getting web hosting and a VB Board
The time spent setting up everything and planning it all

Then you get posts like "whens it up" ,"this is crap" ,"I want to play now", "why is this not working"
A long list of stupid PMs and e-mails
MSN getting overrun with questions

Until any of you have hosted a server you have no right to commit on a server team and its members

The DC Team is a great team ALL OF THEM, as is any server team who spend there own money so that all of you can play mir for FREE

From this post on any crap about any server teams being "crap" or "rubbish" will result in a warning for abuse


Sorry , but anyone who tells me to "Wait" for 2months ... then disintegrates the project without even announcing it on the forum .. but has time to put up some stupid 404 and Jack Black song .. is IMO the result of an absolute idiot.

You can setup a Mir server with a decent spare PC on most broadband connections as long as the server team has General Competance.

What was lacked here is not skilled coders , nor is it decent PC / Conn .. its the general competance of the project leader.. he has none.


And if all the DC team was great .. why was 1 kicked off from the start by saying he had paid for the server hosting when he clearly hadnt.
Then another kicked off for deleting and banning the entire forum.
Let's face it ... being well known and havign a great personality does nto cut it once a workload gets put infront of you.
The DC Server tea obviously had some crappy/rubbish people involved .. or it would have been a successful Server ... not a Page 404.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 15, 2006
If you've got time to post **** like that .. you've got time to explain what happened and why DC has been disintegrated???


Edited by BH
This is not the place to post a server ad
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Pantie Sniffer!
Oct 20, 2003
Only some one like you can assume that we have disintegrated keep your opinion to yourself, in the end we shall see who looks like a complete tit. :punch:

lol that servers ad won't be allowed becuase of the files its using.
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
ALL of the people who have posted say "its crap" "The GMs are rubbish" have no idea what it takes to run a server
The money involved getting a host machine
The time spent working on the server
The money spent getting web hosting and a VB Board
The time spent setting up everything and planning it all

Then you get posts like "whens it up" ,"this is crap" ,"I want to play now", "why is this not working"
A long list of stupid PMs and e-mails
MSN getting overrun with questions

Until any of you have hosted a server you have no right to commit on a server team and its members

The DC Team is a great team ALL OF THEM, as is any server team who spend there own money so that all of you can play mir for FREE

From this post on any crap about any server teams being "crap" or "rubbish" will result in a warning for abuse


Agreed with everything you've said.

Crawford, honestly mate, shutup. Your doing nothing for yourself.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Oct 26, 2006
ALL of the people who have posted say "its crap" "The GMs are rubbish" have no idea what it takes to run a server
The money involved getting a host machine
The time spent working on the server
The money spent getting web hosting and a VB Board
The time spent setting up everything and planning it all

Then you get posts like "whens it up" ,"this is crap" ,"I want to play now", "why is this not working"
A long list of stupid PMs and e-mails
MSN getting overrun with questions

Until any of you have hosted a server you have no right to commit on a server team and its members

The DC Team is a great team ALL OF THEM, as is any server team who spend there own money so that all of you can play mir for FREE

From this post on any crap about any server teams being "crap" or "rubbish" will result in a warning for abuse


I second that, Xander, keep the money I gev ya, you really deserve it

Crawford :mooned:
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LOMCN Developer
Mar 26, 2003
xander change the song on site to 'queen-another one bites the dust' much more apropriate (hope i spelled that wrong but somehow i doubt it :p)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 15, 2006
lol honestly I'm shocked ... Surely when you made the promises about DC that you did ... you must expect people arent gunna be too impressed with the outcome.

In the end I suppose you accomplished a couple of things :

1stly an amazing waste of money on a dedi box for 3months .. Congratulations - idiot.
2ndly taking developers of the files away from actually dedicated server teams - idiot.
3rdly you did however probably make other server teams speed up their 2.3 file development. so a tiny clap.

Overall .. the persons time you wasted the most was probably your own.
Plus everyone gets to call you a failure .. thats probably the biggest PLUS :D

And GREAT if someone else completes the DC Files ... I'd be over the moon if someone took over from an idiot and actually knew what they were doing, then went on to make a decent server.

And will people stop using "why dont you setup a server then , why dont you do this and why dont you do that" as an excuse. I'm not in a position to commit time to making a server - so I wont waste players times and other peoples by "hoping" that somehow I can deal with the situation.
Certain DC team members (definately not all of them) should try taking this stance for a change.

P.S : *Clap* for TD ... You were right in the end. lol. Had a feeling you would be.


Pantie Sniffer!
Oct 20, 2003
lol honestly I'm shocked ... Surely when you made the promises about DC that you did ... you must expect people arent gunna be too impressed with the outcome.

In the end I suppose you accomplished a couple of things :

1stly an amazing waste of money on a dedi box for 3months .. Congratulations - idiot.
2ndly taking developers of the files away from actually dedicated server teams - idiot.
3rdly you did however probably make other server teams speed up their 2.3 file development. so a tiny clap.

Overall .. the persons time you wasted the most was probably your own.
Plus everyone gets to call you a failure .. thats probably the biggest PLUS :D

And GREAT if someone else completes the DC Files ... I'd be over the moon if someone took over from an idiot and actually knew what they were doing, then went on to make a decent server.

And will people stop using "why dont you setup a server then , why dont you do this and why dont you do that" as an excuse. I'm not in a position to commit time to making a server - so I wont waste players times and other peoples by "hoping" that somehow I can deal with the situation.
Certain DC team members (definately not all of them) should try taking this stance for a change.

P.S : *Clap* for TD ... You were right in the end. lol. Had a feeling you would be.

Thanks like i said we shall see. :ppunk:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 15, 2003
xander you are giving mixed signals here to your players, first you say you are shutting the server down and then you keep saying wait and see to everyone who says that the server wasted everyone's time.

if i was actually one of your players i would be very confused by now...


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
No what your doing is a bad thing, why give someone a car and say they can keep it for as long as they live and then take it away later because you cba.
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