Euro copy - your thoughts


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 23, 2007
I would come back for a low rate (maybee 2x?) mir usa clone, however i must add that i really did enjoy your 4 heroes and was amazed at how balanced u got it.

I also really like the items u impletemented with rare and very rare versions, think it was (R) or something.

If you could do a mix of a low rate server, half 4 heroes half euro clone, with rare spells still rare and maybee some minor new items I think you might possibly have the greatest private mir server of all time


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
We don't really like big shaped items, i speak for myself though dunno about ben and matt, but i think we somehow get forced to use them on high rate servers due to the big amount of items we implement in high rates , different story in low rate though.

We have 4h files up and running atm on a new deddicated server, i dunno we still haven't decided what we're gonna do.

Theres still a new expansion incoming for Three heroes and that kinda took all my time today as im helping ben with it, once we're done with it we'll probably start something up.

One thing i was quite happy about on fourheroes was the guild cap as it worked perfectly. (Was capped at 10 as i recall?)
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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Was 10, then later upped to 15 I think.

10 Was fine though. 10 People together fighting worked fine. But then you get people who want to mass recruit to be powerful, or have loads of "friends" (yea, k) and want them all in one guild.

Hence I remember I suggested being able to choose what TYPE of guild you want. Unlimited players, but can't fight for SW/other fighting benefits. Do not get any guild buffs. OR. Limited (10-15) players, but can do anything. As tbh you can't please everyone when it comes to guild caps, so working out some sort of compromise would be good.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 19, 2006
I think such a low guild cap isn't ideal for those who don't have the time to play/aren't interested in continually fighting. Personally I'm done with PKing on mir and if I play again it'd be to hunt and level and enjoy my time on there so having 10-15members in my guild who won't always be online to hunt with me / protect each other from enemy guilds isn't ideal. I think this goes for most of the competitive guilds as well though, you're never going to have your members online for SW/MW/BV etc unless of course you're part of Huss' gang.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
We don't really like big shaped items, i speak for myself though dunno about ben and matt, but i think we somehow get forced to use them on high rate servers due to the big amount of items we implement in high rates , different story in low rate though.

We have 4h files up and running atm on a new deddicated server, i dunno we still haven't decided what we're gonna do.

Theres still a new expansion incoming for Three heroes and that kinda took all my time today as im helping ben with it, once we're done with it we'll probably start something up.

One thing i was quite happy about on fourheroes was the guild cap as it worked perfectly. (Was capped at 10 as i recall?)

The thread is about a "Euro clone" b ut all I hear mentioned is 4H?

SO it's basically just a 4H clone?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
The thread is about a "Euro clone" b ut all I hear mentioned is 4H?

SO it's basically just a 4H clone?

Well thats the thing, there is still no decision

IMO putting a euro clone up is a risk to be honest as loads tried it before , on the other hand we had a 4h low rate server up and running before and it was kinda a success , same items as euro just diff names and more features like daily quests, lords spawns etc etc

We'll either have a euro clone as a base and add features on it or have 4h as a base and try and balance it with euro.

I think such a low guild cap isn't ideal for those who don't have the time to play/aren't interested in continually fighting. Personally I'm done with PKing on mir and if I play again it'd be to hunt and level and enjoy my time on there so having 10-15members in my guild who won't always be online to hunt with me / protect each other from enemy guilds isn't ideal. I think this goes for most of the competitive guilds as well though, you're never going to have your members online for SW/MW/BV etc unless of course you're part of Huss' gang.
Probably isn't ideal for PVE, on PvP tho when i used to observe fights there was around 8 guilds fighting over something it was quite fun to be honest, maybe 10 is too low but it forced alot of guilds to be ingame.

Could work well with a reworked alliance system in all fairness..
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 20, 2012
I think a euro clone and add features is the way to go, as thats what most usa players would want, myself included.


LOMCN Developer
Mar 29, 2003
United Kingdom
A low rate euro style server (with mob / exp balance) would be great and something I would try... but the moment I see Equipment/Spells being sold, I will quit.

---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 AM ----------

Extremely low rate server.. 1/2 the exp of euro..

You'll be a god if you get level 22 armour xD FireBall would own people too


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 23, 2012
Ben can pull of the best servers! so ye go for it!
Euro clone just a tad easier to level!
Defo add assassins!
Keep items, just add new ones in between these ect.

As regards to Reunited,
the servers been up for months and not one update so it's pissing their players off.
They're moving to new files in a couple of weeks apparently? but they've been saying that for weeks

Everyone knows that Bens server would easily smash Reunited out the water. He's just got the reputation for it.
+ I know alot of people on reunited that have been talking about this server and already are on about moving.

Go ahead with it Ben, can't wait to play another one of your servers :)!


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
That made me giggle.

Actual fact, the first week or so on reunited pulled in over 90 users. So saying that ben's server will "Smash reunited out the water" is abit off. I myself didn't play Reunited because of it being a 'Euro Clone', instead, i joined because of the players playing (Old friends / family) and i know for a fact that they'l deffently be playing Reunited and nothing BUT!.

Anyways, best of luck to anyone making a server......


Dec 4, 2008
Guild caps suck tbh imagine if you play mir to not pk and just like to be a friendly player.... add mates to guild etc guild caps make mir boring when you have nobody on all the time.

Eddie Strike

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 26, 2010
Guild caps suck tbh imagine if you play mir to not pk and just like to be a friendly player.... add mates to guild etc guild caps make mir boring when you have nobody on all the time.

A good thought.

Maybe guild caps belong on highrates.

Lowrate players tend to be more mature, so alot more friendly/no-pk players on them.


Dec 4, 2008
And if your aiming to attract euro people if they see guilds capped at 10 they wont bother probably as theyre probably going to have loads in guild.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
Maybe to the average LOMCN member.

But there are quite a few players out there who prefer "Euro clones".

If people like "euro clones" so much, Original and gamepot wouldnt of closed down now would they....?

Tho saying that, if some made a euro (2.3 clone) and i knew 100% it would have be up for 3 years + and have 100+ users's i would really enjoy it, but thats never gonna happen. i do miss hunting in PB with a tao from 33-40!

also FH lowrate, was NOT a lowrate, was a Medium rate, as leveling was kinda easy, and drops were stupidily easy from what i remember

edit- also, assasins cant be balanced, so wud be no point having them.
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Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
They were run by companies, companies wanting to make a profit. They don't only have the costs of a dedi server.

They have servers, electricity, staff and many more things to pay for, and they probably had to pay Wemade to run their servers legally. If they started to make very little or no profit, then of course they are going to close.

Private servers are totally different. Some are run without wanting a profit (Reunited), some are run to basicaly make a quick quid (No names mentioned) and some are run for years and in the process making some money but most likely no where near what GN/GP wanted to make.

I believe Euro had a good 300+ players active when it closed, and GamePot probably had the same but as I never played I can't comment on their user count. Both user counts and the money been spent by players would make the average Private Server happy.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Ive run about on 4h low rate a fair bit, and it pretty much is a euro copy with the odd tweak and change here.

Maybe we should open to the public lets some ppl log on and see wot they think

and ye it was more of a med rate, but EXP can obviously be slowed down, same with drops.. boss's spawn times can be changed to 3hrs rather tahn 60mins etc etc
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 22, 2010
60 sec boss rs on a med rate?

Should make the main ones 2 hours if 3 is too long and the others bosses (wt/ec etc)1 hour.