FiveHeroes - C# Server

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Just a few questions to ask. Happy to see you making a Server at least (and on the c# files, something I'm planning on doing myself)

Donations? pay to win like your previous servers or are you toning it down a little for this one? Never a fan of people buying full kits a few days after the kits just been released into drop files.

What will make this server unique? Oldskool was unique due to subclasses and imo your most successful server yet. 3Heroes(LowRate) was a flop, possibly due to low rate / people you worked with. 4Heroes was probably one of the best high rates I ever played, the assassin class being unique (inivisble+backstab) made the game very fun to play as well as a multitude of things to keep people busy.

Professionalism - something you/your team has lacked in the past except perhaps Matt. Can we expect better manners from you/your team when we need support from you with issues?

All genuine questions. I look forward to playing your server - who knows, maybe you'll start asking me for more ideas again like back in the day.
Donations are not something we've even thought about yet as we are not doing this for money, i mean we dont even have a gameshop coded, it'll probably be the last thing to get coded.
That being said there will be some form of donations as even if its just a hobby, i will not be paying dedi/forum/license fees out of my own pocket. Also a successful server with its own income keeps it alive and healthy.
In terms of donations, they wont be any where near as extreme as my previous servers... at this stage i honestly dont know.. i quite liked how the 4h LR donations were so probably something along them lines (consumables etc)

What makes it unique? Well I guess the fact its gonna be running on the C# files, it'll have all 5 archer classes, and it'll be the only server online with the new maps/new class/new custom mob AIs/new custom spells and everything else that I've always offered with my servers... not a euro clone ;)

Well I'd disagree with that, I've always been fairly professional but with a bit of a laid back down to earth attitude. I dont swear or abuse people nor do I have bad manners towards anyone that plays my server. That being said all of us are a lot more grown up now, myself especially... but yes we are going for a professional approach. Also ive always provided good support with any issues in all my servers

Good luck with server Bon, always happy to see new Servers coming. Here's to another few years of Mir
Ye its like having a child... oh the commitment!

Yea i stuck to warrior on chrons always will be a warrior but like start day 50% of server was archers but was first private server on lomcn with fully working archer class so could of just been down to wanting to see it but then again you will go a different away about your archer class than chronicles so could be the same.
Well i cant tell people what to play.. its up to them. Everything you said is completely true so who knows.

We wasnt the 1st server to have assassins... but a lot of people made them because ours was different to the ruby files at the time... but its not like 90% of the server was assassins. It was still pretty eventually distributed


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
Good luck bon, nice to see another group branching off with the C# files. Would be nice to see how far people can progress with these, currently you and DK on the go with them (not sure how DK is doing not as active on here lately).

Just goes to show those who have put in have not wasted their time and that they are being put to good use.

If you need some help testing now and then just drop me a pm and I'll let you know if I can get on.


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 2, 2013
Isit going to just be another money grabbing pay to server where everything and anything can be brought for the right price like all your other servers?


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Good luck bon, nice to see another group branching off with the C# files. Would be nice to see how far people can progress with these, currently you and DK on the go with them (not sure how DK is doing not as active on here lately).

Just goes to show those who have put in have not wasted their time and that they are being put to good use.

If you need some help testing now and then just drop me a pm and I'll let you know if I can get on.
Well I was a little worried there would be a little of negative comments about taking the c# source closed to work on a server, but its actually been quite positive.
I'm also really interested to see how DKs server goes as its completely different and unique to ANY mir server ever made, should be very interesting.

Good luck with the server mate, shall be playing when live.

Regarding one of the statement's you've made which iv quoted. Will you be committing these Original Incomplete features to the SVN?
As I said i guess it depends what the change is, if its something simple like a spell or mob ai then ye, if its something like quest system probably not because our files does not use flatfiles it uses sql

Isit going to just be another money grabbing pay to server where everything and anything can be brought for the right price like all your other servers?
None of my servers have been "money grabbing pay to server", there has been items in the gameshop which uve had to roll random box's to get the right item, but never a straight heres £20 heres a mir sword.
Also the items have always been ingame 1st for everyone before going into the gameshop.
Please dont try single me out as if my servers have been the only 1s with gameshops, every server i see nowa days is online instantly with a pay-2-win shop. Even chronicles has 1.

As mentioned in the above post tho, gameshop hasnt been talked about yet but will feature a similar shop to 4h LR with consumables. The shop wont be ingame on release either.. we normally tend to wait a few weeks to make it fair
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Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Good luck with it.

Would be nice to see the C# servers used to their full potential by a few servers in the future.

Also happy to see you willing to give back to the community by releasing some of your work in the future.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Regarding one of the statement's you've made which iv quoted. Will you be committing these Original Incomplete features to the SVN?

I'm happy to give some of the official features back, although I'm a Java developer, so someone might end up rewriting my code anyway :P


Drinker Of Tea
Golden Oldie
Oct 7, 2008
Sheffield, UK
Had a funny feeling this was going to happen after your keen interest in the C# files. Good luck with it. Hopefully this will be another server which can show off the potential of the C# files.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
Do you plan on giving all classes some sort of aoe even if its a rare book for leveling like u did on all ur previous servers?

Its not a huge issue but i hate it when each class is only good at something instead of being equal to everything but excel to something. I mean ye ok war should be better than wiz on bosses and wiz from war on leveling but that doesnt mean wiz shouldnt be able to solo soloable bosses or war to lvl without a wiz.


Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
You do make a decent server Bon, your probly the only server owner that actually knows what the assassin class is about, I carnt wait to give it a try!


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 23, 2010
i was wondering if you will be using the better fire wall as the normal mir 2 firewall looks tacky.. for example

this is from arcadia there fire wall looks alot better than any other mir 2 server i played

also be nice if you could make a facebook page ect as its easy to access and plenty of people use it.. it got chronicles people who never even played the game before.
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Feb 15, 2010
I really do not see why people cry about pay to win on ben's server, All the romanians and Arab's which buy items for irl cash are all trash and end up dropping them, keep server healthy also :D


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2003
Have enjoyed playing your servers in the past but you have always gone overboard with your game shop, that having been said you have already started that this server won't follow suit. Good luck with your new project and I will keep an eye out for updates on it to see if its worth a shot.



Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
i was wondering if you will be using the better fire wall as the normal mir 2 firewall looks tacky.. for example

this is from arcadia there fire wall looks alot better than any other mir 2 server i played

also be nice if you could make a facebook page ect as its easy to access and plenty of people use it.. it got chronicles people who never even played the game before.
Should be just a simple task of replacing it in the .lib file... ill look into it a bit later

We plan on makin a facebook page and stuff nearer the time


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
any ideas for guilds ? member cap or a re working of SW make it worth owning? and since u have the code what about reworking how SW wars work, no more of this defenders stand in a room for 3 hours and other guild attacks in last ten mins ****.

i have a few ideas for sw
1.king of the hill every member of you guild gets +1 point every min while in side the wall and make it first to 500 say 20 people from one guild in the zone will make the war last 25 mins.
2.remake MW with out SW in the same map and remake SW in its own map the way it works now is stale and showing lots age
3. have more than one type of war be it king of the hill, guild death match and capture the flag style game types best 2/3 takes the wall. if u cap guilds at say 30 then you pick your best 10 players for each war type and once a player has been in 1 they cant enter the others that way it takes a good effort from every member

i dunno just want to see a server at least try be a bit creative with what SW wars could be because right now its garbage and just a massive time sink. am sure if any one can make something fresh and new for SW its you ben


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
If you've played my previous servers ud know I tend to change SW... i'll most likely have the mudwall wars and other things from my previous servers (they are basically daily free 4 all wars with a twist)

---------- Post Merged on 01-06-2014 at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous Post was on 29-05-2014 at 06:39 PM ----------

Got a few suggestions and polls going on the forums at the moment.

Please head over and provide some feedback to improve the server, thanks!

Looking for people's opinions on level caps and maps
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LOMCN Veteran
Feb 23, 2010
any closer to giving any hits off about spells archer/sin id like to know how these will work on here but really looking forward to playing these files as iv liked them for a while for how smooth they are.


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
any closer to giving any hits off about spells archer/sin id like to know how these will work on here but really looking forward to playing these files as iv liked them for a while for how smooth they are.

They're not coded yet as far as i know? The C# files are very much still in development so it will be a good 2-3 (Possibly longer) months before this is live I think? Bon can correct me if i'm wrong.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
They're not coded yet as far as i know? The C# files are very much still in development so it will be a good 2-3 (Possibly longer) months before this is live I think? Bon can correct me if i'm wrong.

Sin and Archer are both in now. Although Archers only have a couple of spells coded. But seein as Ben has his own coder, he may have more spells added by now.