Forums and Me

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
well, its been a fun ride, and ive Destroyed my reputation amongst a few people, not that i mind to much, cos im not here to be popular im here to do a job. People that know me know its not how i usually am but i had to take that action to sort the forums out.

Since i started my and i refer to quoutes here "power trip" or "dictatorship" but if you people notice, it may have been extreme, but it worked on cutting down the spam and arguements etc as they have cleared up. As long as they stay that way i can go back to how i like to mod, without the constant warnings, thread lockings etc. I dont want to see these forums become a dull, boring information service, but at the same time dont want to see it become a spam filled waste.

Im happy to let people have a laugh in threads, and u can have a sense of humour and post stupid comments for a laugh etc as long as it doesnt go overboard like it did before.

My final word is - Show the forums and members respect, and i will do the same to you, i do ask for anything more, and dont expect anything less, in return i will show the members the respect they deserve. If you really have a problem with showing the forums and members respect then your in the wrong place, obviously i dont expect everyone to like everyone else, but at least have the deceny to not spam, and take arguements to the hall of flame, it they need to go that far.

For anyone that still has a problem with me, or anything else, and for general help and advice, add -

[email protected],

but either PM me to let me know u added me for a reason, or tell me on MSN why uve added me, cos people who add me for no reason will be blocked.


Good views, I don't know you but i guess what you done was the "Correct" way in your view, since your status is high. Meaning your wise, so what you've done must of been a wise choice.

^^ keep up the good work


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
People said i over-reacted and i think this is a case of "the end Justified the means" yes i did over-react and i did take it "too seriously" and i did offend people and i did be super strict, but its got the results in.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 8, 2004
To reach a goal u sometimes have to do things ur rather wouldn't do, people will dislike u for theese actions, but in the end when you reached ur goal, people will show the respect you should get.

Ofcourse not everyone will like you and agree with the way you work, but thats life, you cant make everyone happy.

Just do what you think is right, and everything will work out ok.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Me is getting tired of these threads ¬¬

Yeah 2 right you over reacted but it has cleared up. Thats about all i have to say..


this is just spam, u'll prolly just come back again in like a week and we can hate u all over again :), apart from that, when u came back (again) a few days ago your attitude was good and the way you went abt it was fine, i dont think you went OTT, even tho i think your a crap mod and wont be sad to c u go :)


he banned spud and cilla 4 saying stuff to someone else and spamming, but he doesnt even say stop the spam plz heres a warning, he jst goes out n bans them


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Cilla has been banned many times before, i think this was the final chapter, and it should have been permanent ban ages ago.

Spudualla isnt completely banned, hes on a week long ban, which was said to someone who asked for his account to be unbanned. The only reaso it doesnt say "7 day ban" is cos there is no category for it, so ithe ban is there till i lift it. Although an apology from him to JohnBarny would be good start, and may shorten his sentence.

"u'll prolly just come back again in like a week" why would i come back in a week, im here permenantly, and u dont Hate me Hate, u were asked "wheres atom when u need him" on another thread, which i dealt with. :P

Also, i dont just go out and ban everyone first time, everyone i bannned, had reason to be banned and it was cleared for me to ban them, ive only banned 3 ppl since returning, 2 perm on week long, Starbright was swearing and spamming everywhere and asked to be banned as well, and made sure he go it, and cilla and Spuid are accounted for above.

Let me say that noone has disputed the fact spam has cleared up though. SO my actions, may have been OTT, Rash and Harsh, but theyve worked.


Atomicide said:
and u dont Hate me Hate, u were asked "wheres atom when u need him" on another thread, which i dealt with. :P

i was being sarcastic, cant rem why tho now, would need to c the thread, the poster prolly needed banning tho :P


There seems to be alot of negativity in this forum. I really do wish everyone could just get along. :(. Must be bad karma or something :P
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