FourHeroes [2.6+]

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
smoochy boys on tour
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005

FourHeroes is a Low Rate server based around the orginal Euro server with some adjustments, refreshing changes, and multiple updates and ideas!

Full client download:
UserCount:- just reached 110 a while ago

General Server Information​

For those of you that remember playing FourHeroes LR in the past, all level 40+ Content has been changed and redone. High level content is now all offical Korean updates and content. All Euro content is still ingame, some stuff has been re arranged, as you can see from the world maps below, ZT has been relocated to its own province! The same basic euro concept is still there tho, you will still start off levelin in oma cave, then go to the mines, bug cave, wooma temple, zuma temple, etc etc!

Boss's are actual boss's! By that, I mean they are something hard and rare. Boss's are on a 120-180minute spawn timer, they will require groups of people to kill them, and will have rewarding drop files. There will also be Sub-Boss's on a lower respawn timer of around 1hour that could potentially be solo'd at higher levels, with a low chance of dropin some semi-rares.

There is a chance that semi-rares will drop off normal mobs (by semi rares, im talkin sub level 35 items, eg WSB), but all major high level items will drop from Boss mobs only, eg you will only find a DSS from a boss. (So ye, like euro!)

Lords are ingame! Our lord system is quite unique, every time a Boss is killed, it adds a tick to the lord counter. When X amount of Boss's have been killed, the lord is then able to spawn. However when it spawns, and where is completely random. Boss's will spawn in random provinces based on how many Boss's in that province has been killed, eg if only BichonProvince Cave Boss's are killed, then only the BichonLord will spawn!

The Assassin been revived once more!

Brand new monster AI and magics!

We pride ourselves on being able to make unique, challenging and tactical boss's. For example, a simple tactic that one boss will have is that every one minute he will cast a spell, where if you do not face away from him, you will take HUGE damage, and be paralysised for 10secs. We have also changed some older Boss's to make them a little more challenging, heres a short video of how we changed EvilMir! (This video is taken from ThreeHeroes, the Items/Armours you see here do not represent FourHeroes)


BW -
TaoVillage -
CastleGI -
PrajnaIsland -
Mudwall -
PastBichon -
Horizon -
LithiumGlades -
There is 5 kinds of Quests.

  1. Leveling Quests
  2. Cave unlocking Quests
  3. Daily Quests
  4. Guild/Special chain quests
  5. Class Quests - NYI

Leveling Quests
There is hundreds of quests ingame to aid you in your leveling, some give small item rewards, some give high experience rewards and others build up to a better reward,
Theres phases in the high end leveling quests, where you get to hunt every single mob in the cave, then clear out their bosses, and then Conquer the cave, conquer the cave is a huge exp/gold boost, but it takes time to complete
Conquering ZT:- Hunt down 650 Monster inside Zuma Temple.
Rewards:- 100,000 Gold + 50,000 Experience Points
Tracking Leveling Quests
You can track down the leveling quests, by Q button ingame then right click the actual quest to show the progress of the quest in the background main screen.

Notification for new Leveling Quests.
There is on level up function notification for new quest, basically every level up till 30 you will gain 1 quest a level, 30+ can be multiple quests.

Cave Unlocking Quests

Every cave except some, have teleport unlocking quests, these quests can be picked up outside any cave.

Daily Quests

These kind of quests available every day, however they reset at midnight everday, so you will lose your work if you started a daily and couldn't complete it by midnight, they provide such good experience rewards and they are hard tasks.
Example, PT Clear out - Hunt down 600 monster
BattleGround Clear out - Hunt down 4 main bosses in battle ground.

Guilds/Special Chain quests
These kind of quests are for grouping up and guild hunts..
Frozen cave is being one of them, because frozen cave is such huge cave i doubt anyone will reach KR in 1 single hunt, so we implemented this feature where you can teleport to floors, however you have to reach that floor first to unlock its teleport, and these teleports reset when you kill the boss(If you can :O), Same with Ethereal Cave
Theres aswell that different kind of quest, RMS chain quest where you get to kill RME as the final objective, and you'll get rewarded with a unique sword with nice stats(However its break on death)

Slots & Stats


We have 5 item slots! The four at the bottom of your character are as follows.

  • Slot for amulet/Poison to allow taoists to use 2x bracelets
  • Slot for a Quest based item
  • Slot for a Games item, these are rewarded from LMS/ Capture the flag / Guild Wars etc
  • Slot for Sabuk Wall holders, and other special items!

The 5th slot is for ShoulderPads!
The shoulderpads can be found all over mir in their rough uncrafted state. You must take these shoulder pads to the crafter in the CraftingSchool, he will ask you for some other materials to fix up the pads to give them some cool stats!​


GameShop will not sell any items, only limited effect items, such as dc+ potions, or temporary EXP increase.
@Date - Allows you to view Servers date.
@Rejectwhisper - Rejects whisper
@LetShout - Disables/Enable shouts
@LetTrade - Disables/Enable Trades
@LetGuild - Disable/Enable Guild invitations
@EndGuild - Leaves guild
@BanGuildChat - Ban guild chat
@AuthAlly - Enable Ally system
@Alliance - Allys with the guild, other Leader must face you.
@EndAlly - Ends the alliance
@AllowGroupRecall - Enables/Disables Group recalling
@GroupCall - Recalls group
@Dear - Lover position (x,y) + map name.
@AllowPopUp - Allow popup notifications such as group invitations and such.
Ingame scripted commands
@Town - Teleports you to BW Inn storage after 4 seconds delay batch time.
@Quest - Provide a notification/progress track for old system quests.
@Pi - Teleports you to PI after 4 seconds delay batch time.
@Killpet - Kills your pets
@Mine - Command for miners!
@Dice - Rolls a dice , useful if people are arguein over pixels!

A mission is a bit like a quest, You or your group are given a task to complete in a set amount of time, If you complete this task you or your group is rewarded with many things.
This feature will be available soon.
Group Challenge 28-42 - Group Mission
Call to Arms 35-48 - PvP Mission
LastManStanding 31-48 - PvP Mission
Farm Yard BreakOut Low 25-40 - Leveling Mission
Farm Yard BreakOut Low 35-50 - Leveling Mission
Account Security and stuff!

Our system is quite good, our logins are linked through vbulletin, which means your In-game account is your forums account Ingame we have got a system to detect any manipulation done to the exe to gain any kind of advantage like Movement speed /Attack speed cheats or Auto TDB and so on.

GameGold Shop
Item                             GameGold                            Description
EnlightenedTorch(A)	            200	Special Torch Level 10  Dc 1-1 Mc1-1 Sc 1-1 Dura 20
EnlightenedTorch(B)	            300	Special Torch Level 20 Dc 1-3 Mc1-3 Sc 1-3 Dura 24
EnlightenedTorch(C)	            400	Special Torch Level 30 Dc 2-4 Mc 2-4 Sc 2-4 Dura 28	
EnlightenedTorch(D)	            500	Special Torch Level 40 Dc 2-6 Mc 2-6 Sc 2-6 Dura 32	
LuckPotion(A)	                    300	Increases your Luck Rating by +5
LuckPotion(B)	                    400	Increases your Luck Rating by +10
LuckPotion(C)	                    500	Increases your Luck Rating by +15
LuckPotion(D)	                    600	Increases your Luck Rating by +20
MagicalPotion(A)	             50	Increases your MC by 0-6 for 60mins
MagicalPotion(B)	            100	Increases your MC by 0-9 for 60mins		
MagicalPotion(C)	            150	Increases your MC by 0-12 for 60mins	
MobileStorage	                     50	A box to open your storage from anywhere,Destroyed upon usage	
SpiritualPotion(A)	             50	Increases your SC by 0-5 for 60mins
SpiritualPotion(B)	            100	Increases your SC by 0-11 for 60mins
SpiritualPotion(C)	            150	Increases your SC by 0-17 for 60mins	
StaminaPotion(A)	             50	Increases your HP & MP By +50 for 60mins	
StaminaPotion(B)	            100	Increases your HP & MP By +70 for 60mins	
StaminaPotion(C)	            150	Increases your HP & MP By +90 for 60mins	
StormPotion(A)	                     50	Increases your Melee AttackSpeed by + 2 for 60mins		
StormPotion(B)	                    100	Increases your Melee AttackSpeed by + 4 for 60mins	
StormPotion(C)	                    150	Increases your Melee AttackSpeed by + 6 for 60mins	
StrengthPotion(A)	             50	Increases your DC by 0-7 for 60mins	
StrengthPotion(B)	            100	Increases your DC by 0-13 for 60mins	
StrengthPotion(C)	            150	Increases your DC by 0-19 for 60mins			
WarGodOil	                     5	Repairs your weapon
This is the current gameshop we have, be adjusted over the upcomming weeks, by introducing low rate experience potions and so on(They will last for 60mins)
Note: Luck + 15 just means that you'll have 15% chance to do a max dc/mc/sc hit, it doesn't stack you cant use Luck+15 pot then use Luck +10 pot.
Note: Mobile storage can only be used once.
Note: There is some sort of a bug with GameShop where it sometimes freeze the screen, if you happen to have it , just close the window with your cursor and it'll be fine.
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Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
Re: FourHeroes [2.6]

1a. Advertisements MUST contain the following in the post itself:

IP address (or "no-ip" address)
Server Name
Server Type (1.4, 1.9, 2.3, 2.6, Ruby, Heroes)
Host Machine stats & Internet stats
Exp Rates
Starting Level
Starting Gold

Direct Download Links
Website and Forum Links (if applicable).
Full list of gameshop information including prices and what is available for purchase (if applicable).

2. The subject must include the servers name, and the file version. ([2.3], [2.6+])
3. One advert per server. "Bumping" is not allowed.
4. Any new information must be edited into the first post.
5. DO NOT advertise an 'upcoming server', all server advertisements MUST be online or the thread will be deleted. Upcoming servers should go in the upcoming servers forum.


Can you post the Bold information please.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Re: FourHeroes [2.6]

We dont give out our IP cause we dont want to risk an attack.... You HAVE to use our EXE to play the server, the IP is hardcoded into it. If your going to remove our advert cause we dont provide IP thats silly.

Host Machine Stats:

2.66ghz quad core xeon machine
8gb ram
100mb connection

Start Level 1:
Start Gold: 0

GameShop isnt ingame for at least 1 week (want to keep the game fair), when it goes ingame we'll be happy to post it.


Dec 4, 2008
Could you update gameshop on here please, i lag out when using it ingame :l


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
GameGold Shop
Item                             GameGold                            Description
EnlightenedTorch(A)	            200	Special Torch Level 10  Dc 1-1 Mc1-1 Sc 1-1 Dura 20
EnlightenedTorch(B)	            300	Special Torch Level 20 Dc 1-3 Mc1-3 Sc 1-3 Dura 24
EnlightenedTorch(C)	            400	Special Torch Level 30 Dc 2-4 Mc 2-4 Sc 2-4 Dura 28	
EnlightenedTorch(D)	            500	Special Torch Level 40 Dc 2-6 Mc 2-6 Sc 2-6 Dura 32	
LuckPotion(A)	                    300	Increases your Luck Rating by +5
LuckPotion(B)	                    400	Increases your Luck Rating by +10
LuckPotion(C)	                    500	Increases your Luck Rating by +15
LuckPotion(D)	                    600	Increases your Luck Rating by +20
MagicalPotion(A)	             50	Increases your MC by 0-6 for 60mins
MagicalPotion(B)	            100	Increases your MC by 0-9 for 60mins		
MagicalPotion(C)	            150	Increases your MC by 0-12 for 60mins	
MobileStorage	                     50	A box to open your storage from anywhere,Destroyed upon usage	
SpiritualPotion(A)	             50	Increases your SC by 0-5 for 60mins
SpiritualPotion(B)	            100	Increases your SC by 0-11 for 60mins
SpiritualPotion(C)	            150	Increases your SC by 0-17 for 60mins	
StaminaPotion(A)	             50	Increases your HP & MP By +50 for 60mins	
StaminaPotion(B)	            100	Increases your HP & MP By +70 for 60mins	
StaminaPotion(C)	            150	Increases your HP & MP By +90 for 60mins	
StormPotion(A)	                     50	Increases your Melee AttackSpeed by + 2 for 60mins		
StormPotion(B)	                    100	Increases your Melee AttackSpeed by + 4 for 60mins	
StormPotion(C)	                    150	Increases your Melee AttackSpeed by + 6 for 60mins	
StrengthPotion(A)	             50	Increases your DC by 0-7 for 60mins	
StrengthPotion(B)	            100	Increases your DC by 0-13 for 60mins	
StrengthPotion(C)	            150	Increases your DC by 0-19 for 60mins			
WarGodOil	                     5	Repairs your weapon
This is the current gameshop we have, be adjusted over the upcomming weeks, by introducing low rate experience potions and so on(They will last for 60mins)
Note: Luck + 15 just means that you'll have 15% chance to do a max dc/mc/sc hit, it doesn't stack you cant use Luck+15 pot then use Luck +10 pot.
Note: Mobile storage can only be used once.
Note: There is some sort of a bug with GameShop where it sometimes freeze the screen, if you happen to have it , just close the window with your cursor and it'll be fine.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
Update - 17/07/2012

Hell Portal has been summoned!​


Arrival of Bug King!​


Temple of Valefor - The new Temple of time!

  • You may remember this cave if you have played Three Heroes, quite nice cave (Temple of Time)
    I have decided to implement it, obviously everything related to stats exp and drop files is completely
    revamped, along with some bosses adjustement, you will find new bosses inside.
  • Cave contains around 10 floors, 8-10 Subbosses+Bosses.
    Diffculity I'd say very hard, it requires a group, also some bosses will one hit taoists/wizards,
    Assassins, I'd recommend instead of going on forums claiming the boss to be bugged, wear some
    HP Gear, and try to survive i have tested it offline for few hours its manageable.

    It is intended to have bosses doing hard super attacks, after all you need something to aim for.
  • Cave contains 20 Quests (Aimed at 47-49)
    These quests are quite strong and long, you can actually achieve a unique item out of it.
    I will not spoil it.
  • Drop files are based on the strength of the boss, Subbosses will have a 45mins respawn timer, while the main bosses will have a 120 Min respawn timer.
  • TimeLord is not the same in Challenge, as many of you noticed the code that runs for the reflect damage is somehow bugged and 1 hits, it have a different race in this cave and it will only be 1 monster not 2.

A new command​


Let me explain.
I have had alot of people not liking the current system where you're forced to do @Allowpopup everytime you log on,
Instead i have scripted this feature, you do @AutoGroup it adds you to a list.

When you log in it checks wether you're in the namelist or not, if you are it will automatically do @Allowpopup for you.

By doing @AutoGroup when you're already in the list it will remove your name from the list so you can disable/enable it

Drop files
As many of you noticed SummonFireFox Taoist new skill has been mising in couple of monsters drop files,
Instead of adding it to monsters, i decided to leave it at the top tier bosses. So it has been added to mostly all the tough bosses.
Kronix And EvilMir - There has been a small update to their drop files, they now contain new missing items.

GameShop Update
StarterEXPPot(Lv.1-39) - Level1-39 EXP Potion that grants you 400% EXP for 60mins
EnlightenedTorch(E) - Special Torch Level 45 Dc 3-7 Mc 3-7 Sc 3-7 Dura 36

Nothing is perfect, there will be some glitchs, but we will fix it.

I'm aware of the 2nd floor in Temple of time graphics glitch so don't bother reporting it, i will fix tomorrow or some time soon.
Update - 06/08/2012

General Adjustments

  • TeleRing usage has been disabled in time temple (I've put orbs for a reason i don't want people skipping floors, its meant to be a long hunt)
  • Acc on boots has been nerfed.
  • New boots has been added into the crafting school.
  • Drop File changes for 45+ caves.
  • Kronix And EvilMir spawns every 4hours now.
  • MirStatues skin has been fixed.
  • OmaKingSpirit has been revamped, it is now stronger aimed at 45+, Obviously with such massive changes to its strength its drop file got buffed.

New Items
Item database has been updated with alot of new items.

Basically every level starting from 49 there will be 9 NEW items, Rings,bracers rings. (UP TO LEVEL 65)

Every 4 levels starting from 52 there will be a weapon and an armour for each class.

There will be no boots belts in this category.

Boots and belts
I have decided to take a different approach towards boots and belts , you will be able to craft boots/belts from crafting school, theres now
3 new boots and belts, starting from level 45 up to level 55. (3 sets will be implemented this patch rest will come in later)

Spreading these items properly in the drop files
These items will not be easy to obtain, it will be quite rare.
Also old caves with revamped experience their drop files will get updated with them (Example past bichon)

Anyway below is the list of the drop files that got adjusted to contain those new items, however not all the items will be in the drop file, depending on the cave strength.

If the cave is aimed at 48+ it will drop 49-52 sets, and so on.

Obviously 57+ items will not be implemented this update, they belong to the new 50+ patch (3 new caves ) at later on date

Below is the list of caves with updated drop file, monsters + bosses got their drop file updated

  • Past Bichon
  • TimeTemple
  • Ants
  • BRC
  • Kronix
  • EvilMir
  • Tenchu
  • Numa
  • Ethereal
  • OmaKingSpirit

Update 17/08/2012

Reboot - 17/08/2012

New rare monsters - Can be tamed​


These monsters have a good experience boost , and a drop file aswell.

At the moment 2 will spawn each province with 1 hour timer.


  • Fixed BlackPegasus monster in BRC experience.
  • Changed SorceryStaff shape.
  • Fixed Tele home bug when you own both walls. (This is no longer needed as you cant own both walls now meh!)
  • You can no longer hold 2 castles, there is a verification in the mudwall script to check if you own sabukwall.
  • Luck has been added to 50+ Weapons
  • Boots has been redesigned they now give accuracy again but its balanced between all boots.
  • Supernova damage has been upped by 10%
  • Burning Explosion Mana usage has been decreased by 10 Mana points
  • Unleashed Rage Mana usage has been decreased by 20 Mana points
  • SoulFireBall damage has been increased by 5%
  • BattleGround experience has been upped
  • Ant Hill Average Monster EXP: 12,800 HP 2.8k DC 22-54 ->EXP: 12,800 HP 2.2k DC 22-54
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Dec 4, 2008
Thanks to everyone who logged on, played it, tested it, tryed it out, it was a really nice server and alot of nice people played it! i bet they had alot of fun times on there! Sadly its usercount went to 1-2 daily and its renewal dedi date was 2 days ago so its had a good run but all things come to an end!

ThreeHeroes will remain online.

As seen on there forum.
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