Hosting a 1.9 on a Router


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 20, 2004
Hi i am trying to Host my 1.9 server on a Router
but i aint sure because i keep getting errors when i start up the LogSrv
and DBSvr
Could some 1 help me do this please like post down where My IP goes
Most Prob a Guide me and my Bro been working on this server and it is rdy to go up.
Seems as ppl like fast lvling server's this is 1 But we need to no how to put it up so we can Host for ppl to Enjoy them selfs could some 1 post on here plz

Thanks alot :brows2:


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 20, 2004
Atom said:
OK this is a ****er of a guide and will need some testing to amkre sure it works, but i reckon we should be ok.

If at any point during doing this you find yourself unable to access the internet, stop what you are doing, and reset all settings back to what they were. Then PM me, or post here what happened and how you got the problem

K lets get started.

Static IP setup (within the router itself)

1. Open up your browser and enter this IP:

2. This will connect you to the router software, the password is blank by default, if yours has been changed you need to find it out and enter it.

3. Once ur into the router panel, find the firewall tab on the left and side and select "DMZ" its a good idea to have firewall protection on your machine as this may leave you open to hackers)

4. On the left hand side you will see a series of four menus. In the one titled LAN click Lan Settings

5. All your intrested in here is the IP Pool Ending Address, IPS can be assigned up to xx.xx.xx.254 so set the IP Pool Ending Address to

The reason is, the router automatically sets your IP's by removing this pool of 5 ipst from 249-254 it means no other computers can be assigned these IP's and cause a conflict with your server comp.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This concludes the part in the router, save all settings then exit-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Next we need to sort out the static IP on your computer. THis si something i cant help you with as these numbers are pesonalised to you and only you, so u gotta find and enter them yourself.

1. open up network connections, find your current internet connections, and right click it, go to properties, then once in there, find the TCP/IP, highlight it by clicking, then click the properties button.

2. it should be set to "obtain an IP automatically".

3. leave the properties window open and go to MS-DOS command promet (in the start menu under "accessories"

4. In the command prompt type "IPCONFIG /ALL" without the quotes. Then you have to note down these numbers:

Subnet mask
Default gateway
DNS servers

5. Go back to the TCP/IP settings, select "assign an IP" and enter the following info

DNS: as noted from the IO config
Subnet mask: As noted from IPconfig
Default gateway: As noted from IP config

once all this is entered save the changes and exit it (it will now ask you to restart) ****NOTE FFS: If you cannot connect after making these changes, then set it back to "obtain an IP automatically"****

--------------------------------------------That concludes this part of the tutorial------------------------------------------Restart and make sure u can still connect----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If your back and reading this and ur settings are ok, then good for you, this should heopefully enable yur server to work propery now, all you need to do is configure the files correctly and to do this here are the intructions:

**Global IP's can be obtianed from (on ADSL your IP will change everytime u reconnect)

*Your global IP Here*


;';' means Comment
; Followings have to be arrayed by server no.
;server no. connect-addr port connect-addr port.
1 *Your global IP Here* 7200

\MirServer\Mud2\DBSrv200\!serverinfo.txt *Your global IP Here* 7200


;No Space Allowed
;Server Title Remote SelChr Public IP RunGate Public IP:Gate
[ServerName] Line1-7 *Your global IP Here* *Your global IP Here*:7100

NOw im not 100% sure but this should work, i took a while to get this guide up and running so if people would be so kind as to help me out by saying if it works or not i would be greateful.

I dont own a belkin router so i cant test myself, i had to trwal trhough sites to find out some of the info etc.

But here it is and i hope it helps some people.

That is all for a 1.4 server not a 1.9 server i need a Connection Guide for a 1.9 server not a god dam 1.4 lol =/
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 25, 2005
I'll do a router guide for 1.9 later, even though its not really needed, all it takes is a bit of common sense.
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Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
All programs wich use port 7000-7300 need to have them as the global IP, and have to be forwarded from your router.
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Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
Not much, basically it uses one more program (regserver) but doesnt need to run the rungate, so it is prety much the same i would say.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2004
but when i run the reg sr=erver i get the ip
and it gives me an error when i put that ip in =/
to the reg things
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Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
Alpha said:
but when i run the reg sr=erver i get the ip
and it gives me an error when i put that ip in =/
to the reg things
Well, why couldnt you use your brains and post the screenshot of the error or even say what the error says, we cant just guess what the error is
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Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
3g123 said:
mmm well as i keep fcking saying i dont no how to post Screen shots ¬_¬
Aint you clever then eh?

Press the button "PringScrnSysRq" it is just up from the arrow keys. Open MS Paint or any other image editing program, and while holding the "ctrl" key press the "v" key.

Or if you dont know how to really post them (cmon wtf is with that :S) just go to or and upload the screenshot, then post the link on here OR use image tags:

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 9, 2003
Alpha said:
but when i run the reg sr=erver i get the ip
and it gives me an error when i put that ip in =/
to the reg things
Have you tryed adding a loopback?
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