I thought Mir 2 died but what is this then??

smoochy boys on tour


Feb 21, 2013
Few thoughts on calls for Korean Wemade European server. Original euro completely disappointed Korean expectations as to royalties payments. On one hand that was due to lower player numbers than is standard in Asia and on the other the total lack of commercialization. You paid subscription and that was that. There was no GS or some European companies hooked in to hawk their goods to players in the form of sponsored events like the ones I've once saw on a private Korean Happy server which I imagine was run in the spirit of a typical Asian gaming server.

There every time you started client, you were presented with a screen with some tokens that had to do with a third party company or something like that putting up some competition (probably you could 'win' something, but really that was a 'hidden advertising' for which the server owner likely got paid).

There was a weekly event where mobs dropped these tokens. On top of that, past some level it was pretty well mandatory to buy from GS using rl money if you wanted to proceed with the game (well adopted for our private servers now, only difference is how aggressive that is from server to server). And of course, the 'seasons'... every six months (or less?) the server was wiped, not sure if there was some bonus carry over or not, or if some features were added to make look like 'new' server. I only played for several days in the new season and quit because it looked like a rinse and repeat trick.

Proceeds from euro server must have been a total disappointment to Koreans. No wonder there were some disputes, likely over the royalties agreement. I can only imagine euro was a headache for Koreans, what with having to regionalize patches and with euro not following official everything, the patching was problematic and I don't see how it would be different nowadays. Language barrier remains a huge obstacle still, never mind mentality.

Even is such official server materialized, I doubt very much the loyalty of players sticking with it when a new private server opened with a new spin on everything since the official would be perceived as a dinosaur. If it did materialize, I doubt very much that the current private server scene could be allowed to continue as it is today. BTW that Happy server was closed by some Korean authority (GRAC) after running for several seasons... gives one food for thought.