Is Archons dead already?

smoochy boys on tour


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 2, 2017
on the topic of why archons failed, i believe it's largely due to poor gameplay, everything felt very unsatisfying, the monk for example, their Punish ability didn't feel good to use, it was a chore, the monk's damaging aura was a fun idea that i was excited to try but turned out to be clunky and troublesome as well

then there were things like quests which were just plain bad, very ambiguous text and tedious objectives

splitting the classes into different villages was a unique idea but also felt bad, wanted to be with everyone else, but at least the guild you could join at level 1 were good

honestly didn't play much though, but from what i saw it was just basically poorly developed


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jul 4, 2017
Played for a week or so and I only really quit because the server felt severely outdated.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 22, 2017
Arcadia wasn't my cup of tea, neither was Archons.

P69 was OK back in the day.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 5, 2015
I played archons when it released for a bit I didn't really like it, felt very grindy


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 10, 2004
Don't get why everything thinks they need to code to have a good server.. oldskool my 1st server had no coding behind it, all scripting and good ideas.. was a good successful server

people these days are just lazy and want it coded, most coded features that get added these days are useless and never get used.. look at the item rental thing by Xander (really no offense to Xander) but i see that as a bit of a useless feature and time wasted

Without the ability to add new features, all I would be doing is renaming mobs and changing stats for things everyone has already seen and played with. It's worked for a while, but I believe Mir needs some additions to keep a server going for longer than a few months now. There are plenty of small changes that a skilled coder could make that would really increase the longevity of a server.

That's why for the short time that I played, I actually enjoyed Archons. It was Mir, but it was new and interesting. But again, all the content was dried up after just a couple of months. And without any interesting content, the class system actually became kinda dull instead of interesting. It was a good attempt, it just missed the mark.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 27, 2004
I think the problem is Mir servers in this community are now played by the same 350ish people. There's virtually no influx of new players and people are getting bored / moving on to new games. Nostalgia will only keep people coming back for so long unfortunately.

**** cash grabbing servers are only making the problem worse.


Feb 21, 2013
I downloaded Archons but never even logged on, partly because other servers caught my attention in the meantime and also because I read here it has stalls. If something is off putting on mir for me, it is stalls.
Second most off putting feature on mir server is korean (prob asian wide) style botting (so called AI) that happens on happy server (personally never had issue with bots on euro or private servers since it was never so disgustingly 'organized' and tolerated). BTW I think it is also the reason (like the stalls) it keeps near the top of the forum server table list, bots and stalls give very much skewed reading on that chart and having large count on that chart is what potentially draws in new pple.

IMO good server is made not by coding as such but you can run server so much better if you can code at least to fix errors that crop up. Also I'd say the biggest mir feature that draws and keeps interest in server are good quests. And if coding is really needed in adding features, it would be to help make quests possible beyond being sent off to kill x # of mobs and or collect quest items. Rental system is ok but it won't ever be used by as many pple (more on low rates and among 'clique' of pple anyway) or as often as quest system is used (not sure now if it has central TM like 'Rental Offer' panel where you would put up, list your items to rent out). Another feature of mixed use is crafting. I almost never make use of it in my gameplay for various reasons (either craftable items are mediocre or have way too steep reqs).
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 28, 2004
I won't lie, it seemed like a really rubbish server to me that I could not get into.

When I first started I asked around for which class I should choose. I was told Barbarian, so went with it. 30 minutes into the gameplay, to do the quest I was "supposed" to be doing, I had to wait in a room in Bichon Mines for a Bat to spawn.. sat there and waited for 45 minutes, got bored, logged off.

If a game is going to make me wait 45+ running around an empty room, 30 minutes into the game, it's not for me.

Hoping Chronicles gets rebooted 👍

Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
I won't lie, it seemed like a really rubbish server to me that I could not get into.

When I first started I asked around for which class I should choose. I was told Barbarian, so went with it. 30 minutes into the gameplay, to do the quest I was "supposed" to be doing, I had to wait in a room in Bichon Mines for a Bat to spawn.. sat there and waited for 45 minutes, got bored, logged off.

If a game is going to make me wait 45+ running around an empty room, 30 minutes into the game, it's not for me.

Hoping Chronicles gets rebooted 👍

yeah mob spawns were mental, 3 newbs in a huge map, and all the mobs where dead... took forever to do quests =-/