Is it true.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 6, 2007
People say that there is a 2nd earth lol wich i think is abit wierd lol so is any of this true lol ?


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
No they think the have found one

The have found a planet in a "habitable zone" around a star

They also say that there is a chance that this planet may have water which they say is "an essential ingredient for life"

Water is an essential ingredient for life on this planet as all life on this planet is made up of it and 2/3 of the planet is water

Now who is to say that life on some other planet, a planet without water, did not find a way

Life on this planet found a way and hance we are here
Life on this planet adapted to the planet

Maybe on a far off planet a different form of life found a way to adapted to its planet

All life on Earth needs water
there is nothing to say that all life in the univirse needs water



Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
No they think the have found one

The have found a planet in a "habitable zone" around a star

They also say that there is a chance that this planet may have water which they say is "an essential ingredient for life"

Water is an essential ingredient for life on this planet as all life on this planet is made up of it and 2/3 of the planet is water

Now who is to say that life on some other planet, a planet without water, did not find a way

Life on this planet found a way and hance we are here
Life on this planet adapted to the planet

Maybe on a far off planet a different form of life found a way to adapted to its planet

All life on Earth needs water
there is nothing to say that all life in the univirse needs water


QFT, scientists seem to think that in order for life to exist, they need to have water, oxygen and the same resources that we have on this earth, but who's to say that on other planets beings have evolved / developed in a completely different atmosphere? Like those crazy things on stargate who terraform planets


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Well the way to look at it is like this:

Earth has generated and sutained life, and Earth has water, oxygen, atmosphere and energy from the sun. Therefore it stands to reason that a planet that has those features CAN support life. We can be 100% certain that if a planet like earth was found, in a habitable zone with water, oxygen, energy and atmosphere that it can sustain and develop life.

There is obviosuly a chance that life developed somewhere else in another way, but we don't have information that suggests its possible. What we do have is 100% fact that life can develop with particular resources so if this planet has them, then life can develop, and I personally beleive that if it hasn't already on it, then its only a matter of time till it does.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
1) its not true that all life forms on earth require oxygen, there are life forms in earth that uses sulfur instead of oxygen (forgot thier name)
2) even if there were life on this planet there is no way we can get to it, as it 20 light years from here (300k km x365.25 +4 min), and u cant even get near to the speed of light basicly as u will turn to energy, basicly if we could get to the speed of light, we could easily get there, because of lorence transformacy (not sure exectly how its called in english) who sayed that the faster u get to the speed of light the slower time is going.
3) i was thinking about it once, and thought about the idea of making light engine, because light can push, and on space there is no gravity, it can bring u to close to the speed of light, and for now i think its the only way to get there if its even possible.
4) i bet most of u dont understand how complicated life is. thats one of the main reasons i believe in god. i dont believe that the human body could accidently be created. its like, taking a 200GB hard drive and to pass magnet on it, and because the magnet will change 0 and 1, u will find a full cracked WoW on it if u load it to ur computer... and i am not talking about 1 time it will heppend, i am talking about, first time WoW, then MIR, then whatever (ofc if u choose it from the beggining) hundreds of times, and on 1 try...
what are the odds for that?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006
3) i was thinking about it once, and thought about the idea of making light engine, because light can push, and on space there is no gravity, it can bring u to close to the speed of light, and for now i think its the only way to get there if its even possible.
Photons have no mass, therefore it cannot push
4) i bet most of u dont understand how complicated life is. thats one of the main reasons i believe in god. i dont believe that the human body could accidently be created.

Primordial sea? Evolution? Scientists have actually recreated the circumstances needed for life to begin.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 27, 2003
Photons have no mass, therefore it cannot push

Primordial sea? Evolution? Scientists have actually recreated the circumstances needed for life to begin.

Actually the experiment that they claim "proves" that life can be kick started given the correct atmospheric conditions - The Miller Experiment - has come under scrutiny as nowadays scientists disagree on the atmosphere present in primordeal earth. Miller used a hydrogen-rich atmosphere with methane, amonia and water vapour.. This and an electical current produced red "goo" containing amino acids. The basis of life. However scientists now believe thatmost hydrogen would have escaped into space through the very thin atmosphere so CO2 was a more likely constituent. Performing the same experiment with the different atmosphere gets completely different results.. yes you can still formulate organic molecules..but they happen to be the basis of formaldehyde and cyanide.. hardly a great start for life as converting these into biological compounds results in something along the lines of embalming fluid lol.

Also, think about it this way. You have a petri dish and living cell. you slice open the cell spilling the contents into the dish. You still have all the elements required to start life, but what happens? Nothing.

Life is far more complicated than people commonly realise. Yes evolution etc is likely a true occurance resulting in the variation of species all over the planet, but the Cambrian explosion and the origin of life cant be explained fully this way.

Im not sayin it was God. But im also not sayin that people should automatically assume Darwin was right and everything can be explained away by science. Science is all about assumptions backed up by theories based on tests done under specific circumstances.

Maybe life didnt originate here on earth at all. Perhaps conditions we have never encountered before began the first life cells on a comet which crashed here. The global atmosheric change an impact like that would have on a planet may have been sufficient to allow the primitive cells to multiply and develop.

...Or maybe we're E.T's experiment.
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Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
peart - rofl, ofc light can push, its a known physical fact, beside light is not exectly what u think but i prefer not to get into it atm.

it could be that god created human in process with "evulotion" however if u do understand something in chemistry, or in computers, u will understand how impossible it is to a body to be created completly randomly in that process.

annon - that experiment shows nothing, those amino's are nothing compare to the human body. its like what i sayed, randomly make WoW on a hard drive with magnet, the odds for that are so close to zero that it shouldnt be even considered. so basicly i agree with you at some sort of a way :P


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006
Hmm, another kid who thinks he's somehow undone the centuries of research that have resulted in the generally accepted theory of life, as well as finding some incredible new solution to near-light speed travel. No, light does not have mass and therefore it cannot excert force on an object in the sense that is "puhses" it, instead some crazy fu‪cker radition pressure sh‪it takes place with solar sails and crap, which has already been tried to propell a space craft but it didnt get a chance to work. But to get anywhere near the speed of light with a solar sail, itd probably have to be the size of our goddamn galaxy and draw power from like 100,000 suns.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
another moron that think he know everything but know nothing.
light can push, its a fact and i am not going to even start arguing about it, didnt i tell u that after i thought about it, i looked up a bit about it, and its already in the mind of the scientists today.
and about the life theory, the fact that u learned only about that theory does not mean it is true, ur probably one of the geeks at school that learn something for his favorite teacher and will never think that it was false. let me tell u about it this way, if i was the only 1 thinking that way, u might have been right, but since i am not the only 1, u can be wrong (even though niether of us can prove it atm, if u would think objectivly about the theory that they suggest and u knew a little in chemistry, u would clearly understand how stupid u were thinking it was truth)
try to read this article:
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LOMCN Veteran
Mar 27, 2003
Imho the main issue with solar sails would be space debris at the proposed velocities would rip them to shreds. They tested a similar theory in the nevada desert on a small scale for an alternative use. A laser powered space "lift" intended to extend from Earth to high orbit to allow colonisation and space tourism.. basically a highly reflective conical shaped device with a laser fired up at it from below. With respect to some properties of light and the setup that i dont pretend to understand, the device was propelled upwards in short sharp steps. I had a go at finding more research on it a while ago but not seriously really.

EDIT: found somethin just now about beam power usin a free-electron laser system. Basically a solar panel system powered by a high energy laser, wud b used to power a winch mechanism to pull the craft up an earth-orbit tethered line.

Not much use unless u wanna have a solar powered ship. wouldnt b too fast though.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006
another moron that think he know everything but know nothing.
light can push, its a fact and i am not going to even start arguing about it, didnt i tell u that after i thought about it, i looked up a bit about it, and its already in the mind of the scientists today.
and about the life theory, the fact that u learned only about that theory does not mean it is true, ur probably one of the geeks at school that learn something for his favorite teacher and will never think that it was false. let me tell u about it this way, if i was the only 1 thinking that way, u might have been right, but since i am not the only 1, u can be wrong (even though niether of us can prove it atm, if u would think objectivly about the theory that they suggest and u knew a little in chemistry, u would clearly understand how stupid u were thinking it was truth)
try to read this article:
Did you even read my post? The article you posted discusses solar sails, you know, like how I did? It doesnt say anything about going near the speed of light by using one, btw.

and about the life theory, the fact that u learned only about that theory does not mean it is true, ur probably one of the geeks at school that learn something for his favorite teacher and will never think that it was false.
Evolution is a just theory in the same way gravity is just a theory. Also, it's taught in schools as the standard explanation of life, so if by "my favourite teacher" you mean "almost every teacher in the western world", then you may be on to something there, champ.

And about your "it's too unlikely that life could be created" sh‪it: It's pretty obvious that it's more unlikely that life WOULDN'T be created. Think about it. Our universe contains possibly infinite galaxies, which mathmatically makes it impossible for life NOT to happen at some point.

In fact, the observable universe contains roughly 80 billion galaxies, and we can only observe a miniscule portion of the universe. So for life not to exist even in the observable universe alone is pretty fu‪cking unlikely too.

let me tell u about it this way, if i was the only 1 thinking that way, u might have been right, but since i am not the only 1, u can be wrong
That's not how it works you jackass.


Golden Oldie
Apr 14, 2004
Preston, UCLAN
randomly make WoW on a hard drive with magnet, the odds for that are so close to zero that it shouldnt be even considered. so basicly i agree with you at some sort of a way :P

No one knows how long the universe has been around, even if the chance of life creating it self is a stupid 0.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx% or whatever, if its given an infinite amount of time then yes it definetly could happen the same with your WoW example, given an infinite amount of time it would be possible. I believe in evolution, it has more sway today than a book written thousands of years ago by men. Thats right the bible was written by men and its well know men are corrupted, powerseeking ****s. I choose to put my belief in something thats believable. Not people moving oceans and changing water into wine.

And the whole light being able to move things, yes it can happen but its on a cellular level with lasers, implementing it into some sort of engine is so far in the future its not worth considering.
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Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
peart, u sayed that the light cant push, i proved u wrong, what i sayed that it has the potencial in my opinion to get to the speed of light, believe what u want.
about the evolution theory, u really dont get it do u? the chance of something like that to heppend is so low, that we are talking here about numbers that u just cant understand, if u understood even a bit in chemistry u would understand what i mean. (if its even possible to heppend, something i doubt as well).
stonehelm, i do agree with what u sayed about mankind, however it doesnt metter what my belives are, my point was that by the evolution theory today, life would never been created.

and btw i do believe that some mathamiticans (or whatever way u write it), did get to a conclution that the universe had been created 15 bil years ago.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 27, 2003
it isnt light itself that "pushes" though, its the particle momentum that carries the sail along due to the lack of resistance in space vacuum. in a way ur both right. there is no mass so a force cant be exherted, but light can produce movement in the correct circumstances. theoretically if momentum is gained by the speed of light, then the craft being propelled will reach the same velocity given enough time and distance.


As for the comparison between the Bible and Darwin's Origin of Species, I dont believe either is right. I do believe life would need special circumstances to originate, and everything is far too organised to be random. The universe does suggest a design of some sort.

As i mentioned earlier, the Cambrian explosion cannot be explained by Darwin's theories. For those who dont know, the Cambrian explosion is a stage in the fossil records where hundreds of unprecidented species just "appeared" with no traceable ancestors or evolutionary path.

The idea that an all powerful Deity created the earth in 7 days, every animal, and 2 humans in a paradise garden, is a little hard to swallow. The bible is definately a story book. Eyewitness testimony such as that within the Gospels is hard to trust after a week, let alone decades. Yes, the gospels were written as autobiographies by most 40+ years after the events. Often based on cues or other peoples' work. No jury in the world would judge a case based on that kind of evidence.

The best approach of man now, is to use science and scientific techniques to move beyond theorising the origins of the universe and seek out the truth.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006
peart, u sayed that the light cant push, i proved u wrong, what i sayed that it has the potencial in my opinion to get to the speed of light, believe what u want.
'Push' is a fu‪cking terrible word to describe radiation pressure. It's not my fault you suck at phrasing things.

about the evolution theory, u really dont get it do u? the chance of something like that to heppend is so low, that we are talking here about numbers that u just cant understand, if u understood even a bit in chemistry u would understand what i mean. (if its even possible to heppend, something i doubt as well).

Do you not ****ing understand? Chance doesnt even come into it. out of infinate galaxies and billions of years, what are the odds of life happening? It is a certainty. Out of infinite galaxies and billions of years, there simply must be at least one instance with the correct conditions for starting life. It's not up for debate. I don't care how fu‪cking unlikely it is, because it's irrelevent. Of course it's unlikely, otherwise there'd be life on other planets we've seen, too. Even if the odds of life being created were 1 in 900 billion trillion, it'd still be more than likely that life would be created. You just have difficulty understanding the size of the universe.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
'Push' is a fu‪cking terrible word to describe radiation pressure. It's not my fault you suck at phrasing things.

Do you not ****ing understand? Chance doesnt even come into it. out of infinate galaxies and billions of years, what are the odds of life happening? It is a certainty. Out of infinite galaxies and billions of years, there simply must be at least one instance with the correct conditions for starting life. It's not up for debate. I don't care how fu‪cking unlikely it is, because it's irrelevent. Of course it's unlikely, otherwise there'd be life on other planets we've seen, too. Even if the odds of life being created were 1 in 900 billion trillion, it'd still be more than likely that life would be created. You just have difficulty understanding the size of the universe.
1) can u expect me with ur low iq to bring better word?
2) thats because u cant imagine number that is so low. the universe exist 15bil years, math had shown it. in fact i know exectly how big the universe is, 15k light years and u just cant accept that ur wrong.
life cannot exist in 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the universe at any form.