Legend of Mir III - Origins Xtrem

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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IF the server is in closed beta, then it is not live for everyone to play. This thread needs to be moved back to upcomming and left their until the server is live, as for the english of this thread you could have tried a lot harder and actually not use babel fish to translate, as everyone knows it doesn't translate correctly.

Also as you are using the 3.55 server files, you don't need to use the AMS for account making, as you can use the launcher.

As for your site, if your expecting english players to play, you need to do something with the translation, as myself and every other player, isn't going to spend the time trying to translate your site.
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 4, 2010
IF the server is in closed beta, then it is not live for everyone to play. This thread needs to be moved back to upcomming and left their until the server is live, as for the english of this thread you could have tried a lot harder and actually not use babel fish to translate, as everyone knows it doesn't translate correctly.

Also as you are using the 3.55 server files, you don't need to use the AMS for account making, as you can use the launcher.

As for your site, if your expecting english players to play, you need to do something with the translation, as myself and every other player, isn't going to spend the time trying to translate your site.

@ mapadale: I will use whatever I want on my server and do not touch the balls ..
because you think you have a listiyo and only succeeded in opening a filthy server that does not serve to clean the droppings.
Shut up and stop posting in the post, ami I do not care what posting in case anyone wants to play, I do not ask for help and LOMCN, since no one is interested only help.
So do not do me any favors, do not devo life.

a greeting

[MENTION=7205]mapadale[/MENTION]: usare lo que me de la gana en mi servidor y no toques los cojones..
porque te crees un listiyo y solo has conseguido abrir un server mugroso que no sirve ni para limpiarse los excrementos.
Calla y deja de postear en el post, ami me da igual lo posteo por si alguien quiere jugar, yo no pido ya ayuda a LOMCN, ya que nadie ayuda solo hay interesados .
Asique no me haceis ningun favor , no os devo la vida.

Un saludo


@ mapadale: I will use whatever I want on my server and do not touch the balls ..
because you think you have a listiyo and only succeeded in opening a filthy server that does not serve to clean the droppings.
Shut up and stop posting in the post, ami I do not care what posting in case anyone wants to play, I do not ask for help and LOMCN, since no one is interested only help.
So do not do me any favors, do not devo life.

a greeting

[MENTION=7205]mapadale[/MENTION]: usare lo que me de la gana en mi servidor y no toques los cojones..
porque te crees un listiyo y solo has conseguido abrir un server mugroso que no sirve ni para limpiarse los excrementos.
Calla y deja de postear en el post, ami me da igual lo posteo por si alguien quiere jugar, yo no pido ya ayuda a LOMCN, ya que nadie ayuda solo hay interesados .
Asique no me haceis ningun favor , no os devo la vida.

Un saludo
Seeing as your comprehension of english is poor, try this on for size.

Quién usted le piensan están hablando con usted saltaron encima de poca mierda, todos lo que hacía le daban consejo y buen consejo en ése. Pero si usted quiere tomar el colmo - y - actitud poderosa entonces tan sea, solamente usted qué dije estaba correcto. También el ver como el su traducir inglés es los pobres como la gramática que usted ha dado con él, después deja para ver si es la mina apenas mientras que mierda mientras que la suya y usted aceptan el punto válido que hice. Ahora háganos todos los un favor y pare el actuar como un twat.


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 21, 2009
Origins Legend of Mir III - ONLINE!

Page dowload: http://originslom3.foroes.org/t150-06-11-2011-enlaces-para-la-descarga-del-cliente-origins
Account creation: [email protected] -> send id and password.

See if i do this right Might take a bit of time as ill translate also. Think the Account Creation is bugged is that why to email you ID and password m8 I willl try d/l it on other Pc. I am not English I am American lol..

Ver si puedo hacer esto bien podría tomar un poco de tiempo tan mal traducir también. Creo que la creación de la cuenta se molestó por eso es que a usted correo electrónico ID y contraseña m8 willl tratar d / l que en otro PC. Yo no soy Inglés I am .. lol estadounidense
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 4, 2010
I don't understand spartekas, sorry.
If you want play server, origins have 11-20 users online.

Send pm with id/pass and i create a account.


I would advise anyone who is applying for an account, "NOT TO USE PREVIOUS ACCOUNT DETAILS"

@Josiko - There should be no reason why people shouldn't be able to register an account, as requesting people to email you with their username & password should not be happening, especially from someone who is first time opening a server. If you have an issue with AMS or Launcher, then you need to be asking for help with it.


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
I'm sorry but I have to step in and agree here, the sending of ID's and Passwords regardless of how trustworthy someone is isn't fair. it's like if I pm'ed you my details it just wouldn't happen and shouldn't be asked of. You need to get your account creator working and soon.

Also as previously requested twice now make an advertisement thread in the mir3 section please, this is no longer an upcoming server.



Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Server owners have access to account information anyway so I don't see it as a huge issue, however I always recommend using different account details on different servers for your own protection.

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