Lomcn - Moving forward together


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 1, 2010
mir is game over lol. the last big server left worth playing is www.mirrevenge.com. play it and enjoy remembering the old euro times tbh

Your obviously being paid to advertise as so many people have left MR.

It's absolute **** mate, has 30-40 Users, servers like 3 years old on some crap 2.3 Files, it spent a year closed down as the owner was skint lol.

As IceMan said, FourHeroes rips it apart.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 22, 2004
MR, just lol. Couldn't find a more corrupt server runner than Lapta. Server is a joke. Has had about 10 coders in 2 years and still hasn't produced a set of working 2.6 files.


LOMCN n00bie
Jun 19, 2003
Nar 4heros is a joke. I know loads of people who have exploited on there and have storeage accounts full of rares. Mir revenge server count 200+ active every day. Awesome server, go check it out!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 5, 2004
well put robert , i dunno why but ive been here a LONG time this was like my 3rd username i think lol.

i grew up with lomcn and it is the same old faces , thats why i like it :P

i dont play mir anymore but i love the work milo and others have been doing ,i just hope a set of files comes out of this.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2007
Theres a quick read break down at the bottom, but please dont just read that without the explaintions reading things out of context will only ever cause problems. :)

Tbh i think the main reasons for the general slow down are evident in the first page of this thread.

1. the files arent available - At first it was offical files released from Wemade FTP, then it was the recoded TD files that were standard, now though as was pointed out the job seems to large for anyone to share their newly recoded server files - with out a stable file set you wont have truely stable servers (remember all the old home based servers :) they were fun, get back from college play for 45 minutes to find the hosts mum turned off thier PC! lol the excitement ) anywho my point here would be for some of the lovely geekier geeks to be able to combine efforts and (for the benefit of the community as a whole) release the files, and if someone isn't able to carry on with the recode or will leave a large whole in the coding ability, please use your knowledge and find someone who can fill it - Dont get me wrong, i would love to be able to help out but i simple don't have the knowledge in the real coding world.

2. The arguments are self defeating, having someone ask for suggestions on how to improve things, having posts simple saying "You can't" or "It's dead, dont bother" only put thats thought into someones mind set and its had to then remove it - I've seen server count raise and fall massively because of rumours of wipes or closure. So i thinik you could have a new wave of Mods that simply remove any signs of the post which simple have no benefit - don't go on a punishment spree because the people who dod it have always enjoyed the fire that comes from them, so simply removing them and keeping the thread completely on topic will help. but this does require a large time commitment from some or a few people.

3. the next point is able the advertising, i dont know about you guys but when i search for a problem with my mir files, an error on the M2 or looking for a little bit off scripting code the google search almost always bring back RZ, I know mental and i have had problems in the past but its no mean feat to actually be at the top of google almost all the time for completely random mir related problems, and the reason for that is that all the advertising is done by the poeple posting their problems. it would seem LOMCN seems to be tidied so often that you remove lots of the free advertising you get from the users themselves. so my thoughts on that front would be instead of deleteing old thread just moved them all in to an Archive section which cant be posted on - it will save people re-asking the same questions time and time again as well which i think is a benefit in itself :P

4. the Main reason i used to come to LOMCN was to find new mir servers to play. these days it seems pretty hard to get a advert post listed - (possibly due to my previous hosting team lol its been an interesting journey) but i was looking at the rules for advertising a while back, and was quite shocked at how hard it get a advert sorted, so i gave up it was only because i was getting greif from my players that i actually tried again and actually managed it. so if i was struggling, i would hate to see how a first time host would get on. in the early days you could come to lomcn find 100 different ip addresses for servers, some would be rubbish, some would be offline, some would have brilliant features but the host would give up after 3 days. But all of which you simply needed to change the IP and the server name in your client file set and you could log straight on with out having to patch anything and then have a play and decide if you actually wanted to do the patches later.

so in short i think LOMCN would benefit from

1) 1 set of files that everyone is uses

2) Stringent moderation - remove pointless posts.

3) Advertising - Let the forum advertise itself (using point 4)

4) Allow people more freedom when posting about their server advert - If they dont put the Exp Rate in dont reject the server listing, just let the first player thats interested in a new server make the post saying "Exp Rate?"

Thats about it really, other than some of the bigger attitude thats are on the forums that can come across harsh if you don't actually know them which could be spoken with, i still this LOMCN is a pretty good information base and i do still advise people to come here if they are struggling with their server files. :)

All the best


P.S Roberts post had some very good ppoints in it. - if you skipped it, go back up this page and have a quick read.
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Peace Not War .
Mar 13, 2004
England (UK)
LOMCN should stay as a "legend of mir" community, with MAYBE a couple of extra games, no way should it change to a complete "MMORPG" forum, as this would just create a whole new community, which would be full of kids and prats basically...

I have no idea why i still hang around these forums from time to time, i guess its the people here, its got a kind of "family" feel to it dont you think?...

LONG LIVE THE LEGEND OF MIR! .. i wonder what the future holds?

Lol well theres my thoughts, not like many of you probs care ^^


Golden Oldie
Jun 20, 2003
United Kingdom
Close community wouldn't be lost, it would probably be reinforced by the new topics/post new comers make.
whats funny is all these people saying keep it as a legend of a mir community when they only visit the forum once/twice a month, which makes it hardly a "community" at all.

i think branching into other oriental game genres would be a step worth taking, but tbh there has been very few changes being made to make lomcn a better community. New files being worked on is great and all, but its no real attraction to newcomers.

Mir servers need to be simplified for newcomers also. its not good to be trawling through forum posts/stickys/guides not knowing what you are looking at or the differences between each sets of files and their clients.

Everything needs tidying into nice category's, either into separate tabs (2.3 , 2.6 etc) at the top of the forum or a server files tab with the different sets listed with brief explanations about each set with working links / guides.

Guest being able to view(not post!)the forum needs lifting also, iv asked about this before but nothing seems to have been done. i dont see any reason for lomcn to feel the need to be "underground" or "private" any more.


Peace Not War .
Mar 13, 2004
England (UK)
Close community wouldn't be lost, it would probably be reinforced by the new topics/post new comers make.
whats funny is all these people saying keep it as a legend of a mir community when they only visit the forum once/twice a month, which makes it hardly a "community" at all.

i think branching into other oriental game genres would be a step worth taking, but tbh there has been very few changes being made to make lomcn a better community. New files being worked on is great and all, but its no real attraction to newcomers.

Mir servers need to be simplified for newcomers also. its not good to be trawling through forum posts/stickys/guides not knowing what you are looking at or the differences between each sets of files and their clients.

Everything needs tidying into nice category's, either into separate tabs (2.3 , 2.6 etc) at the top of the forum or a server files tab with the different sets listed with brief explanations about each set with working links / guides.

Guest being able to view(not post!)the forum needs lifting also, iv asked about this before but nothing seems to have been done. i dont see any reason for lomcn to feel the need to be "underground" or "private" any more.

I am guessing this was aimed at me, i have just been doing my own thing, moving on in life, and then all of a sudden, something makes you think.."hmmm ill check out LOMCN". As much as there are a few of us that are hardly on anymore, im sure most of the people within the community who are still active alot are saying the same, keep it to legend of mir until death, as this it what it has been known for all its life! You've got RZ for all MMORPG's rite?

100% agree'd on all of this, i myself struggle to know what is what nower days haha, maybe because i am not around much though... It just seems soo hard to find the rite set of files to start with, the rite patches, clients etc...Obviously if i was properly making a server and found the time to search through then i can imagine that i would get there eventualy, but like you say, for newcomers this isn't possible lol!


Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
meh mir is **** now, but it will and forever will be the best game i played.. i wish euro mir would come back.. pre 1.4 would own.. and i'd still pay the monthly fees. -.-

anyway adding a few more categorys wont hurt deffo add all the UK based games, since thats the majority of the people where afaik....

Deffo add a Rift forum, its new and may get people here

also open the forum to the public...


Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
and p.s if u want to rebrand give me pm i got a few domains.... could be used for gaming or rpg's...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 7, 2009
i think LOMCN should make there own mir server, i know you said u dont really wanna do it but u could get the ppl runnin there servers from this forum to help and make 1 big game as there 4 main servers on here but they only have like 20 ppl each on them :/
make it a med rate and let them have there own area to up grade( eg GI,MW) but LOMCN staff could have the last say !!
just think there r to many servers needs 1 good 1 to bring every1 together :)


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Nov 13, 2003
But it has been said before, you cannot please everyone so not everyone will play and enjoy it.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 7, 2009
yh but its worth givin it a go bring all the servers to one as ppl dont wanna join these new server as only 20ppl play but if u made it into 1 that could get 50+ ppl and if u make it med rate it stops lvlin bein borin but still hard to get rare items, i always thought orbs messed up the game gems only!! , u need items to brake :)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 16, 2005
We will need more advertising as atm mir is getting boring with the same old players who stop playing due to lack of servers, also advertising would bring in new creators of servers & developers? This would help the forum alot due to users being able to play on more servers & enjoy it more. I dont like the idea of other games being advertised, as this is Legend of mir and has been for years & i dont think that we should change that its perfect with just LOM on it. If it increases to other games its not us anymore its another ragezone clone per say, but at the end of the day there needs to be a change in order to get a higher user count to the forums.
Thats my say <3