Mir Support Team


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 8, 2004
I have noticed that a lot of people have problems with there server, which cant always be solved with a simple post, so I have decided so set up a support email, so that people can get one to one help with there servers, please read the below on intructions on how to send the email..

1. Write up a a detailed description of the problem.

2. Put your MSN address at the bottom of the email.

3. Send the email to [email protected].

If you have followed these instructions then you should recieve a reply within 4 hours at the maximum, below is an explanation of how the process works and how your problem will be solved..

1. I will tackle your problem for 20 minutes.

2. If the problem can't be solved then I will add you to my MSN.

3. If the problem still can't be solved I will use remote assistance.

4. If the problem still isnt solved I will give you advice on what to do.

Make sure that you have read all of these instructions and fully understand them and your problem should be fixed, you can ask me anything apart from EI information, because I only work on mir 2..
