Mir3 dead?


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 4, 2010
No cambies las palabras jony, he dicho que tengo screen de hispared con 90 usuarios online...

Yo no tendré 90 usuarios , pero seguramente si, unos de los mejores servidores de mir III españoles que se hayan podido ver.
El tiempo da la razón y los usuarios. Ya veremos aver.

Sorry for write in spanish!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 27, 2007
No cambies las palabras jony, he dicho que tengo screen de hispared con 90 usuarios online...

Yo no tendré 90 usuarios , pero seguramente si, unos de los mejores servidores de mir III españoles que se hayan podido ver.
El tiempo da la razón y los usuarios. Ya veremos aver.

Sorry for write in spanish!

na... i know ppl playing in this server .. not more than 40
Si te lees das a entender que tu tenias 90 user.. y hispa que yo sepa hace años que no tiene ese user count xd


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 4, 2010
Bueno que el mir no está muerto... / Mir not dead
Empire ahora mismo 52 usuarios / Empire have 52 users now
Zentaur ahora mismo 21 usuarios /Zentaur have 21 users now
Hasekura ahora mismo 43 usuarios. / hASEKURA have 43 users now
RndPro ahora mismo 20 usuarios. / rND have 20 users now

Y son servidores inglés , cuando mas usuarios tienen es de noche. Si no os gustan esos servidores no significa que esté muerto el mir...


LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
and no source is still not the truth there is but only in c and nowhere is a c coder that will work on it

The C++ Code is crap and it is from the start of mir3. The Problem is not the Coder, the problem is the Comunity thats leach only things...
I mean I have do only a little bit for Mir3 and some other same. but with a handfull members you can do nothing.
Yes I work on a own Mir3 version (most know it), but only for me (private). The Point is thats no one helped me (after 100 times ask).
This show the big problem in this comunity... ...look at the chinese with his big comunity, it work better...

(Sorry for my bad English -.- )
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 27, 2007
Bueno que el mir no está muerto... / Mir not dead
Empire ahora mismo 52 usuarios / Empire have 52 users now
Zentaur ahora mismo 21 usuarios /Zentaur have 21 users now
Hasekura ahora mismo 43 usuarios. / hASEKURA have 43 users now
RndPro ahora mismo 20 usuarios. / rND have 20 users now

Y son servidores inglés , cuando mas usuarios tienen es de noche. Si no os gustan esos servidores no significa que esté muerto el mir...

one game dont have updates arround more than 10 years is dead game..
Por mucho que intentes decir que no esta muerto lo esta y lo seguira estando y va a peor los del mir3 van al mir2 y otros se piran a jugar a otros juegos que actualizan ya sea wow/aion y un sin fin de juegos mejor codeados que el mir.. yo ya e pasado del mir por mucho que intentes hacer se quedara igual..estoy probando metin2


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 27, 2010
Im going to say my opinion about if it's dead
Maybe it's dying, I really don't know, but at least, I'm really really lucky, and I have my own server to play only myself, and the other servers I opened, and for me, it's one of the best mmorpgs ever, and even if it dissapears, for me, it's going to be like that


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 4, 2010
if lomcn a servant of mir was opening, without donations and with developers
and international with a slow and experience everything for democratic decisions.
He would be the best servant of mir the IIIrd and there would come to great more people that making private servants and everyone remaining with his scripts as we are doing.



Feb 1, 2010
if lomcn a servant of mir was opening, without donations and with developers
and international with a slow and experience everything for democratic decisions.
He would be the best servant of mir the IIIrd and there would come to great more people that making private servants and everyone remaining with his scripts as we are doing.


Im sorry? what?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 22, 2008
josiko servant is not a good word to say server :P....

The mir 3 is dead? are you serius? the most ever played MMORPG in 2005 is dead after six years about that record?... not really Mir 3 never still alive, L2 and the new guy "Aion" have the war with WoW(i hate WoW), but thes battle win is for mir 3, its a basic game with the clasics graphics from RPG, a good way to make pro gamer, if you are a good MMORPG Player in mir, no body can take to you in other game, the future in mir 3, its making a good all in one Server, with many GM who want to make a new age, the age from Old School Academy. Good Luck my friends


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 7, 2010
I see that the post takes time, but I can not resist posting my opinion.
Do not understand why the Mir3 must die, I've seen worse games graphics, and gameplay and have thousands of people playing. Example: DiabloII, Travian, Runescape, Tibia and more ... Mir3 not think much heralded by the world, for that reason you say you are dying. Before discovering the Mir3, he had not ever heard in my life, and now when I tell my colleagues, nor heard him say. When they decide to try it, they always want to enter a new server to be the strongest, not knowing that most of the new servers close to 2 months. When that happens, people do not trust Mir3 and go to games that have always been alive.
Lomcn community is very important in development of Mir3. What is important is the collaboration of the experts who help learners, so transferring the Mir3. If this continues, with the help of forum members, I assume that Mir3 will never die.

This is my opinion, and I feel comfortable sharing it with you.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 27, 2010
España (Mallorca)
La opinión que yo tengo, es que cualquiera puede abrir un servidor. Todos le limitan a copiar y pegar. Suelen ser fast servers. Por lo que a los 2 meses, la gente es nivel 10000 y se cansan, lo dejan y el server cierra.
Mir3 pide mucho mantenimiento si tu quieres realizar un buen trabajo.
Como ha dicho mi compañero Josiko, nosotros estamos trabajando en un proyecto, lo mas diferente posible a lo que ya existe, y solo tenemos un par de zonas. Hemos creado muchas cosas nuevas y tambien aprovechado otras, pero todo esto lleva un trabajo increible que desde fuera no se puede ver y no se puede apreciar.
Crear algo diferente es muy dificil, y si no tienes conocimientos, como era nuestro caso, todavia el trabajo se complica mas. Pero dandonos golpes, hemos llegado a aprender un poco.


The opinion I have, is that anyone can open a server. All you simply copy and paste. They are usually fast servers. As at 2 months, people are at 10000 and get tired, leave and the server closes.
Mir3 requires much maintenance if you want to do a good job.
As my friend Josiko say, we are working on a project, as different as possible to what already exists, and we only have a couple of areas. We have created many new things and also used other, but all this takes an amazing job from the outside can not see and can not appreciate.
Creating something different is very difficult, and if you have no knowledge, as in our case, yet the work is further complicated. But hitting us, we come to learn a little.

Sorry for my english.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 28, 2010
Guys mir3 needs time.... as it is long.... very long.... specially when you work by your self!
Time is everything, no time? no server, easy. Wow did not come out in 1 day, same now, im waiting for LINEAGE 3 which is in making for nice couple of years? With a team of professional developers and huge budget?
So how can you expect in 1 or 2 months not even full days of work to create a good working server? its all nonsense.

Time is everything guys, I say take your time, like me ;]
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