Android/iOS Mir4 on Steam


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Honestly I plan on trying it out at the end of the day yeah most mobile games start out with whales getting a head because of Semi-limited resources for the F2P and Freemium players but typically if you use your Semi-limited resources wisely you can catch up to the whales normally within 6 month for Freemium and 12 month for F2P.

You have to remember that Mir has never been a F2P game and all that has changed is how you pay for the service they are providing and the fact they even let F2P in the game on the game itself is a massive benefit to those who cannot aford £6-10 a month subscription most games charge.

So my advice is if you wanna be Number 1 on server day 1 and don't wanna spend £100-10000 then this game probably isn't for you but if your willing to hoard the Semi-Limited materials and use them wisely as either a freemium or f2p player you will catch up at a certain point then it will come down to skill as it always has in mmo type games.

Anyway I missed the early access so I'm not sure on how much of a headstart the whales will get or what those of us who will be playing need to hoard / use wisely, If any of you who played know share the knowledge on here for the LOMCN Crew.

All games can be enjoyed for free but you wont be top dog 💯

Played and reached 26 I think so here’s a few tips:

Starts off ultra easy, my advice is to complete ALL the missions and not just concentrate on the story line quest. It will leave you under kitted around level 22 and your end up heading back to ginko to do the quests anyway. So 100% max out each area as you go and your be in an over powered position by the time your 22.

Level 18-22 is where the game gets good imo, the addiction kicks in and you start to believe it’s not just the auto play nonsense it was 1-18.

You can auto play the quests by clicking them and they will run you to the exact boss or mob location. Set auto potions up I’d recommend setting to 80% for HP and MP as when you come across a bunch of mobs that have a Sub Boss amongst them and your solo you will need to remain high HP to survive the bout as there’s like a few seconds CD for potions.

Best way to complete quests is follow the groups of ppl, as just by tagging a mob it will count towards your quest counts…most are like kill 80 of these or collect 50 of these. Completing quests rewards you with thousands of exp whereas mob kills are like 50-150 at first.

If someone asks you to group 100% accept as it generally means there after the same mobs as you and then atleast your both be earning items and exp for ALL the mob kills, not just who hits first.

Mining is like a macro you can find ones that have 30 minutes on the node so can let it keep mining that particular rock without clicking repeatably.

Same for bush gathering or meditating for energy, there’s enough around you won’t miss them.

There’s raids to join, make sure you join the correct server language that you are gonna be able to understand.

Essential but rare bits you will need to craft or enhance items or upgrade your skills are “darksteel” and “skill books” so be sure to pick out them missions first as that’s what increases your total power.

A little trick from beta you can use a green teleport scroll to teleport to the highest caves in the Bicheon area and mine DarkSteel to your hearts content as mobs don’t aggro onto you until you engage. There’s also random placed chests in all locations so also go run laps of higher caves opening them.

You cannot teleport to the other 2 provinces until you have completed the story bits.

Be sure to explore the craft shops in BW as they have ultra rares like Glowing WarSpirtBlades and JMaces to craft.

Have fun, il post what server I join nearer the time maybe we should all try be on same server. 👍🏻
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Few more bits found out today:

3 servers for launch:
Asia - NA - Europe

New class to be released later:
Crossbow class to come after launch

Launch time:
26th august 4am uk time

Minimum specs:

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Sounds decent have you tried any PVP and by any chance have you played a lancer was thinking of going for the new class at launch.

Honestly I think the best server to play at launch would be EU its the middle ground with the largest english speaking population. So I think thats what most if not all of the LOMCN crew will end up joining so they can play together without terrible Ping and FPS. I'm either going to play it on Steam (If it supports Joypad) or my Tablet/phone.

Hoping that the PVP/PK is fun and drops are still a thing.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 20, 2005
signed up for play test but steam won't let me install. iOS is pre-order and android store won't even load the page for it. how are people playing


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Sounds decent have you tried any PVP and by any chance have you played a lancer was thinking of going for the new class at launch.

Honestly I think the best server to play at launch would be EU its the middle ground with the largest english speaking population. So I think thats what most if not all of the LOMCN crew will end up joining so they can play together without terrible Ping and FPS. I'm either going to play it on Steam (If it supports Joypad) or my Tablet/phone.

Hoping that the PVP/PK is fun and drops are still a thing.

PVP u set 1 of around 7 modes to be in, similar to Mir just worded different (lawful being peace)

If you die past I think 22 you start to get punished with a 5% exp loss and dropping bag n kit bits as a single item sack on floor

I played Asia server by mistake and yes ping was 300-600 but still very playable

Warrior was decent don’t know about other classes

Wasn’t really Pk 1-22 I’d say that’s gonna be more apparent later, content going to level 150

Obviously this was BETA it could well be different on live


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 6, 2009
signed up for play test but steam won't let me install. iOS is pre-order and android store won't even load the page for it. how are people playing
Beta finished a few days ago
No one can play now
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 20, 2014
I had at one point 8 internal I injuries, once u pk a couple of people and go red you only get 50% exp from quests and mobs,
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I had at one point 8 internal I injuries, once u pk a couple of people and go red you only get 50% exp from quests and mobs,
And u get jacked like it’s 2003
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LOMCN Developer
May 10, 2003
I was duel client'ing for the entire beta got a level 33 warr and 32 tao. The desync i saw at times between the clients was disgusting so unless they fix that (unlikely) i wouldnt join here if youre looking for a decent PvP experience.

The PvE aspect was really fun though. I agree with general summary that level 22+ the autoplay feature becomes alot less autoplayey

Another tip to add to Herc's list: if youre just bumming around grinding for exp turn autoMP off as you rinse through them quickly
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Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
What’s the loot system like do items drop on the floor etc? Also is it actually open world or instanced? The caves are free roam like mir2 or again instances etc? Not many videos show what it’s actually about, mainly just people starting out for the first 15mins or so.

edit: is there also guilds?
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Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
What’s the loot system like do items drop on the floor etc? Also is it actually open world or instanced? The caves are free roam like mir2 or again instances etc? Not many videos show what it’s actually about, mainly just people starting out for the first 15mins or so.

edit: is there also guilds?

Guilds yes/clans I think there called, open world free roaming other than needing to complete story quest to visit higher places.

Copper / Items go directly into bag
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2015
I did see this though which was pretty cool, guessing it’s some sort of boss drop that anyway can run up and steal lol?

Theres 2 caves/events you can access around level 30 via the interface menu. You get 2 free tickets a day for each that last 30mins.

One cave, think ot was called magic square, has various rooms. You have a teleport button which randomly moves you to a different room or you can teleport to the room your group leader is in, 10sec cooldown. Each room has a different theme where you can gather various materials nodes, some rooms have good exp etc or good copper (gold) etc. Some of the rooms have bosses/chests that you can fight over. You can find a room full of darksteel nodes in here

The other cave, think it was spirit square, is a large map that random bosses spawns at a specific location. When it dies it drops some chests that anyone can open. There is PvP for both the boss and the chests. While opening the chest if you take dmg it resets the timer.

Both of these maps if you die you go back to a lobby so can be easy enough to get bk to the fight and can drag pvp on.

Me and my brother ended in a 2v1 vs a pker 10 levels higher. Neither could kill each other was pretty boring trying to chase them around. Another one we dropped into a room where a guild of about 7 was already in trying to open one of the chests and they wiped us pretty fast


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 20, 2014
I’m sure when I was killing trash some shoes/boots appeared above the mobs head to show that what it may or did drop the item.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Spent a few mins looking on youtube although this guy doesn't really cover anything but gameplay there was a few useful timestamps below to look at the UI that I'm sure one of the testers could use to break down everything in details if they wanted.

Main Menu - 28:39 - Guessing spirits are pets, training is like FFX spere grid unlocking nodes giving stat increases.
Equipment menu - 27:19 - Looks like 1 basic skill and 12 skills per class that need unlocking and upgrading.
Status Information - 27:42 - There is a lot of stats so guessing you will need different sets of gear for pve/pvp.
Clan System - 28:19 - my guess is you can upgrade which provides bonuses (probably at wars)
Crafting 30:27 - Really like the look of this.

Honestly I'm quite hyped about playing the game the more I see the better its looks.
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Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
Also thing that caught my eye, the armour/wep appearance never changes either from what you’ve got equipped to what your character shows, if you get what I mean lol, so I’m guessing there’ll be costumes etc in the gameshop.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Also thing that caught my eye, the armour/wep appearance never changes either from what you’ve got equipped to what your character shows, if you get what I mean lol, so I’m guessing there’ll be costumes etc in the gameshop.

Yeah typically as the F2P and Freemium catch up to the whales they start adding costumes and weapon skins normally theme based like halloween, christmas, ect.
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LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
Just remember the more people that play and put money into this pile of dog **** the less likely we will ever see a real new mir. The best we can hope for is this to die a fast painful death and it brings a few extra names over here.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Just remember the more people that play and put money into this pile of dog **** the less likely we will ever see a real new mir. The best we can hope for is this to die a fast painful death and it brings a few extra names over here.

I don't understand why such hate for a game not even out. Did you test it and was the Paid features even on the test server? because usualy they don't add that stuff till launch. Or is this hate just because it isn't how you want to imagen Mir4 should look like because mate its 2021 MMORPGs have pretty much moved past Subscription based gaming, now its all Cash shops with XP buffs, Semi limited resources, Outfits and weapon skins.

If you can't change with the times just stick to the P-servers because even if this failed and someone else made a Mir4/5/6 it won't be anything like Mir 1/2/3 was.


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
I don't understand why such hate for a game not even out. Did you test it and was the Paid features even on the test server? because usually they don't add that stuff till launch. Or is this hate just because it isn't how you want to imagen Mir4 should look like because mate its 2021 MMORPGs have pretty much moved past Subscription based gaming, now its all Cash shops with XP buffs, Semi limited resources, Outfits and weapon skins.

If you can't change with the times just stick to the P-servers because even if this failed and someone else made a Mir4/5/6 it won't be anything like Mir 1/2/3 was.
Yes i did. Its a just copy of several other auto play "games" hell there was even a mir clone posted on here 2 years ago with almost the exact same money grabbing "features" . Every system is designed to get money from you. Its hate because its ****, if you think **** like this is acceptable as a game you part of the problem. Of course i don't expect a 2.5d game. But i expect more from than a trashy copy paste auto play cash grab you should aswell.