MirAlliance 11th November 7:00PM UK

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Join: Discord
Download: Autopatcher



This server will offer a wide variety of AIs for the end game bosses where it won't be smash and heal and basic way to kill boss it will be full of mind games for you to explore and adds a taste to the PVE of Mir not just a simple hack and slash PVE so expect something really interesting from that as well.

Right so in my opinion crystal files opened us to many new features but pvp was always an issue so I have made the pvp back to how it was in the good old days now when you're hitting someone you can run you won't have to walk a step to run again but not just that finally no more flinch locks yes you read it right tdb and doubleslash won't flinch lock anymore so get ready for the fights!

Ice Wall will be a guilds war that occurs every 6 hours this will be the main wall during the servers first phase to see it goes as I might be considering the change of the usual Sabuk Wall of only 2 times a week yes it does have its own taste because of that but I believe when making the main wall war 4 times a day keeping the intensity of the fights always and keeping in mind you will be dropping items at this Wall.
But then I will wait how the server will progress and see if adding Sabuk Wall will benifit the server gameplay or impact it negatively.


There are more stuff as well to find such as many hidden quests that will be very rewardful not the kind of quests you would miss a long with many updates that are already ready to be added once the time is right as I have always been known with keeping up with my server as long as I still have players playing it, I am hoping Mir Alliance will stand much longer than any of my previous servers as I have dedicated a lot of hours to work on those features and make them bugless and to ensure they will work proper and I will do my best as usual to keep the server alive as long as it can.

𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Character name: (Your char name to recieve credit), Purchase credits in MirAlliance
£5 = 500
£10 = 1000
£20 = 2100
£30 = 3300
£40 = 4600
£50 = 6000

Extra 30% gamegold bonus will be added for utopia donators as mentioned.
Gameshop is mounts, pads, potions, torchs etc...
Thank you
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Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Account creation will be opened at 6:00pm uk
Character creation will be opened at 6:00pm uk
Login gate will be opened at 6:30pm uk. (30mins befor live)


Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Changes have been done since Alliance launched
Pets targeting monsters should be fixed now
SuperGems issue fixed
InstectCave quest no.4 monster count required fixed
Exppots can now be sold in trustmerchant
Woomahorn can now be sold in trustmerchant
KnowledgeTorchs gold price added in gameshop
Fencing accuracy increase corrected 1 per level
Fencing MaxAc increase corrected 2 per level
Pets max level reduced to 7
ChallengeRoom shouldnt see your pets as monster now
Taming pets made eaiser
HuntingAreas 45+ experience increased
Drops reduced in 25-30 area
Torchs light range increased
MoonMist cooldown reduced
Amulet, Poison, Arrow, TownTeleport, RandomTeleport cost reduced
Players dieing pve will not break/drop untill the attack is over
Lagout in a floor befor kr you will be loging back in the same floor
Monsters gold drop rate increased Bosses, Subbosses drop file improved
FishingRoad is not expire anymore untill the attack end
Assassin base start agility increased to 10
Spells not showing the next level required in skills page fixed
Thrusting image fixed
Buffs like hiding, rage, holyshield etc.. stopped pausing in sz
Archers base agility, accuracy increased by 2
NapalmShot poison changed to burning
VampireSpider movement, A.speed increased
Meditation, Concentration reworked to increase archer defence, accuracy plus enhance elementalshot power
DelayedExplosion now works with trick shot
Shinsu movement, attackspeed improved
PVPBosses shouts once spawned
TrollKing AI reworked
Slow pve reworked to slow monsters a.speed, movement little more
ZumaRats spawn increased
BugBatMaggot spawn reduced in Stonetemple, ZumaTemple
Black,White,Red threads weight changed to 0
HealthStones stats increased
EXPWeapons, Ring stats increased
Medal, Shield, RiftBadge dura increased to 10
Supergems gold required to craft reduced
FrozenSword Quest changed to be Stone you gonne like the reward


Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Changes: Thursday 17th november to Monday 21th november
Valkyrie monsters have been added with thier sub/boss
WildDragon is ready for the fight!
HealthRegen improved little for everyone
HPBar bosses, subs code reworked
Wizards should not be taming anymore bosses/subs
Instance minotaurking spawn fixed Instance attemps increased to 2 times a day
AwakeningBag drop rate increased
NapalmShot burning duration increased
GuardianAngel mobs spawn rate increased
GuardianAngel quest item drop rate increased
VampireShot proc rate increased
ItemSet(H) required gold to craft reduced
FlameField delay reverted to normal
Tucson, Troll monsters level reduced to 60 so wizards able to tam them
ShadowStep drop rate increased
BackStep cooldown reduced 3 seconds
FishingRod changed to destroy on drop Level6,7,8 bosses, subs spawn chance increased
Wild item set stats increased
Ultimate item set stats increased (H),(N) version
Level50-60 item set drop rate increase so players have chance to use stage item system
Veteran buff is under test and will be added ingame soon (You will have exp 100% untill you became highest char on your account)

𝐈𝐜𝐞𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥 has been added ingame 18th novemeber

Join: DISCORD to join our 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐲 events and win free gamegold

𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 will be starting tomorrow Tuesday 22th november 7:00pm uk


Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Friday 25th november patch

Join us to enjoy our fight events


Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015

Changes: Wednesday 23th november to Sunday 27th november
GoldBar, Bundle, Chest added to potion npc in town
BackStep cast spells delay removed
ElementalShot stopped stacking means player wont get 2 element shot at same time
Redemption auto revive once dead added to prevent players from die and keep watching
Pickup pets renamed to redemption during the fight
Catchup exp increased to 5% per level
Stage item price reduced
Stage stopped failing chance to 0%
Scatter spell leveling fixed
Instance caves has been changed to solo players and not group required
TrollCave, TurtleKing has been added to instance area
WildDragon added to instance area as group instance cave
SnowQueen hp, damage increased drop file improved
WildDragon drop file improved (Wild items, 50-60 items)
Bosses, Subbosses respawn time reduced to match amount of new players who joined our server
SunPotion hp increased to 220 hp 240 mp
RedemptionBadge stats increased
Agility vs mobs / bosses reworked
Nobility has been reseted

Alliance start changes
Newbie Items to help new players
Launch quest has been removed from teleport stone
You can have your newbie exp from Mir Alliance npc for 6 Hours
NewbieGuild cap changed to 50


Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Friday 2nd of december 6:00pm uk

SabukWall runs 3 times a week at 7:00pm uk (Sunday, Wednesday and Friday)
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Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
💣𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞💣
Knight system is controlled after level 60 you can enable/disable it
ExpItems increases by 5% experience per stage level
ProtectionRing PVP damage reducation increased to 20% PVE Damage reducation 30%
Characters HP increased
LandOfSnakes, AncientTemple, OrcCave, HellCave added to teleport stone
GreatFoxSpirit added to teleport stone
ChaolenTemple added to teleport stone
SabukWall added to teleport stone
OmaKingSpirit damage, hp increased and drop file reworked
WildDragon damage, hp increased and drop file reworked
OKS, WildDragon spawn time changes to higher
New caves mobs/subs has been added to challenge rooms
New spells added to 60 bosses drop files
Level 70 items added to 60 bosses drop files
Books level 50-60 drop rate increased in 60 bosses drop files
QualityOrbs 70-80 added in drop files
QualityOrbs 70 added in game shop
BlackWolf added in game shop
OrcGuards added in game shop
SabukWall runs at sunday, wednessday and friday at 7:00pm uk but NOT today
RedemptionWar runs at saturday, tuesday and thursday at 7:00pm uk
IceWall runs everyday at 2:00am 8:00am 2:00pm 8:00pm uk
IceWall reward stats increased
SuperGems reset chance reduced should be better now
Max MagicResist 12, 1% Chance per gem added
DisillusionGem added to drop files
SuperDisillusionGem added to gem crafting npc
HealthGem added to drop files
ChainOfFire PVP damage increased (Reloaded live 2 days ago)
Bosses, Subs level spawn code reworked
ContestGround added to warzone teleports
Plague reduces mp by 8.33% of target mp per level so its 50% mp reduce at level 6
MaxLuck increased to 8
AwakeningBags mobs drop rate increased
Awakening materials required each level increased increased
Awakening better stats rate with higher quality increased means better chance to find 4-4 and 3-3 stats at mythical grade

𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬
OmaKingRobe effect stopped in redemption map
Redemption minimum level to join the fight increased to 60
RedemptionBadge stats increased
Everyone recall will be disbaled 5minutes befor the fight start to prevent any afk
player from recalling to the fight.
You will need to enable the recall in this 5 minutes befor the fight start if you want
to join the Redemption Fight.

👍𝐐𝐨𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬👍
Random entrance for small rooms added (OKS, KS) etc..
MoonLight Qol feature you will not be visable to enemies if you are standing next to friends
HolyShield buffs stopped refresh from low buff stats
Buffs such as Haste, MagicBooster refreshing timer when recasting

🎁𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬🎁
Level 45-60 caves exp increased
NewbieGuild exp rate increased to 50%
NewbieGuild max level increased to 60
Level 50-60 caves mobs, bosses dmg reduced and exp increased
Level 50-60 items drop rate increased from monsters
QualityOrb 50-60 drop rate increased from monsters

♛𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐤𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥 starting tonight at 7:00pm
♛𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐤𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥 starting tonight at 7:00pm
♛𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐤𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥 starting tonight at 7:00pm
♛𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐤𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥 starting tonight at 7:00pm


Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Reboot Changes
Level Cap: 85
Knight Cap: 400
Knight Max Points: 25

XmasEvent added ingame
Christmas NPC in town to craft xmas items and tele to xmas field
XmasPotions stack with game shop potions
Xmas items, potions expire once event removed from game so do not save them for ever.
XmasBoxs added in every mob ingame
XmasBoxs are 5 better reward from higher box quality

New 2 hunting area added ingame (Phoenix Nest, Fiend Temple)
New group hunting area added ingame (Evil Mir)
New item set added in drop files (Mir items)
BlackDragonDungeon mobs, bosses damage increased and drop file improved
DarkDevil spawn time changed
GreatFoxSpirit damage increased, drop file imroved and foxs spawn rate reduced
IZT, GreatFoxSpirit showing wrong boss level fixed
HellCave mobs and boss damage increased, drop file improved
HellCave_KR max randomteleport 10
OrcCave mobs and boss damage increased, drop file improved
AncientTemple mobs and boss damage increased, drop file improved
FlameKing, HeavenTemple subs stun poison enabled

HP Regen Delay * 2
Single target pvp damage increased to match hp regen changes
BladeAvalanche PVP damage increased
BladeAvalanche next action issue fixed
Redemption chance to work increased
HeavenlySword PVP damage increased
Curse duration fixed, increases with your freezing added perfect now
ElementalShot PVP Damage reduced to 1.5 crippleshot damage it was 1.8 crippleshot damage
Archer PVE damage DPS increased (Done live)
FrozenShot pve chance to slow improved
New Potions(%) added to gameshop for gold/gg (Done live)
SuperGems gold required to craft increased to match server progress
SuperGems added in drop files
Normal Gems drop rate increased in drop files
Orbs added to top end bosses game
Low level books added in books NPC
Level 60 books gold required to craft reduced
More spells have been added to crafting books npc

Stage System Changes:
It will not be anymore random stats gained BUT
Weapon, Necklace, Bracelet, Ring, Stone +2 (DC-MC-SC)
Armour, Helmet, Belt, Boot +2 (AC-MAC)
EXPItems +5% exp rate per stage

Enjoy Alliance Christmas Event
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  • Haha
Reactions: Helloyou


Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Changes 20-12-2022
Christmas mob quest count changed to increase from both (low, high) mobs
Xmas items expire duration increased to 2 days
Exchange diamond added to Item Enhancer npc crafting list
DiamondToken(50) added to Great Fox Spirit and Evil Mir drop file
DiamondToken(50) and (100) added to Lord Of Town drop file
Gold amount required to craft supergems reduced
Scatter now working behind walls with mental state
Land Of Snakes, Ancient Temple, Hell Cave instance added once per day
LegendBlades image position fixed
Max AttackSpeed increased to 12
Max Freezing increased to 15
Shinsu, Skeleton, VampireSpider, Toad HP scaling from master HP
Mir items stats increased
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Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Frist of all i would tell you guys thank you for the support since the attack happend on
us at launch of alliance till now, We are 1 month and half the server stable is really
great we have only 2-3 crash and balance is great we have not changed much.
I'm going to add few things ingame untill our big patch 28th of december.

You need to download new exe to be able to level after 85.

Level Cap: 90
SnowCave, ShamanTemple added to Hunting area teleport stone
Lords Cave added to PVP boss teleport area, Contain 2 lords
FiendTemple instance teleport added
OmaCave, MineralMines, ZombieCave, InsectCave, WoomaTemple removed from teleport stone
EvilMir teleport has been chaned wish to see some fights for it ;/
Experience increased * 2 to make leveling journy eaiser to level 90
Item set level 90 added to drop files
New exp items added to drop files
Ultimate item set (X) added to crafting list
GingerBreadman added to xmas mobs spawn that has chance to drop epic box with nice gold
OrcspearMan AI changed to walk to targets and not from targets so its more useful leveling area
OrcCave mobs spawn rate increased
Hell Cave mobs spawn rate increases
Alliance Attack Mode removed
Group member size reduced to 15
Guild Cap increased to 25
QualityOrb(70), (80) gold prices reduced
QualityOrb(90) gold/gg price added

Nobility rank has been reseted.
Exp35% 3 hours has been reseted from Mir Alliance NPC.
Xmas prizes has been reseted from Xmas NPC.
Thank you and enjoy guys.



Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Alliance Patch 30/12/2022 6:00pm

Top End Game Players
Cap Level: 110
Knight Level Cap: 500
BattleGround have been added ingame contains 13 (boss/sub)
New 3 Caves have been added to teleport stone
Second version of EvilMir has appeared and ready for the fight
New 3 Lords have been added to Lords_Cave
New Spells added to drop files 1 for each class
Noble_Land have been added to guardian angel npc teleport to continue Guardian_Angel quest story
GuardianAngel evolving to new pet which designed to match your class
Extreme Challenge has been added to Challenge_NPC which starting from SnakeQueen
LordOfTown hp pool, damage increased - Drop file improved
EvilMir hp pool, damage increased - Drop file improved
QualityOrb(100,110) added to drop files, gameshop gold/gg
BlueRhino added to gameshop
SmasherPads added to gameshop
WhiteWolf gold option added to purchase from gameshop
OrcGuards gold option added to purchase from gameshop

Newbie Changes
Start Level: 60
Start Knight Level: 100
Start Items added for new characters
NewbieGuild increased to level 90 giving 20% extra exp
NewbieBox learning you full spell up to level 60
Spells level 70 added to crafting list
Spells crafting materials reworked to eaiser


Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Changes have been from 31-12-2022 to 04-01-2023
BlackDragonDungeon bosses hp pool reduced
Exp items higher version drop rate increased
Twindrakeblade pve damage increased little
EliteEvilMir damage increased
MirAlliance 35% exp stacks with normal exppots reseted!
NobleGuardians hp pool increased to 50k
NobleGuardians A.Speed - MovementSpeed increased
SilenceArmour image fixed
RedemptionBadge stats increased
Frozen item set drop rate increased
Legacy iteme set drop rate increased



Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
Upcoming patch: Friday 03-03-2023
I will be posting more info about the patch with pictures as advert to bring old users and attract more users to join the server.

Socket System:
You can improve your item stats by increasing its sockets count and place shards into sockets
The only way to increase your item sockets count is rerolling the item.

Re Roll System:
Re Roll has chance to give your items its own special stats such as Power, Defense bonus it also has the chance to increase
your item sockets count to improve its stats via shards but it also deleting any stats added on your item if found even sockets
and stage stats so you have to be careful using this feature.

Level cap increased to 130, Knight cap increased to 700.
Knight Points limit increased to 50 per knight skill

New 4 hunting areas have been added to teleport stone
(Bone Crucher, Horse King, Frozen Field, Dark Temple)

New 2 PVP boss have been added in game (Golden Bat Lord, Mir King)

New 1 Group Hunting Area added to teleport stone (Under World)
Contains 1 Sub Boss (Horned Sorcery) 1 Boss (Horned Commander)

Total of 20 new item set have been added in game 4 item set for each class

1 Special item set added for all classes

Level 80-110 drop files have been reworked and improved

Nobility Ranking Resetting