multilanguage system


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 15, 2007
hi all,

Anyone can post a guide here or send me by pm about how to change the script language for the server version king? do not say "using flags" or "need 2 envir" because i know it. But if you can post a guide on this would be very helpful



LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
I use C4D 11, but hard work to get the Scenes ready to use and then made it a bit live inGame. The Scene have a bit Live in the Background. The same Scene but other view I use for the Lode and Selectchar Scene.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 9, 2006
m8 look for bryce it is special for backrounds and areas in 3d best program for it
and now sorry all its rly offtopic :) but all that have read till here hey you got all you need some postings before :P
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Dedicated Member
Nov 13, 2009
Coly you never cease to amaze me.

Amenovis, it's not actually hard to script to SQL at all. It's just a case of picking up the basics first and progressing from that point. I've always prefered .txt script and store, due to the less complication and ease of scripting that way and restoring a .txt file is far easier than actually restoring a corrupt .db file.

If I'm however creating a script that requires a lot of variables and different flags to be used, then I will code in both SQL and .txt format.
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LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
Coly you never cease to amaze me.

^^ Evil Coly...

@NameText Files : I have made test with it but I can say more then 30 Player and you get many problems... This is the point thats I have made
it with Flag Checks. Ok this is my 3th language script but it work now nice. The 2th script use SQL but it made to many SQL Calls and can only
use if you have the SQL on a other Server.

I believe more then 2 or 4 Language you don't need, so the best and good perform lang-script is to use the flag system.

Excemple :

The Illusion Server use 2 Language (using flag).
Check [208] 1 = EN
Check [208] 0 = DE

I ask the User if he connect first how Language he need in both Lang.
If he select one I put it in the flag.
If he need to change the language he can do it in the Usersection (Key = D)
The way over flag is fast and don't need call a list or SQL.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 9, 2006
yeppa more as 30 ppl you get probs but coly m8 that was for sure with lower server specs that time today if you rent a dedi server it have higher specs and than it make no problems as i said minimum for that way is rly 2 Ghz Cpu and minimum 1 Gig Ram or better 2 Gig. And Emerald it looks like you know much or you think you do *hehe

If you will not believe me than believe Coly he know deffently what he is talking about.

And the part with sql lol all what is needed with Var´s is also possible with txt files and not slower in my eyes its faster and also what coly say with server sql requests if you make to much in sql and have it one same system as the server you have also only trouble. For ppl that have not the Possibility to rent 2 or 3 diffrent servers and make all at one server better use for vars txt files (you see it nice in woool files there nearly all vars safed in txt files and there you have rly no lagging system.

anyways i would be interested to know emeralld if you have test it out with txt and sql what time does it lag and what time not Coly and Me and much other have made it. Idabiga do nearly all with Sql i dunno what system he run but i am sure he use a 2nd host for sql same like zedina do and some others
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Dedicated Member
Nov 13, 2009
yeppa more as 30 ppl you get probs but coly m8 that was for sure with lower server specs that time today if you rent a dedi server it have higher specs and than it make no problems as i said minimum for that way is rly 2 Ghz Cpu and minimum 1 Gig Ram or better 2 Gig. And Emerald it looks like you know much or you think you do *hehe

If you will not believe me than believe Coly he know deffently what he is talking about.

And the part with sql lol all what is needed with Var´s is also possible with txt files and not slower in my eyes its faster and also what coly say with server sql requests if you make to much in sql and have it one same system as the server you have also only trouble. For ppl that have not the Possibility to rent 2 or 3 diffrent servers and make all at one server better use for vars txt files (you see it nice in woool files there nearly all vars safed in txt files and there you have rly no lagging system.

anyways i would be interested to know emeralld if you have test it out with txt and sql what time does it lag and what time not Coly and Me and much other have made it. Idabiga do nearly all with Sql i dunno what system he run but i am sure he use a 2nd host for sql same like zedina do and some others
You really are sparse with your actual reading and understanding of what I said arn't you, but then again myabe that has to do with the lack of lateral thinking on your part. As you really do tend to speak before thinking.

A two server system, one running the server files and the other running the sql server is not going to cause any lag at all. Especially if they are on the same core network as each other, but as I said if running everything from one server and you only have a cpu of 2ghz and 2gb memory running a hefty quest script system with 30+ players on the server. You are going to noice lag, whether it be from the scripts that are running in the background or the other features that are running within game.

Yes I have built both sql & .txt scripts and also combined both into one quest system. A high end of variables works far quicker in a sql system, than what it does in a .txt script. I also build sql databases as a day to day job and I fully understand that a system that is under par to the database will cause issues with it.

DB wait errors are caused by scripts reading into the sql and refrencing the information to quick and cause's timeouts within the db, this is why I find using both .txt and sql at the same time a far better option for creating a far complex script.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 9, 2006
lol m8 you arguing and arguing

we all have now find ehm 5 or 6 ways or how much ever to solve one request. all i can say is what i have test and what i have found out. and i know that most ppls here start sweeting if they read SQL script in Sql or what else. I also had read one time from a sql prof if you not can script in sql not start a Server.

All i can say is the 2 Servers i had run work perfect laggs was rly not often the player loved the servers and all was running (why closed have other relations)

So maybe its for you easy for others also but hey i can that also i have also done some sql scripting but for me its only a pain in ass and txt files is much easier. and all what is important at that point is are there diffrent ways of doing it and yes there are.

all working all have same result one is better one need more specs other have no good overview some prefer flags some namelist commands and so on.

And i say it again ppl have now enough to start with it and i will not arguing futhermore for that stupid topic lol it looks like you think you know much and maybe you do. i know that i know not much but what i know also work. maybe diffrent maybe there are also easier ways but they work.

Example is in server ideas thread from mapa and guild store system. i know much gm have think about it and till now no gm rly have included a running and well working system. the way i posted is extrem easy and should work unimportant if much knowledge there or not it was only a stupid idea as i looked on buy sell npc.

so i will now not answer again as i said in my eyes it make no sense to argue with you and the ppl have what they need so have fun with the rest of day ESMERALDS now that one was extra
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