New Flash Anim Pics :D


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 20, 2008
LOMCN, duh
Awww he's changed his siggy.

Lack of self confidence, cos someone says summin about you, shouldnt have to change.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 5, 2004
Wait one mother****ing minute, did you just say overall that you don't need to be good at designing to become a graphic designer... are you ****ing retarded mate?

I'm bloody well glad you're not here to say you're the best designer, because personally, I've seen better organised heaps come from my rectum that the **** you spray around here and I don't want to hear your life story about how you're doing AS Levels and junk and still holding up a job at this heap of a company because I for one have better things to do than read your crap whilst destroying my vision with your horrific designs.

I'm quite pleased myself that you removed those images because I'd definately rip the piss out of them. All you ever do is get an image of yourself and spray some unruly brush in a corner or splat some filters in the background and bat your name on it, you really are an arsehole mate, from what I've seen your designs really aren't aesthetically pleasing nor are they professional, they're just childish and overall crap. I mean, come on, look at some of the designs that have been posted here, some of them are incredible and you're flailing off about how you're some hotshot, get a grip man.

Oh, and before you splat off about me doing signatures... very rarely do I make signatures, I design images that mean something and often websites now; so ciao babe.

Sorry about the novel, but he really got my back up there, ****ing idiot. Loves himself a little, huh?


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
Im 17, and ill judge you by your maturity.

Deleted images as its clear some of you will abuse the email address, it is actually like talking to a bunch of 12 year olds.

Tell ya what i'll judge you by your maturity shall i? Oh no you might cry and change your picture again. Sh!t sorry.

But no you came on here and tried to play off as a hot shot if you can't handle a flame back then gtfo lomcn.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Lol shut up mate, and what have you done with your work?

Yeah, i thought id change my siggy, put up a fews pictures of me, with some crappy brushes and some text ontop. Nice spot.

Dont really have a great deal of time to design signatures, maybe you'll make a nice one for me?

czeldabolg, be quite son.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 5, 2004
What have I done with my work? I make and sell websites on a regular basis, but I prefer not to take this to the next level because obviously I don't have the time since I too am doing my AS Levels and I spend a lot of my free time on them.

Show me some more of your designs and I'll be the one to judge whether they're professional and high quality.

I don't design signatures either, I could have sworn I said that earlier but I'm pretty sure your English skills are low so I wouldn't expect you to be able to read that. You're basically a ponse that has his head up his own arse, check out your long wavey curls and your thin composure, yes, ponse, you heard me.

The whole "I'd like to see you try" in the other thread, I really don't think you understand that boxing will not help you if someone actually attacked you in real life, fair enough your punches might hurt, but if someone got hold of you and started lacing the **** out of you there's no referee to pull them off you.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
My english levels are alright thanks, dont take it anymore, but got a steady B in gcse level.

But cheers for noticing.

Im not a boxer, im a kickboxer. I look after my own cheers, but if you got any tips on the old fighting front, im quite happy to hear them.

If not, stick to the old "lacing". lol.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Yeah thats why i didnt take it, not a great fan of english, all that shakespear crap does my head in.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 5, 2004
In English Language you don't study Shakespeare... it's English Language we study pragmatics, discourse, lexis etc.

You suck at life Xanan, really, give up on it.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
My name isnt Xanan, and you dont know anything about my life.

Go study your pragmatic mate, or make a some more signatures.

Much love <3


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Nov 12, 2006
Because i felt like it. But i was young and a noob.

Oh a decent reply, and it's what everyone else is doing in this thread now lol, on a side note can I see those images? PM or whatever I don't mind.

But yeah I agree this thread is worthless, i'm not sure why you said screenshots with an "s" and only showed one frame? And the frame is made out of a few lines and boxes.

Erm i'd like to say grow up but I guess I whine like a ***** at times, or well did. Yeah stop moaning at each other, the animation looks ****...End of.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
You kids make me laugh..
Still slating his work, calling him a wannabe 'hotshot' yet he's already told you on this very thread he's not call himself the top graphic designer on this thread. Then you make a dig at his lack of English and reading skills. You failed yourself.
So much of this thread is a joke, especially Chu22. I'd happily see you 'lacing' (or would that be 'lace?') someone. Sounds like you're pretty damn good at it by your own account. And the fact you would of ripped the piss out of images you hadn't even seen, grow up muchly. Insulting the person's style, hair etc. I may sound immature here but you sound like a right chav kitten.
I could continue picking wholes in your argument seeing as i find you a joke and i have studied both English Language at ALevels (which is the level Xanan is at) where i did look at Shakespeare etc. As well as studying English Literature.

I think a couple of you are getting a bit carried away. My brother gave some slightly harsh criticism. Admitedly as someone said i think it maybe could of been more constructive. But you're moving it so far past the point purposefully into a flame war.
You're failing, 'give up on it' (in the words of chu)


And before you ask i didn't come looking for a fight, i occasionally check this section of the forums despite lacking any skill in the graphics department, and you can see why i dont even bother going there..

And i've just figured out who Chu22 is... should of figured with the attitude. I hardly feel your in a place to comment on his figure urbancookie.. pft hah. As sad as it may sound this has given me much needed relief whilst i take a break from my essay..
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Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
Lol shut up mate, and what have you done with your work?

Yeah, i thought id change my siggy, put up a fews pictures of me, with some crappy brushes and some text ontop. Nice spot.

Dont really have a great deal of time to design signatures, maybe you'll make a nice one for me?

czeldabolg, be quite son.

Quiet for one and well played with your english.

Also you said you 17 yet calling people "son" seriously god knows where you been sleeping around but you have issues calling me your "son".

Thirdly i do graphics and design but have been learning for a while and still am.

Fourth GTFO this section, your nothing but trash here.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 5, 2004
I was going to come up with some huge fascinating story about how much I dislike and disagree with Xanan and his brother. Then I realised, wait a minute, theres no point when I could just say something along the lines of...

SHUT THE **** UP...

and I'd still be a winner!


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Lol, if you recon so mate.

As i said, im done with you.

You can sit here telling me how bad i am at design, at my fighting, at life.

But your just ****ing pixels mate, so worry about your own life and i'll worry about mine.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 5, 2004
I'm just pixels? last time I checked it was bone, skin and muscle that made my body up, not pixels.

You've been living in the cyber world too long babe xx


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
You all do ****ing fail. You've tried to insult everything, my looks, my design, my fighting.

But you havnt touched any of it.

chu22, your really not funny mate, you sit there cracking jokes, insulting anything you can get hold of to do with me? Come on then big man, post some pictures of yourself, stop hiding behind your keyboard and lets have a look at what im arguing with.

Resol, im 17, i dont give a damn how old i look. I'll take it as a compliment that i look young.

To be honest lads, your just more muggy fags hiding behind your keyboards. Would love to meet you in real life, you can bring your shoelaces aswell shoe22.

Actually sad little kids. Grow up.
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Lmao mate, i can cut my hair if i want to, i like it long. Its my choice.

Dont all have to run round like skin head yobs, i get pretty girls, i dont have much trouble on the streets.

Lol chu22, the kid we dropped from the brainskan 1.4 team, now i know why your crying.

Dont comment on my life resol, you dont know me, you can sit there in your nieve little world insulting others to make yourself feel better. But you aint improving your life atall.
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