NoNamed MiR2 [Crystal] (HighRate)

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 31, 2004
its starting to make sense how i feel rich with 30m and you just come smash me with the fact that so many players have 100's of millions. lets exploit the **** out of anything we can find and get gold removed, just prepare your offshore accounts!


Loyal Member
Jul 21, 2016
its starting to make sense how i feel rich with 30m and you just come smash me with the fact that so many players have 100's of millions. lets exploit the **** out of anything we can find and get gold removed, just prepare your offshore accounts!

3 players have over 100m.

SweetCheecks or SweetAngel (played at start of server, hasnt been online for awhile)

a few players have around 40-50mils

even more players have around the 20-30mil mark.

gold is NOT that difficult to obtain, some players make 40-50m a day


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 31, 2004
gold is not that difficult to obtain, its also not so easy. im top 8, i do alot of tm, im sure my wallets above average. also that's beyond the point anyway the gold drops are fine.
what's not fine is exploiting and getting away with it. there's not even a shadow of doubt about it. there's logs there's everything to prove he exploited. more people did it. everyone should get banned. but this guy's on the spotlight for this. if he's not banned im surely quitting because i didn't grind my ass off the last few days to play along with cheaters, you just can't compete.

i mean you offered me a ban with no ****ing issue at all. but banning the exploiter is unthinkable of. i don't quite get this.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 8, 2008
My House
Gold isnt difficult to obtain but some things are too obvious thats somethings up, for example how are people managing to get from level 115-121 in a mere 3 hours online time? i was on/offline throughout the night, and didnt see inplm online at all, yet he somehow jumped 6 levels to the highest level spot in less time than i did 86-91.. seems NORMAL that does..

anyway, moonlight needs adjusting, if sins can be seen as easily as warriors, they should hit like warriors and take hits like warriors


Golden Oldie
Jul 9, 2003
always arab fking crying lol if i wanted to exploit it i would of done it on nights lol when no1 on u thick arab ****s and i would post screen shots or tell admin so go cry more


Well that's more racism than I needed to see. Retaliator is actually European, he is not Arabic.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 8, 2008
My House
also youve been playing a few days, not since server start, these people have been, ive been playing since server opened and everyone is higher level than me, has better kit than me , and has more gold than me cause the top 5 highest levels have exploited it somehow


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 10, 2014
so now we blagging levels aswell >.< and i level that is why im 120 dont sit in sz u noobs why dont u try and grind some mobs ?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 31, 2004
i've been playing for the last couple days and i'm reaching the top levels soon. or would be wasn't this putting me off so much.
its hilarious how i was about to post about bollox's racism, he's smack attitude ingame is the same "crysss arabsss lomcn cryysss" and so on, all fueled by the divine gm's protection.
i don't know about others, i did see inplm online before i logged off to sleep myself (it was morning already) so i think those 6 levels would be easily achieveable but i rather not go too deep into what i don't know. now bollox's gear wouldn't be the same without the exploits, my gear would be the same as his with the exploits. its plain simple. thunderbollox's protected, now he knows he can cheat the **** out of the game without consequence. I really enjoyed playing this server but now i know there's nothing to it. banning a cheater is basic stuff. you really can't go wrong unlike balancing classes. I mean you even detected him as a cheater or you wouldn't remove his gold, nor he would keep playing after that if he wasn't a cheater right? yet here we are. he's happily smacking everyone in game, acting superior because he actually is if he's allowed to cheat, and you're doing nothing but upsetting the legit players by letting him be as he wants, and the arab racism? 5 star! definetly the kind of player i'd want in my server as opposed to... myself, the **** demanding the cheater be banned


Aug 24, 2015
always arab fking crying lol if i wanted to exploit it i would of done it on nights lol when no1 on u thick arab ****s and i would post screen shots or tell admin so go cry more


dont talk about arab ppl and talk **** like u about ppl you not know them good

hope admin off this forums give ppl like this person banned cuz he make Racism here


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 10, 2014
and gm need to go threw logs and deal with titan guild for start and who eever else who havent told thm about it atleast i told him


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 31, 2004
yes gm can ban all my exploiting guildies, along with you.
and don't even... the whole point is you reported it after exploiting the **** out of it, after getting caught. its your whole thing. and its a shitty plan as logs prove you've exploited, not reported a bug you found, you exploited it!
at least you took a screenshot and made a post right away once you got caught is what i read there and that makes you superior to every other exploiting scumbags just about... nothing!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 10, 2014
LMFAO i didnt exploited i told him b4 i uplaoded screenshot :D and look ur kit in game have u been exploiting maybe u need banning POM

---------- Post Merged at 07:40 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 07:39 PM ----------

i seen today u did 114 to 119 in like 40 mins this morning


Dedicated Member
Jan 24, 2016
No offence Retaliator, but you clearly have no idea of what "Exploiting" Means,

If he didnt use the drop pot, how would he know it was exploitable? there's a difference.

I for one, have played for multiple hours each day, Hunted various bosses, and at one point, had the best sin kit in game.

Just because warriors want to be the "Elite" Characters, they nerfed sins.

Who ever mentioned assassins Moon Light to be fine, Explain this.

I went into Moon Light (Was 5-6 Steps away from the warrior), yet he managed to lock on me, before i even go anywhere near him.

Before you comment on things, i suggest you test things before hand.


Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2015
Server is worst state it has been for awhile, I had near 2.5k mc with all my buffs up last night Firewall don't seem to hit people, Blizzard needs more damage, same with met.

Considering Sin's can hit fast as hell hitting 4k damage a swing, 11k off that exploding clone thing without getting rooted to the floor either or having the chance to dash out of it, just straight up 11k damage off a clone lol

Warrior's Are the most stupid though like 40k hp, can stand face any class, 9k flameswords, 5k tdbs, can basically blink around the screen with that flaming sword spell.

Taoist are complete **** aswell aslong with tao's.

I told you this on your last server, NOBODY gives a **** about how many caves and items you add in, balance your ****ing server and stop letting people expliot, ive had to re-roll a warrior because i merely cannot output enough damage with 2.5k mc to even get a kill on a warrior / sin.

Sort it out or your server going to die once again.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 31, 2004
he didnt just use the drop pot, he abused it.
my kit is about the same as everyone elses, its yours that stands out. and its not why i'm claiming you exploited, that would be due to spotting you over massive ammounts of loot over and over in different caves at very different times which makes it obvious you've been exploiting since the moment you've found it, and now that people have understood whats going on you decide to play the "i reported card"
i don't know what exploiting means because i've played a densly just a few days as opposed to a few hours each day? i fail to understand your logic.
here's one that would make you wonder yet its obvious how its the wise decision, which on this case is waaay easier:
ensidia only found out about lich king platform because they tried bombing it right? the whole raid got banned and there goes worlds first. are you going to tell me, similarly to what you're telling me now that it was unjustified and if they never bombed the platform for siege damage they'd never have found out that bug?
how noble of bollox to report the exploit he's been abusing after being found out. lol

---------- Post Merged at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 08:08 PM ----------

piff you've got it wrong, warriors single target might aswell just be tdb cuz it does hit for 5k... twice lol


Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2015
^ Your talking complete ****, let me guess your a warrior right? Just shut the **** up i've been playing mir 13 years this server balance is ****ed to just about as bad as it gets.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 31, 2004
1. first time playing mir was longer than 15 years ago but hell if i've been playing it nonstop until now.
2. i just said its stronger than you said, can you even read?
3. i am a warrior that's why i know tdb beats flaming sword as if you flamingsword you'll definetly lose a swing to a normal hit while you can just tdb for the same damage as fs, which you think is half but its half*2 which means its the same.
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