Nuthouse Details (Posted Properly :P)

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 29, 2003
Hey guys, ive palyed nut hosue for quite a while now and i find it a very fun server and active server, so a bit about the server...

Name = Nuthouse
IP =
Server is 24/7!!

Start LVL - 1
Cash - Easy to get once you are an ok level... when in game pm a higher lvl and we will be happy to help in any way we can
Items - SuperRare, in many cases you may class the drops as being "tw@y" i do it constantly but hey it makes me want the items more and more so it must be a good thing!
Levling - Is easy again, although i must say it can get a bit repetitive in some cases but hey

Guilds are currently removed due to the fact their is a bug with them but they will be reinsetred soon

Guild names:
FriendS - SabukWall holders and very large guild and has some nice members in but also some pillocks :) not many though
Riders~Of~Holland - Guild i am in it was origonally a dutch guild but now its english, this guild is a decent size full of friendly people :)

There are a FW more but they are rather inactive or not worth tlkinabout lol cos their members play like 1ce a month so yeah :P

Server website is: from here you can find all downloads for server, get a proper list of guilds and a few other bits of information,

Server downloads: there are alot of patched 4 this serva so you will have to bear with ur internet connection whilst they download, they aint that big thers just lots of them :D.

The highest lvl's in game to my knowledge so far are

Bambi: :47: :Wizz: GM's 2nd chara *this chara was lvled and gained all items off her own back! i know this cos i helped her lvl!
Mist :47: :Warr:
Faith (Me) :46: :Wizz:
and dear old Romeo: :46: :Wizz:

besides us 4 charas there are very few others that are above lvl 40 i imagin ther are about 4 others but the highest of them is 44 the only reason we are so high is because we lvled constantly :)

so yea guys ido recomend trying this server out its good fun and a good laugh...

If you do decide to log on pm me on one of my 3 charas

Faith *46 Wizz*
Buffy *42 Warr*
Willow *32 Tao*


nuthouse compeletly put me off of it when evryone was wiped and since then i been told i gone dwnhill alot but it was good fun:)


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 1, 2004
this is a good server. it is easy to level on it as i was 47 wizz, 44 warr and 40 tao. worth playing :)

/Lee, PiXiE, Gemini