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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 29, 2004
Pattaya, Thailand
i cant control how items drop lol -_-.
the point is, because of the cave, you now have all the high lvls in tm who dont really care, just want the item

the items are quite insane no? and considering there was items ingame so fast the droprate cant be that bad...also nobody can take sw off tm (lets face it) so the strongest guild, is gonna get even stronger

uber items, own cave to lvl in...nobody can do owt about it, its quite unfair

i cud rejoin tm and get these items if i wanted so not moaning for the hell of it

just posting from a neutral perspective


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 29, 2006
well tbh dude paper mages have lower ac but its worth it, if your not the sort of person for pvping, as you can kill mobs faster, with your special allowing you to gain extra MC.

ive recently started a barbarian Ryan. ive found that the barbarian class is the good, but lacks the normal ac. making it less of a tank...there all pretty balanced really.

i just wouldnt pick a druid or nega mage yet tbh. Bon hasnt introduced kits for them yet =P



Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Wtf is a Barbarian?

lol its rather kicked off in here hasn't it. MY TURN MY TURN.

Paladins own in pvp so whoevers complaining can stfu straight away. I just had to tt against a lvl3 pally, and for a change i wasnt even lagging hardly.

had loads of supergins and a fair few pots. my healer went down in about 3 seconds. the guy wasnt hittin me for **** but the pets were owning me. i also got a load of thrusts/fs/tdb's in on him as well.

anyways yer is there actually any rares in game? "SR" aka super rares aint super rare at all. how often does a sowg drop on euro?

back in the day a Gaxe was rarer than any of these super rares. nevermind a ****ing mirsword lmao
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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
anyways yer is there actually any rares in game? "SR" aka super rares aint super rare at all. how often does a sowg drop on euro?
its alrdy been said z set / mir set / para+pro / hell set / omaset are the "super rares"

All this complaining would be gone if the Subclass didn't EXIST imo.
sorry but the only subclass ppl r moanin abotu atm is paladin. and possibly papermage

the point is, because of the cave, you now have all the high lvls in tm who dont really care, just want the item

the items are quite insane no? and considering there was items ingame so fast the droprate cant be that bad...also nobody can take sw off tm (lets face it) so the strongest guild, is gonna get even stronger

uber items, own cave to lvl in...nobody can do owt about it, its quite unfair

i cud rejoin tm and get these items if i wanted so not moaning for the hell of it

just posting from a neutral perspective
so wot? u want me to remove sabuk items and cave? make sabuk pointless and not worth goin for? of all ppl i woulda thought ud be 1 wantin to go for SW.

That made me lol. Thanks for that

Ben you have made mages suck balls, so much so that I've decided to make a Paladin lol. You say MeteorStrike owns... that maybe so - but do you know how hard it is to get a MeteorStrike off successfully; if a mob hits you it turns off, if another player hits you it turns off, if you do get it casted and get hit it stops. It's crap, make a spell worth having that's a hard hitter - LIKE FF.

Although I disagree that the server is corrupt unless it's been done EXTREMELY discretely. Items do drop added, I got an SC+4 Sabre the other day.
dude mages dont suck at all... they level at around 4x the speed of a war/tao.... and can rape alot.

paladins pets will be looked at when iget a chance, every time i log ingame atm i get moaned at so bad i just log off and work ona quest instead.

u told me u made them 1/10k then u made them 4 times harder thats 1/40k u fool.. i moan? every person agrees abotu sw items except tm.. ur server is so unbalanced its a joke, yesterday i was on my lvl 61 war with 256 dc, and a paladan lvl 50 with about 120dc made me tt? cus his pets r fking insane..
im fighting pow and vent, vent curses is me near enuff every hit 4 22seconds while pows cavin my head in, cus curse is stupid..
wen we fight in town we get noobs runnin in and cursin a gms do **** all, makes me wonder y i keep tellin u bugs dnt get no fukin thnx for it.. u dont ban ur mates, fusion was exploitin with specop 4 protectonring/mirsword and he gets *** all? yeh hes alrdy had 2 chars banned cus of it, dont he learn the 3rd time? hanz necky is 100% corrupt, he told me he got off et, 2days later he sayin he bought it.. ive never had 1 item drop + stat and he has had a recall necky drop luck +3? lol yeah rite.. pork got teled out of fox bos yesterday into woods i pm all gm see whos on and hanz was.. i said "thnk ur funny" then he goes offline.. i get stick off sayuri everytime im in sz, i start givin it back and ben comes " ill ban u if u dnt stfu ".. how do we know wat items are legit? i fount a fuking mirsword on barnys char.. wtf, brings me 2 belive that pows para isnt legit either.
the luck3 necky was legit, but as u all kept moanin i deleted it as i cba with the grief
caves hvae timed recalls... if u @tele then the time recall doesnt cancel and carrys on.. so u get "randomly teleported" out of where ever u was
curse has been chnaged so it only does 10-14secs now
ive never said "ill ban u if u dotn stfu" .. worst ive said is "give it a rest of ill chat ban u"
all items r legit, only myself and tuma can @make items, pows para was off ZT, same as aggressors.
i didnt ban fusion cause he hadnt done ne thing wrong ont hat character
i coulda banned u... u was holdin an exploited mir sword was u not? but no... i gave u another chnace as u reported it.

end of the day, if its corrupt/unbalanced... dont play... no1s forcing u to.

balancing takes time, if u cba to w8 then dont, i dont really care ne more about moaners like u.


Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
Could of sworn it said Semi-Rare 3-4 days ago hohohoho maybe I was blind at the time.

Wizards are feeble, don't care what you say lol. I've started a paladin and it's level 46 within 2 days... took me longer on wizard hehe.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 29, 2004
Pattaya, Thailand
so wot? u want me to remove sabuk items and cave? make sabuk pointless and not worth goin for? of all ppl i woulda thought ud be 1 wantin to go for SW.
no its a good idea, possibly stats abit to high

its the timing, no guild will take the wall off tm atm, or for ages prolly...meaning only one guild can get this kit (obviously making the strongest guild stronger)

if the server had two,three even four good guilds slogging it out often for sw it would be brill

see my point though?

ps yes paladins pets are totaly insane, pala can let pets hit me while he kills my healer...then he doesnt even have to attack me, just let pets own me lol, have to keep trying to lr, which means i get fs'ed or tdbed, while 3 pets take alot of hp at same time


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Nov 13, 2003
Bristol ,England
pala's are balanced, mage's are balanced, server is pritty much balanced. there for. give over. and start either playing, or being shush eh =op.



LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Ok, we've already proved Pally's own despite someone saying they dont. Truth, earlier i took a level 4mage and 5 (me) ironmage to take down a level 3 and 4 pally. They still really hurt with my extra ac/amc for my class.

Mages, still own, they level quicker than most, and are pretty balanced when pvp'ing. This is obvious seeing as 1/2 the server are saying they're too powerful, other saying they're not enough. Like someone said just fighting to get your class the best. They're pretty even, if anything stronger than alot of the classes. If anything tao's should moan, i've always felt they're the most left out, hence they are the least played. But you dont here them whining.

Curse has now been reduced, end of.

I feel regarding the sub classes people are just getting picky now, because they once owned when it was unbalanced now it is balancing out they're moaning. EXAMPLE - why are there more papermages and normal mages than ironmages? Because they were all better, i've stuck with ironmages, fought for them, and as a result they're now getting pretty good and as it stands im the only reasonable level ironmage ingame. And thats learning to play/fight without the essentials such as Met/Bliz/FWall.

As for Sabuk Guild, alot of people tried to join, many took the piss and left again. Pow, Vent etc.. And there's even been words from those who are not in TM about how long until those who have left/not allowed to join do actually take the wall from us.

I still think there's a few big guilds ingame with a definate potential to take the wall, and it's still early days yet. Althought like Ben said, regarding items give him a few days and see what needs to happen with the items. Im sure he'll balance it out, he has with most things so far?

As for the 'corrupt' items, seriously grow up, im sure those who have made this server, or even play it at a high level have played enough servers to realise that corruption can potentially ruin a server. Which is why they dont expect it/wont let it happen. I do think some people like to moan just on the basis they can't be as good as others, and as a result like to throw their toys out the pram... and the easiest accusation is corruption.

Finally, as i say to others ingame, its an enjoyable server, hence the user count reaching 90 odd, so if you dont like it, just go. People have proven that the GM's are helping all they can, and have been at it near 24/7.
Why slate it constantly?
And if your asking why im defending it, its because if i was a potential player and saw all this **** about it, it'd possibly put me off even trying. Resulting in a lower user, which is less fun, so lets not try to ruin all the fun..



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
All this **** about TM being too good to have sabuk taken off them could be easily resolved tbh. All you need to do is either let anybody into guild or ally with as many guilds as possible and all attack wall.

Also, I made my own guild for a bit of fun, was bored so asked to join a couple of others, nobody would recruit 'cos your all in guilds like TM, where you only let certain people in.


Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
Xanan, why don't you go sit down next to a nice hot fire in a chair of the utmost comfort and have a nice warm mug of STFU SON.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
As for Sabuk Guild, alot of people tried to join, many took the piss and left again. Pow, Vent etc.. And there's even been words from those who are not in TM about how long until those who have left/not allowed to join do actually take the wall from us.

Sorry but that pissed me off. Tell me that was a typo and you don't actually think that anyone who isn't TM, is only not in it because they aren't allowed/haven't been invited?

I obviously need to start moaning about Knights then, yes?


Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
I got into T_M and they ain't all they're cracked up to be, four times I got attacked by 5-6 members of the Lost Souls guild, I asked for help and didn't even get "I'm busy, soz" replies, nothing.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 20, 2006
thats cus there not the propa tm, afew wanna bs son.. if that was propa tm we wuda de'd from wat we was doin and kaind em :D