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Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
That's what I'm getting at you tit. You keep saying a LEVEL 4 WIZ against a LEVEL 3 WAR, level up you fecking moron.

Of course a level 3 can't kill a level 4... that's five levels difference, you don't see level 45's getting merked by level 40's on euro mir, do you!?

I suck at PVP on a warr aswell, I'm not denying it; that's why I made a wizard because I know how to use them. I get owned by warriors all the time, hell, just yesterday Sephiroth, a warrior of the same level one hit killed me. You call me insistent, yet you're the one coming up with the replies every single time, what? you want me to sit here and accept your abuse?

I thought you were okay, but it seems your just like everybody else on this forum said you are - a complete tosser. Get your head out your own ass, cretin.

Also, with the ISP statistics you're showing in your signature - no wonder you're getting owned all the time you'll be like 6 seconds behind everyone else.
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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
I can't use a wiz for **** can only use wars and taos. Yes my internet is **** there's no denying it so yea I lag a lot and find it hard to hit anyone when they're running about so obviously that doesn't help. Plus my pc is **** so as soon as one casts blizz, my computer lags as well for a few seconds. Whether it hits me or not.

And yeah guess what I am a tosser when I want to be. But only when people get on my tits like you just did.

Oh and since when is SuperZT not a boss? A lvl 53 wiz can tank him you say? Ha, I'm a lvl 53 Knight and can't tank him solo. With a healer and pots that is. To be fair I didn't have many pots at any of the times but I wiz can't carry that many pots anyway, not when they need mp
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Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
I said I couldn't tank SZT... I have to wall myself in, like in the dragons mouth with healer and clone; if MP goes down so clone is destroyed then I die basically instantly.

You basically just shot yourself in the foot by saying you can't hit anybody, because you've just destroyed anything you said in the past... anyway, your a cool guy and everything you just need to chillout a bit. Only reason I went off it there is because you called me a nosy little **** - that maybe so, but this server has as much to do with me as any other player and I can voice my opinion just as you're all voicing yours. Yes, that is all I did, I just said that everyones being tits because they want their class to be better, and as far as I'm concerned they pretty fair (that's my opinion).

Just stop swearing and being a **** to everybody and maybe your opinion will go further without erupting into an arguement all the time; I for one took your last post a hell of a lot better than the two before that...


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
I haven't destroyed anything, nor cancelled it out. I can hit people, just rarely lol. But the original complaint was about me and Hated1 not being able to kill a wiz. Not me alone.

I've never said I want my class to be better. More hp on the 7 key would be nice but I think bons going to sort that out anyway.


Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
I must be crap on wizards then, because as I say - I got one hitted by a warrior which was the same level as me, although maybe he just caught me off guard. I still disagree that wizards are overpowered, and that warriors need enhancing; but that's your opinion... I was just getting sick of EVERYBODY saying how epic wizards were compared to all other classes, when they're actually pretty crap at everything besides leveling.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
I must be crap on wizards then, because as I say - I got one hitted by a warrior which was the same level as me, although maybe he just caught me off guard. I still disagree that wizards are overpowered, and that warriors need enhancing; but that's your opinion... I was just getting sick of EVERYBODY saying how epic wizards were compared to all other classes, when they're actually pretty crap at everything besides leveling.

Well I must agree then you must be crap. It's been said enough times but for your eyes only this wiz was being hit by IZT, a **** load of zuma guardians and statues, plus me and Hated1 (2 wars). and she could only have been a maximum of 3 levels above me.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 10, 2004
i do apolagise, musta killed 700odd befor i got msg :)

soz again


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 10, 2004
i do have to agree with tai warriors r easy to own. Unless you get a good 1 after you :) but most warriors can out pot my attacks.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 10, 2004
my warr lvl 50 can solo SZT tankin it,

my wiz lvl 57 still has to be walled in, only zt i can tank on wiz is norm 1.

Warriors own for boss's

Wiz own for levelin,

Euro mir is diff w00t84 just like anyserver your kit will have a great impact. For example on this server some people have ownage kits, i mean i get 1hit by most wiz on this server,

Euro unless u got stats hack wont really 1hit anyone, I like this server it's fun! I think in huntin terms they are balenced, But pvp a diff matter,

My warrior on euro mir with 112dc can 1hit a lvl 45wiz withoutshield but not very often, Warrios on here can 1-2hit wiz also, but just like euro you have to get the hits in. You say on eruo fight a lvl 45 with a lvl 40 and lvl 40 will lose? well thats funny, i killed a lvl 45 on my lvl 25 tao, i also killed a lvl 45 when my warr was lvl 36, all been because i was quicker than that person. Or my pvp skills were better,

Obviously bon has added nice hp items to compensate for this and he has done a very good job indeed! As you should notice tai, unless you have a nice hp kit. most wiz will 1hit kill you.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
ive never been 1 hit killed by a wiz. but there is hp on every wiz item no wonder they r so hard to kill.

u just said warriors can 1-2 hit kill a wiz. no they can't.

internet connection has a lot to do with it though. ppl can run rings around me.

there's also a lot of noobs on this server who like to run about a lot on war in pvp =/ dont see the point in that.

if ur a warrior y do u need to run. if u run then its just gonna prolong the process its a waste of time trying to pvp anyone on this server tbqh cos 9 times out of 10 u both either run out of pots or some1 tt's, or even get bored and move on.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 30, 2005
Newport S.Wales
alot of people have tried to kill me as a tao(paladin) and so far i think ive died once, people move on like tai said because pvping always ends as a stale mate with people just running away from each other.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Tao's own in pvp on LR, don't know about HR servers though.

I've actually stopped pvping wizards all together. It's a waste of time and a waste of pots. I'll just tt straight away and let them rule the server tbh.

For now.

tai ur either a not very good war or are fightin some very high level wiz

as i floored 4 wiz when i was fightin 6v2... lol

edit: There seems to be some confusion. I'm not one to kick up a fuss over an agreed, 1v1 pvp with anyone. Even wiz. If they win, then fair play. What pisses me off is when I'm out hunting, surrounded by mobs and some fag comes in and starts blizzing me. There's nothing I can do.

use an rt lol? level up abit more? i know at lower lvl blizz/met can 1hit.. but at 50/55+ u cannot get 1hit by blizz.. its like half hp. if u do the new quests for exp pots its easy 2 lvl..


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 11, 2006
I love the way people totally disregard taos as if they don't exist.

Anyway, I've played both a war, a wiz and a tao.
The thing about being a warrior is that you either have to sd and pot a lot, or rt and run back. I killed a group of 2 wiz (one higher level, one lower level) and a war (about the same level) by doing this.

Wizzys can just run around a bit. Timbaland tried to pk me on my wiz when he was atleast 10 levels above me. I ran around, IceStormed and FireWalled, and eventually we both gave up and moved on.

Taos just have to rt or die tbh. Once you get hit with slow, you really are screwed (unless you have a bag of suns). I haven't been able to kill anyone on my tao yet. They really are useless solo, but are good in groups. I don't feel I've really "experienced" my subclass yet though. Necromancers are meant to have pets. I've used EC / IWT at best and I'm level 50+. May just be me.

I guess I'll just continue leveling and see what I notice later on, although it seems below level 50, taos are at a distinct disadvantage, wiz and war are fairly balanced, although wiz do take a slight advantage.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Yeah, use an rt, to the other side of the room so they can walk 3 steps and continue. Or just follow you about for the sake of it. No, i'd rather tt and click Exit tbh.

I just said I've never been 1 hit by blizz but yes at least half hp you just said it yourself. How's that fair? None of my attacks do half hp on a wiz, let alone a warrior. Is anyone seeing that point yet?

No denying I need to level but I don't have the time atm. When I do go I always end up getting attacked by some idiot anyway.

And Pebble, taos havent been disregarded if you read the thread =/


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 11, 2006
They really have. There's been 3 mentions of taos on this page.
One's you saying you can only use them or wars.
One's norman saying he killed someone on a tao.
One's Colonel claiming his war is a tao. :P


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
They really are useless solo, but are good in groups. I don't feel I've really "experienced" my subclass yet though. Necromancers are meant to have pets. I've used EC / IWT at best and I'm level 50+. May just be me.

I guess I'll just continue leveling and see what I notice later on, although it seems below level 50, taos are at a distinct disadvantage, wiz and war are fairly balanced, although wiz do take a slight advantage.
isnt taht wot taos are for?

ive seen snugglebear fightin ppl, her curse lasts nearly 20secs (1 of the reasons curse was caped at lvl1), then with deva/psn/sfb she can own

like i said ill look into taos and their pets over next day or 2