Oriando server 2.3 mir 2 final beta testing

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
smoochy boys on tour


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 16, 2006
Welcome To Oriando 2.3! www.pw2.co.uk
[Experience Rate] - The experience rate is that of x30 the euro rate.
This will be the rate when the server gose live.

Once this final stage of testing is done server will be going live. GM on most of the night and day to give you items.

Start Level: 50
Start Gold: 100000 Gold Coins
Start Kit: BaseDress/WoodenSword/BasicPotion/Candle

The server proudly boasts fully functional skills up to the current euromir 2.3 patch standard.


Actual Jesus
Jan 1, 1970
Welcome To Oriando 2.3! www.pw2.co.uk
[Experience Rate] - The experience rate is that of x30 the euro rate.
This will be the rate when the server gose live.

Once this final stage of testing is done server will be going live. GM on most of the night and day to give you items.

Start Level: 50
Start Gold: 100000 Gold Coins
Start Kit: BaseDress/WoodenSword/BasicPotion/Candle

The server proudly boasts fully functional skills up to the current euromir 2.3 patch standard.

You need to post more information the this.
PLUS youve just copied the opening to the edited DarkCrusade ad that i made.

So yeah more info, ip etc please.