Quest thoughts


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 23, 2004
hi just a quick question

im just doing a few quests so i can get used to the diffrent commands and systems the npc's use what i am stuck on is what to offer as a reward. thing is i played mainly euromir2 and i couldnt afford to get good kit so i played in shop gear till level 33 and even then the items i got after that were bought not found

so basically what im asking is what is deemed worthy as a prize for a quest

i have broken the quests down to diffrent sections

a quest that has about 4 parts to it and can take about 2-3 hours to complete

a quest that has about 10-15 parts to it that can take about 1 day just doing nothing but the quest and anything upto 5 days if you do it as you level

a 30 part quest that lasts 30 ish days minimum (need to work out how to use the timers) as one part of the quest can only be done one day at a time

also i would like to stagger the prizes because theres no use giving a level 20 a lvl 40 item because they cannot use it for a long while

i have about 70% of the 1st few quests sorted and about 20% of the 30 day quest all i really need is some ideas of what the prizes should be

the aim of me doing these quests is so i get to used to and experiment with diffrent commands that a quest uses once i work them out and make them work i will release to anyone that wants them i have made a quest map as well to go with the diffrent quests but i would be really appriciative if someone can point me into the direction of a few maps (dont matter how big or small) as i am running out of ideas for maps PLUS i cant get used to making them cant figure out how to make cliffs etc

sorry i am getting away from the meaning i was posting

please could someone give me a few ideas of items i could use as prizes for these quest

one thing i thought about was fully leveled pet (issued at random after quest ended) that could be accessed via the Qfunction system that was posted before (thanks to toxic and anyone else who figured out how to use this system) any thoughts on this?
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005
We can't really answer as to what fits - that's based entirely on the stats and economy of your server.

But what I will say - is EXP is always a good reward, and you have to be very careful about what you put into the game item wise via quests.

Exp and gold rewards are always good to put in without having to be EXTREMELY careful about how you balance things out. Also one time use items like bene oil and gems are good to add -- their price might change because of it, but you're not gonna unbalance your server. Using 'real' items has a serious effect. - You shouldn't put any decent item in lightly.