Resource Based System


LOMCN Rookie
Mar 22, 2017
I'm genuinely interested if anyone thinks this would work? Mir is the only MMO that i have played that has HP / MP pots as its main regain tool for health and mana pools.

If anyone doesn't know a resource based system would be giving people higher mp / hp regain during fights etc but there are no mp / hp pots, maybe keep Sunpotions for a top up if you're struggling.

This would be a huge change in how the game actually plays. There are afew benefits that i can see.

Easier class balancing
Making Taos more of a support class by making healing very important.
Easier PvE balancing
Better PvP if you ask me, most servers warriors can become unkilable afew dash's and loads of regain pots etc. Same with wizzys and Blink + Magic shield couple HP pots back to full in seconds.

What are your thoughts on this? I know it could easily break a server if not done correctly.

Oh and i know this is my first post, But i have been around LOMCN since its launch, forgot old ID / PW.
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LOMCN Developer
Mar 29, 2003
United Kingdom
I played around with this idea before launching marble,

Doesn't work too well because Pots are good way to remove gold from the game.

Having to rely on regen will just lead to frustration about the game play being slow, (Or boring as noting is a threat because of the high regen).


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 27, 2004
It's actually a really interesting idea. I toyed with the idea of a combat flag; with insanely high regen out of combat, but low regen in combat. High cooldown on pots, so you've got an 'oh **** pot'. Add a proper aggro system, and you can setup the trinity with in mir. That'd be ****ing fantastic.

Couldn't ever make it work though, my coding skills are subpar.


Feb 21, 2013
Korean Happy server comes somewhat close to the idea since you pretty well can't count on normal pots to refill your mana in fights (they 'take' so slow as to give impression they don't work at all) and those pots which you can buy and which do act like suns have rather low HP/MP and there is some small cooldown preventing you to pot with abandon. Add to that very aggressive subs, bosses.

It is also the only server I played that has 'HP Eater' stat (same function as orchid set but not limited to it, can have it on your weapon) but seems to be very rare.

And I didn't see any server yet where pot costs would play any significant role as cash sink. Also pots are rpg element potentially greatly enhancing gameplay but this role has been taken from them as mir developed to today's mir. RPG means husbanding resources, we used to have sixpacks, there were significant carry weight limits, you needed to juggle bag space to keep at least five slots empty to open sixpack, also in 2001 there wasn't too much gold to be had in game and pots weren't dropping like it was christmas and I recall stopping once in a while to regen hp without pots. All that is pretty well gone, certainly as soon as you level to 22 or whatever, all husbanding is pointless, you tend not to run against any limits, at least not on warrior class that I mostly played but was really the same on assassin. Removing pots completely would IMO take away the last rpg element related to pots.
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