

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 23, 2004
i just wanted to ask if anyone has or is using the robot feature on there server if they are could they sort of explain a little how it works

its just i have not seen anything about it so even if you are using it but dont know how it works still tell me im soo interested


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 20, 2003
Darlington, UK
basicly its a automated npc that can be configured to run specific scripts at specific intervals, if you want to know how it works il make a mini guide unless some 1 allready has 1


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 23, 2004
as on the other post you have helped with would be fantastic if you could make somesort of explanation release it i bet lots will take it for referrence so another A-star+ carry on like this and your at the top of the class today


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 20, 2003
Darlington, UK
ok here you go a quick guide

Files you will use:
Robot_def - Folder
RobotManage.txt - Text File
Test.txt - Text File
Robot.txt - Text file

In Mir200/Envir/Robot_def folder there should be a text document named RobotManage.txt leave this for now just make sure it is there. Create a extra text document named Test.txt in the same directory so you have

now open Test.txt and enter the following

#AutoRun NPC SEC 60 @TestCode

Then save the text file. You have now created the automated script part. Now to configure the actual robot its self. Go back to your Mir200 folder and open Robot.txt
inside here there should be some chinese writing at top if there is erase it and all other information in this document so it is compleatly blank. Now this is the part than can be confusing, This document tells the emulator what npc to use as the robot so add a entry that looks like this

NpcName Test

This basicly means that ur robot is named NpcName and it uses the text document Test (that you created before) as its control. Now you have set up your robot and the control as at the moment every 60 seconds it will run a npc script with the title [@TestCode] hold on a second where is it reading the npc code from. Well open back up the Robot_Def folder and open RobotManage.txt in here is where all your npc coding goes you could call this the mother script for the robot. Now write some script so you know it works i always think a good one is a automated speech by the npc so add a script that looks like the following

SENDMSG 0 Im_A_Working_Robot

Now your test robot is compleatle if everything is correct when you log ingame ever 60 seconds a red message will be displayed showing.

NpcName: Im_A_Working_Robot

There you have it a robot, Change anything you wish like seconds or the script there is specific aspects that do not work like shops and things due to you not being able to see the npc box. However you can use it to check name lists or spawn mobs or even check user counts the possibilities are endless have fun and il try to answer any questions you have.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 23, 2004
BabyHack is it possible to add this to your all you need to know post please would really help it think