Help SCRIPT .txt NPC

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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Nov 29, 2017
Hello, a question, what would be the script .txt of a npc that I want to do for example if I put him to buy, that takes you to another window and that you leave more options and on having clicked in each one of these that you leave the unfolding one to put items there to buy.


Hola, una pregunta, cual seria la script .txt de un npc que quiero hacer por jemplo si le pongo comprar, que te lleve a otra ventana y que te salgan más opciones y al clickar en cada una de estás que te salga el desplegable para meter items alli para comprar.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Nov 29, 2017
Please someone can answer this question, thanks ... I repeat because I have been testing things, and it is possible in the same npc to do the function of @buy in two different sections and that for each one has the items that I put to sell?
Or it is that the server only has a general @buy for the purchases and it is not possible to copy that function and to put another text of purchase, different, etc...


Por favor alguien puede responder a esta question, gracias... vuelvo a repetir porque he estado probando cosas, y es posible en un mismo npc hacer la funcion de @buy en dos apartados distintos y que para cada uno tenga los items que yo ponga para vender?
O es que el servidor solo tiene un @buy general para las compras y no se puede copiar esa funcion y poner otro texto de compra, diferentes, etc...
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