Servers these days


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Am sorry but now a days no servers really appeal to me because lets say there not what i like.

Things i like :
  • Nice steady high rate (not to high)
  • Nice gamemaster
  • GameMaster has to know what he or she is doing
Things i dislike :
  • Too high/low rate
  • Gamemaster corrupt
  • Gamemaster what does not know right from left on mir servers.
Today the servers are in the highlighted areas.... A good server which i will enjoy will have to be say x128 experience, x4 items , x4 gold and x1 mongen (But increased in some areas). A server what i could match up to all these quality's will have to be Pwned which was created but went down due to not having a dedicated server.

Also i most servers what are out now has all ready been asking for donations to keep the server up... I believe if you start a server you need to plan it before even think about creating because this is why servers go up and down up and down.

I am also offering my help in any areas to people for free. I can do nearly all things to do with mir 3. But all i am asking is to keep a good server up long term and not short term. Sure if you ask for donations but make sure it is not too early in the stages, like your BETA.

Hope some one will step forward. If you need help with your server don't hesitate and send me a private message and i will be more than happy to add you to msn.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Can we not discuss that because it was not my fault the dedicated server owner wanted a x32 server was it? So if you don't know the full story....

Keep on topic please.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 29, 2007
That doesn't matter you still did naff all in game to improve things or sort simple problems..the server was a sham.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Chlorr i am laughing right now. I did most of the things in that game i said i only reboot Sundays and for that week i was busy because my mums mate had cancer and i was looking after her house. IS THAT OK?

I got on my server once a day to take all the info. When i see your server up, then i will take you more serious...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 19, 2007
Am sorry but now a days no servers really appeal to me because lets say there not what i like.

Things i like :
  • Nice steady high rate (not to high)
  • Nice gamemaster
  • GameMaster has to know what he or she is doing
Things i dislike :
  • Too high/low rate
  • Gamemaster corrupt
  • Gamemaster what does not know right from left on mir servers.
Today the servers are in the highlighted areas.... A good server which i will enjoy will have to be say x128 experience, x4 items , x4 gold and x1 mongen (But increased in some areas). A server what i could match up to all these quality's will have to be Pwned which was created but went down due to not having a dedicated server.

Also i most servers what are out now has all ready been asking for donations to keep the server up... I believe if you start a server you need to plan it before even think about creating because this is why servers go up and down up and down.

I am also offering my help in any areas to people for free. I can do nearly all things to do with mir 3. But all i am asking is to keep a good server up long term and not short term. Sure if you ask for donations but make sure it is not too early in the stages, like your BETA.

Hope some one will step forward. If you need help with your server don't hesitate and send me a private message and i will be more than happy to add you to msn.

You sound incredibly arrogant.

Are you trying to say that all the servers that are live at the moment have useless developers, and corrupt GM's? Because there are a lot of us who will disagree, along with the people who play the servers we are involved in.

Think here at Sting we'll pass on your "kind" offer of assistance....we have an excellent dev who knows EXACTLY what he's doing, and I think you might find a few other server owners who take issue with your post as well.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
You sound incredibly arrogant.

Are you trying to say that all the servers that are live at the moment have useless developers, and corrupt GM's? Because there are a lot of us who will disagree, along with the people who play the servers we are involved in.

Think here at Sting we'll pass on your "kind" offer of assistance....we have an excellent dev who knows EXACTLY what he's doing, and I think you might find a few other server owners who take issue with your post as well.
yea poison is right and they ban any cheat or stupid noob that come say bad words its a perfect server where kids can play its anti-swear :P -if u know what i mean lol


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Look i didn't mean that way you got wrong end of stick. I am pointing out what i don't like not what is happening on other servers.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 19, 2007
Look i didn't mean that way you got wrong end of stick. I am pointing out what i don't like not what is happening on other servers.

I don't believe I did.

You said the servers that are up now fall into the highlighted things you don't like.

You also mention donations.....most good servers that are planned for long term don't ask for donations, its usually players who offer them if they are happy with the game they are playing. Its generally the 15 year olds wanting pocket money who throw servers up for a week and immediately ask for cash for items.

I think if you check Kaori's list of servers online, you'll find several long term, well run servers, both high and low rate.

I really don't see what the complaint is to be quite honest.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Look it does not mean all servers fit into them too category's. It just means that they may fit in one. Like sting fits in the Too high/low rate.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 19, 2007
Look it does not mean all servers fit into them too category's. It just means that they may fit in one. Like sting fits in the Too high/low rate.

So you don't think x128 xp is too high then?

This is precisely why Sting, Xtreme and others are approximately x4-5 xp.

You level faster than official servers, yet not so fast that you are a stupidly high level in 2 days. Thats how people get bored, because no server owners can keep up with the pace their players are levelling at.

Sorry, but you need to think very carefully how you word things in future, because people are liable to take offence at your comments.

There are some damn good servers around at the moment, some of them have the features you say you are looking for, and are run by responsible adults who know what they're doing.

With respect, your offer of help and description of what you want sounds a bit like a thinly disguised attempt to get someone to host a server for you, and give you GM status.

You actually sound quite familiar to me, I'm wondering if I know you under another name?;)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 9, 2006
mhh i dont like the sentence Gms dont know what they do

So Yes i know much thinks not but i learn. i learn from players i learn from other gms and iam proud of my work. sure much things can be make better and sure i still have some litle bugs but i kicked the most bugs out and that with and without help.

LomCn is a community to learn and to help others if its possible. i have and had both!

Sure u come to LoMcn had an totaly running server in backround without any bugs and u are the king of planet mhh.

its the same with ppl that say u better go back to lom2 mhh i dont think lom2 is easier to handle as lom3 its only other in some kinds thats all. if all ppl got kicked out that come here to learn than LomCn would be a dead forum.

iam proud to my work the player like what we did and that is the only importend thing for me. I tell u what i dont like i dont like ppl that ask for help and after they got it they say they are the best all is done by themself. i hate ignorant ppl that think the own work is the best work and exspecialy i hate that topic here because it open the question what is the best but players from all servers have ther own opinion and they play the servers where they are because the GM must have done something right

so that was my crap

ps sorry for my bad english


Jul 30, 2003
In the beginning there was nothing, and then people began to learn.....

128x is high rate.
If you generalise you'll make many foes and not many friends.
Nobody knows nothing and nobody knows everything.



It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
You've just displayed the primary reason why the lower rate servers do much better, they dont have people like you in them :/

/xtreme x x


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 18, 2007
Ok lets see,

Elite: was fine ok xp wasnt my cup of tea but it was fun, it had nice stuff added the DEV knew what they were doing.

Avenge: xp is fine not too high jusr right, again DEV team know what there doing, and he adds more for people who are high level.

Tian: same as elite in many ways good DEV team and a gm who is nice and fair.

I ask you whats wrong with them? and there all up and doing very well.


Mad Dog Geo
Jul 4, 2007
Redditch, UK
I liked you until this post, apoligise and move on, you made a bad mistake there is alot of variety out there for many people who play.
No 1 person will think any 1 server is the best, servers have to supply the fun to a majority, meaning


Because you fit into the med catagory but are bored your opinion is they are all crap, if your getting bored of mir theres not much you can do, but if your getting bored of a perticular rate then try something new, theres many a server out there to cater for all your needs


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 18, 2007
hehe i dont have a team :p i do it all myself.

Ok I stand corrected, doesnt that make it eve more rewarding? it means you put a lot of effort into it, and for someone to come along and slate them is wrong in my oponion.


LOMCN Veteran
May 18, 2007
Ok I stand corrected, doesnt that make it eve more rewarding? it means you put a lot of effort into it, and for someone to come along and slate them is wrong in my oponion.

hehe i guess it is but its easy if u know what you are doing :)