SoLiD Server 1.9 - The Birth Of The Trance - DediBox -

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Oct 1, 2004
Counter Strike


SoLiD Server
- The Birth Of The Trance-

-2-3 Years In Making-
And Its Ready

Contact Email: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
Website: - Patch's etc

Mirror2: N/A
Mirror3: N/A


Name: SoLiD


SoLiD has designed its own interface sounds mobs and items. This gives
mobs the power to have flaming sword or a stronger electric attack. Not only that but we have imported our own items too. There are specially made NPC's to spice up the server. We have had proffesionally self made music/jingles for specific caves.

Sabuk Wall

With new tasks and more defense/attack commands. Sabuk Wall has got
a whole lot better. There is a moat around the wall and defense mechanisms
such as Catapaults. Not only do the people who hold sabuk wall have
new places to hunt they also have a guild bank a tactic board and lots
more commands. But watch out If your wall was to get tooken over
the guild bank goes with it ;).

- Screenshot Taken In 1.4 Version-

Trance Dungeon

A new dungeon i have added taking 2 solid months to make. The dungeon
consists of 22 floor with unique and advanced boss's mobs. Each room
is more of a mini quest to get to the rest so it will involve
at least a group of 5 well geared people. The final boss is unique
and and needs 4 pods and a giantttttt statue to be activated to spawn :p.

Trance Event

The server works together as a team donating specific items in order to start a war against the gates of the trance. Once X amounts of items have been collected a war date will be set in which a huge event will take place opening the gates to Trance Dungeon. The event is completely computer controlled and should be very exciting to participate in it. But the dungeon may not open until there a more wealthy players in the world of SoLiD :P.

Tao Pet System

Due to taoists having both summon skele and shinsu taken out
i have replaced it with a new feature. You get a choice of
3 different pets each having special abilitys. The pets
strength depends on how well you treat it, how well you feed it
and how well you train it. You never know?, Your pet may evolve
into something stronger depending on how well you treat it ;).
Dont like your pet? no problem disband it and get a new one. But
remember once your pet has been disbanded if you was to adopt
a new one it would be adopted at level 1.

-Screenshot Coming Soon-


This version of SoLiD has over 250 quests. Some being long some
being short. But each quest can be rather hard and very lengthy.

-Screenshot Coming Soon-

Group Challenges

-Big Feature-
This will be a big feature in the new SoLiD. You will need to do a group quests involving team work and communication. There are many different tasks to take part in. You and your team do large quests in order to earn yourself gamepoints which can be spent at the well.

-- Hard to understand i know :p--

Spawn Control Room: This person controls the spawns on the spawn room. Each
wave getting more difficult then the previous.

Spawn Room: Receives the spawns from the spawn controller. Make sure you
communicate or you will be having double waves on you. You are required
to give in the rusty keys to allow the next spawn to be active.

Key Room:

Once the spawn room has received all 5 waves the final wave will come
in this room. Giving the person in this room the chance to obtain
the key. To do so he must defeat the final wave.

-Screenshot Coming Soon-

Cave Quests

Each leveling cave contains a board allowing you to do a one
off quest for that area. Most hunt caves have hidden quests
for you to find.

-Screenshot Coming Soon-

Marry System

This system isn't just the basic marriage system :eek:. Once your
married why not take your husband/wife on a honey moon to the
special resort for only you and your wife. If your lucky enough
maybe you can have a baby?. Oh and dont forget about the fireworks that will take off in the homezone!.

-Screenshot Coming Soon-


Tired of leveling/pvping want a rest?. Head down to the funfair
and try your chances at several games such as The Maze and Sexual 6!.


Been a naughty boy? Cheating, Racism or generally being a tit. You
will be automatically sent to prison. Sure you can get bailed out but surviving
the guards outside could be tricky. Usually you are placed in here for cheating
and it's impossible to get out. There are active prison guards and prison bots
walking about.

Secondary Guild

I have added a secondary guild. You can choose to either join The Alliance(Good) or
the DeathBringers(Bad). You start the guild as being on trial and have to do numerous
quests to get a better rank. You never know one day you might be 'GuildMaster'. The higher
the rank you have the more options you have such as cheaper pets and being able to teleport
to 4th floors etc on caves. This took a rather long time and should be a very unique feature


New to the game?. The GM's are 100% active. But there is also a training
building to go to learn how to play. Each training course is a quest
and involves a prize. It will start off easy but get alot harder.

Class Trainer

You don't have to go to the vendor to buy your skills/spells now.
Each class has a trainer who can not only teach you skills/spells. But
can also give you hints or teach you hidden spells.

2 New Summons

Taoists have been given 2 new summons. The first being a really
strong lightning cat which involves a small quest to get. The second
being well i can't tell you that ;). A secret summon having to do a
very long hard quest to get.

Hunting and Towns
There are over 50 hunting places to choose from and 20+ towns in which you may find quests. Let's not forget the hundreds of other hidden maps etc.

Pet Buy
The pet buy is rather unique. You have to purchase license's in order to buy specific pets. And for the very good parts you need to complete a long chain of quests. Not only can you buy pets you can find tickets in which you can exchange for pets. These tickets can be dropped off of mobs ingame.

Horse System
The horse system is unique in that you must complete a long chain of quests to get one then pay a large fee. Horses are not easy to get at all and once you do get one you have to give it regular care.

Slave System
- Not releasing too much info on this as of yet-


Releasing no info on this as of yet.

Screenshots designs yet to come.


Hunting for gold aint allways easy and seeing as there's so many options to spend your gold on i have added 5! proffesions into the game.

What are they?: Fishing, locksmith, mining, alchemist and a butcher.

The proffessions took a very long time to make and you upgrade your rank in the proffesions by completing tasks. The fishing actually requires you to equip a pole and fish in the water. But be careful to choose your job wisely you would want a good paying job although you can quit at any time.

Have a very good host.
Constant Updates
Near enough 24/7 GMs

There are loads of things in the server that other servers would make a big deal of but due to me spending so much time on the server they have genuinly been forgot about :p. If you are expecting a longer term server with a good community SoLiD will be the server for you. Too much work has been put into the server for it to go downhill.

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
I got that error rest of the client seems to be good tbh, could you upload that file please ?:)

Also downloaded with a download manager so i dunno why i got that error..
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 19, 2006
Why u lower all the Spawns .. it sucks now .. takein me like hour per lvl lmao. Sucks ass


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 28, 2004
Was there a char whipe from the beta? I thought there wasn't gonna be one.. or i lost my i.d. some how.
Is there an account recovery if i give u my email so u can search ur db and send the id/pass info to that email? ..



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2004
The Sub title put me off m8, By the sub title name you have lowered your target audience to one group of people.

The Birth Of Trance does not appeal to me so immediately i get a negative feel towards it. :P Sorry doing Graphic Design in Diploma so i get all this technical stuff about how to broaden target audiences and things.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 15, 2005
can u update top 10..........wish i could play :P



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 1, 2006
Gd server. But if it took you 2-3 years, have warriors kit, taoist kit, wizard kit, looks cheap (imo) if u have 1 kit with DC/MC/SC on it. I love the scan when you register tho :P But looks gd imo, shud try it guys.