The age old debate: Linux vs Windows

Linux or Windows?

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 22, 2004
Basically, there is no single operating system that I like, though I do prefer Windows. Mac is out of the question completely and Linux is always there for me when Windows breaks, so I'm going to analyse both operating systems from my point of view then let you discuss, hopefully this poll will remain retard free, but I doubt it very much. Anyway, my case studies are from Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux.

Windows XP

  • The main point that gives Windows the upperhand is easily the compatability. Every large company designs their software exclusively for Windows e.g Steinberg, Adobe, etc. Most other companies design primarily for Windows and bring out their latest and best versions for Windows with other OS users lagging behind with inferior versions.
  • Useability. Short of the completely computer illiterate, absolutely anyone can use Windows for what they want to use it for, most people only want to use computers for chatting, emails, internet browsing and music downloads. Anyone could do this with ease on a Windows system.
  • Windows and gaming go pretty much hand in hand, all high end games, medium and low end games run on the system, all the way back to the archaic games such as the original Elder Scrolls games, to the latest, Oblivion with decent hardware.
  • Unlike with Linux, you can download new software and the Automatic Updates will no doubt have kept your system up to date to run it, alot of Windows programs often come with the required .dll files if it is unlikely that users will already have them. With linux you'll find yourself having to manually update your system even though you've just done an automatic update 5 minutes ago, downloading series of files such as gcc4, libxml etc. etc. just to get a program as simple as aMSN to run.
  • Audio, even without codecs, you can get good quality audio through a Windows system, allowing multiple programs to use audio, unlike in Linux where if you have a song running, it will not play MSN alerts and with some Linux versions of MSN, e.g kMess, once it's running you will not be able to listen to songs, get audio out of youtube or have any other sound at all.

Ubuntu Linux

  • The first thing that appeals to me about Linux (I am only referring to GNOME), is the fact that even the most bog standard of graphic user interfaces are better than all standard Windows GUI's and most custom ones.
  • Incompatability as an advantage? Well yes, you will find, unless you are incredibly stupid, you will experience absolutely no issues with Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Malware, etc.
  • The support is amazing. You can get onto an IRC channel and within an hour, no matter how serious your issue, as long as it is an OS related issue, will be resolved within the hour.
  • Repositories. They are amazing, if you want a piece of software, in alot of cases you won't have to go to a website, browse around and finally download it, you simply open the terminal and type in sudo apt-get install "software name" and there you go.

Now it's your turn, slug it out for your favorite operating system. See if this debate can be resolved here on LOMCN.
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Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
I have added Mac OSX as it is one of the best OS's out there today
reguardless of what you think of a Mac system, OSX does its job and it does it well

Windows I have had issues with
Linux I have had issues with
Mac OSX I have had no issues to date

If this is truely to be a chat about OS's and not the systems they run on then imo OSX wins hands down



LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Oct 26, 2006
Well looks like all 3 are tied at the moment, I prefer SuSE to ubuntu, but its a linux distro all the same


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 22, 2004
What perspective are you looking at BabyHack?

I can't think of any where Mac actually wins other than film editting.


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
Neither can I (The Mac thing) I just prefer windows because I know all the ins and outs, and with linux, while i like the fact that it's open source, it's lack of game and application support is what annoys me, I know i can run WINE but I still won't be getting the most out of my hardware that way.

Plus windows Vista looks pretty


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 11, 2005
Northern Ireland
Mac is an awesome system for design purposes, and as you said video editing, adobe does put out its vers just as fast for a mac, purely because most design professionals work on a mac, not windows.

I personally just like windows because i can design, and play games without worries of specific games giving me problems when trying to play.


Apr 15, 2003
If you get the right epositories you can just apt-get install amsn and it will get libxml and gcc4 for you.

And audio wise, thats only oss, alsa can do multiple sounds.