The last four months of my life...

Join Discord


May 7, 2003
Right, well some of the more observant, and older members of LOMCN may have noticed that i havent been around much recently. This isnt due same reasons many of the users leave lomcn.

Over the last 4 months, i have done more than my fair share of 'Drugs'. These include (in no particular order):

-Cannabis (I'm sure you at least a few of you have tried this too...)
-Magic Mushrooms
-MDMA (more commonly know as ecstacy, or E)
-Nicotine/Alcohol/Caffine (yes these are drugs too)

If your at all still interested, heres what i have to say for each of these drugs:

Cannabis - I'm sure all of you know at least one person who uses this drug on a weekly or daily basis, at peak - i was spending around £10 a day on weed/hash (hash being cannabis resin). first of, i'd like to say that Cannabis should be legalised! This is probably the least harmful street drug around (unless you suffer from, or have a family history of mental illness). Cannabis is a social drug, nothing beats sitting round with your mates, passing a spliff around, laughing and chatting to each other. However, I have a close friend who recently was suffering from serve paranoia, he has now stopped smoking it, and the problem has now gone - therefore if you are/ever are a cannabis user suffering from a similar problem, then simply stop. Cannabis, dispite what you may have heard is not addictive - You can start and stop as you please.

Magic Mushrooms - Basically, to understand these you'd need to do them yourself, after all, every trip is different from the last. I went through a period of doing these 3 times a week. So far i have had 3 bad experiences on them (known as bad trips), the last time i done them, i had an out-of-body experience, whilst in college - leading to my decision to never do them again. If you are interested in reading into the drug i suggest you goto

MDMA - I have also used this drug alot! often doing 2-4 pills a night every weekend. MDMA is not a physically addictive drug, however - it does have a strong mental addiction, if used in excess (like myself). I found that i could not stop doing it if anyone else told me/wanted me to stop. The only way to quit it is if YOU want to stop. The effects from this drug are the best i have experience yet, even better than coke! At certain point over the last few months both my friends and myself noticed me 'losing it', however my mind seems to return to something close normality after a few days of this. I have also noticed a servre drop in my itelligence (i can no longer spell either of these words), I can no longer spell that well, and cannot cope with some simple maths (such as long division), considering i left secondary school with a B in GCSE maths, and a C in english.

Cocain - You may have heard, or believe that it is possible to get addicted to cocain after doing a single line, this is very far from the truth. I have only done a few lines in my life (about 6 - most of which were longer than recomended). This drug has had no negative impact what so ever on my life, because quite simply i havent done enough. The effects i got from this drug were only small, lasting about 40 mins, during which time - i felt somewhat like 'the terminator', ie. huge ego, numb and immune to pain.

Salvia - This drug is legal. I have only tried it once, and it had no effect on me. However my mate has tried it a few times now, and loves it. I can tell you very little about this drug unfortunately.

Ketamine - I have done this drug many times unintentionally. This is because many ecstacy pills do infact contain Ketamine. Ketamine is a phychodelic drug, causing vivid hallucinations, and a ecstacy-like buzz. Ecstacy pills that cause people to trip out, are known as Smacky pills, these probably contain ketamine. I dont know much more about this drug, because whilst on it, i have always been also ****ed out of my face on XTC.

Finally, I'd like to say that i made this thread, not to boast, but to inform other users about my own experiences. Personally, I do not regret doing any of these drugs, because i've learnt many things about myself and the reality we experience on a daily basis.

Feel free to ask questions.


May 7, 2003
Oh, and i forgot to mention, for the last 4 days i have been on detox, and i intend to keep it that way for the time being. After all enough is enough.

I would also appreciate it if this thread isnt spammed with 'Drugs are bad'. Drugs have helped many people, including myself. The government would like to tell you that drugs are bad, but at the end of the day, it's not the drugs that are bad - it's the people that manufacture them.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 8, 2004
Top of a Building
you need a slap tbh.

Like we really wanted to hear about your druggy habits? we had this talk in school, no need for you to resurface bad memories.

I dont know how you link these either.

LOMCN -> Drugs -> Detox -> LOMCN

go get smacked of your tats and leave us alone.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 19, 2004
I would also appreciate it if this thread isnt spammed with 'Drugs are bad'. Drugs have helped many people, including myself. The government would like to tell you that drugs are bad, but at the end of the day, it's not the drugs that are bad - it's the people that manufacture them.[/QUOTE]

Does this mean that if ppl kill someone there not bad its the ppl who made the weapons? No difference tbh. Drugs are definetly bad!

Good luck with the detox tho :)


No Brag, Just Fact
ne0sbabe said:
I would also appreciate it if this thread isnt spammed with 'Drugs are bad'. Drugs have helped many people, including myself. The government would like to tell you that drugs are bad, but at the end of the day, it's not the drugs that are bad - it's the people that manufacture them.

Does this mean that if ppl kill someone there not bad its the ppl who made the weapons? No difference tbh. Drugs are definetly bad!

Good luck with the detox tho :)

That's bull****, drugs are bad.
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Pantie Sniffer!
Oct 20, 2003
i bet i can get a group of people to argue with that lol

yes i have tried alot of drugs like XTC, Magic Mushrooms, Speed (Fet), Acid, Blow

and once you have had them you relise alot of what people say is bull**** i still have a chill out with my m8s roll a joint and have a laugh and nothing has happened to me yet so i disagree with people saying drugs are bad

if they were so "bad" then doctors wouldnt give it out to help deal with pain and so forth and the only reason its not legal is you cant tax drugs


LOMCN Leecher
Mar 29, 2005
Xander said:
if they were so "bad" then doctors wouldnt give it out to help deal with pain and so forth and the only reason its not legal is you cant tax drugs

That did make me laugh, have fun with brain damage.

Jesus anyone that thinks like you is an idiot, and wittin is an idiot for doing that crap.



LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 19, 2003
Bichon-Wall, With Bob the Chef
I've got friends (like u said), tht do drugs alot, although they didn't/don't appeal to me, so i'm not really bothered... Their choice in the end of the day.
G/L giving up and what u do next :)



Dec 1, 2003
Few simple facts of life for you all :-

1. Every one of us will die at some point
2. You can not smoke, drink or do anything bad and still get something that will kill you (such as my sister with M.S.)
3. Enjoy your life while you can - that bus might knock you down tomorrow.
4. All forms of drugs are bad - the only people laughing are the ones who sell you this crap.
5. Caffeine is bad, but I prefer a cup of Coffee to a Mug of Hot Water thanks.
6. Smoking is bad but get over it - see point 1
7. You do not need drugs to stay alive or enjoy life in any shape or form, nor do you need Alcohol.


Dec 1, 2003
Here is the path way to total waste of life (seen from the outside by the way).

Start off on Spliff/weed etc - smoke with your mates, have a laugh, brain makes connection that Spliff = a good laugh/good time.
Soon the weed has not much effect, the body hasa good way of getting used to things.
Next step them, bit harder drugs, bits speed, few mushrooms etc etc etc.
Before you know where your at, its no fun anymore taking drugs but you cannot do without them, Loose your job, your mates, your family etc. Short of cash, lets rob somebody.....

If you need drugs to have a good laugh with your mates, maybe its time you started to look at yourself and look at what direction your heading in life..


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 19, 2003
Bichon-Wall, With Bob the Chef
Demonic said:
Few simple facts of life for you all :-
You do not need drugs to stay alive or enjoy life in any shape or form, nor do you need Alcohol.

I agree, but the reason most people use drugs is too increase the amount of pleasure that they recieve (Joke's seem a lot more funny etc....)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 22, 2003
Coalville, Leicestershire
Demonic said:
Here is the path way to total waste of life (seen from the outside by the way).

Start off on Spliff/weed etc - smoke with your mates, have a laugh, brain makes connection that Spliff = a good laugh/good time.
Soon the weed has not much effect, the body hasa good way of getting used to things.
Next step them, bit harder drugs, bits speed, few mushrooms etc etc etc.
Before you know where your at, its no fun anymore taking drugs but you cannot do without them, Loose your job, your mates, your family etc. Short of cash, lets rob somebody.....

If you need drugs to have a good laugh with your mates, maybe its time you started to look at yourself and look at what direction your heading in life..

sry but i would say ur wrong

i been smoking weed/hash since i was bout 13 im now 18 i still smoke it and i've never touched anything stronger and dont plan on doing so.

and i agrea with wittin weed should be legalised :P only reason it wont be cus the goverment wont admit there wrong

Legalize it, tax it and treat it like alcohol. Use common sense.
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Dec 1, 2003
Rampage said:
sry but i would say ur wrong

i been smoking weed/hash since i was bout 13 im now 18 i still smoke it and i've never touched anything stronger and dont plan on doing so.

and i agrea with wittin weed should be legalised :P only reason it wont be cus the goverment wont admit there wrong

Legalize it, tax it and treat it like alcohol. Use common sense.

Well I never said I was right, I was going from personal experience of a person I know - not everybody is the same of course.

If they made it legal, then what, drug barrons would do what for a job? Smuggling and all that...Its a bit more complex then simply tax believe me.