The Legend Of Mir Essence [2.3]

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 22, 2004
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

Sorry for double post. (Which wasnt by me)

Server down :| Guess ill have a refun on pets?

Server is ok. He does take time to acctually do stuff but its goin well so far. So can ya's stop cryin and wait till he fixed them. This is why mir is diein slatin every server that goes live. If you think u can do a better job thn go make 1 and let us slater you. Ino Nymph could never make 1. I recon he should of spended more time on server befor launch.. Doesnt seem the testers did a very gd job. More and more 2.3 servers will come out and i guarantee most of you's will slaughter that 1 like you did to this one. No wonder mir is dead. Look how EM Evo and i think salvation died and maybe others.

JadeSnow ring or w.e is sorted. So the moaners who moaned about it you can stop cryin now and come bk.

Good luck paul.

You know I could never make one do you, that's some good psychic powers you have there.

Not that that has anything to do with whether I can or cannot 'slate' his server, but fyi, I can make servers, and have one set up on my pc which I fiddle with from time to time. I just don't put it live because a) I don't have the time, and b) I have no desire to.



Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

It's not a bad server, yes there are issues that need fixing, but give it time.

What I will say is I hope all decent kit is in the drop files and not only obtainable via GameGold like on the DarkRealm server.

Good luck with it, I pop on now and then.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 4, 2009
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

It's not a bad server, yes there are issues that need fixing, but give it time.

What I will say is I hope all decent kit is in the drop files and not only obtainable via GameGold like on the DarkRealm server.

Good luck with it, I pop on now and then.

since when were they only available via gamegold ?


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

When Paul owned it mate, was pretty obvious. Was not aimed at you.


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

Could you update the first post with the new Ip..?


LOMCN Veteran
May 13, 2009
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

lol at replies, I really hope hone makes empire again, the guy had balance in reams, also knew what to do for events.. and the best thing of all, he wasn't in it to line his pockets, he genuinely enjoyed trying new stuff that he had thought up, and didn't charge anyone.. With dedi's coming down down in price for each month.. my subs might be 50 quid, but I'll have some fun and maybe we can get a non-donation (or donation for wings with low stats) low rate started up.. I know there are loads who want something to log on to to relax.. there's all the people who want all skills and all items in 2 weeks, then there's actually the people who want a long haul and enjoy making friends etc.. these people tend to have jobs and have cash.. I'm currently moving house, so I'm a tad busy, mind I shall be back. As regards to the retard known as ben, the vast majority of people playing pob's server hate you more than him.. so yeah 30 people who actually prefer pob to you should be a serious insult, the amount you run pob down no? Thought I'd explain it because as you have demonstrated you are a little simple..


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 20, 2006
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

hi all right i just been reading the post in this thread and do you know what if people hate pob so much then why the hell are u even post in here in the first place tbh its just sad because if all u are going to do is post random **** about a guy making a server for all of u to play for free and all u do is ***** about how **** it is when i have played his servers in the past and they are good tbh admitedly this server needs work but dont all
if people want to flame me then feel free because u know what i dont give a **** because i have retired from mir for good from now tbh because i am sick of starting a server then it geting chaged removed or shuting down.
i am glad i got that off my chest i feel loads better now i must be have a mental break down or some thing but good luck all with everything and anything u do on this server and any other u may play in the future.

:) james


Dec 4, 2008
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

lol at replies, I really hope hone makes empire again, the guy had balance in reams, also knew what to do for events.. and the best thing of all, he wasn't in it to line his pockets, he genuinely enjoyed trying new stuff that he had thought up, and didn't charge anyone.. With dedi's coming down down in price for each month.. my subs might be 50 quid, but I'll have some fun and maybe we can get a non-donation (or donation for wings with low stats) low rate started up.. I know there are loads who want something to log on to to relax.. there's all the people who want all skills and all items in 2 weeks, then there's actually the people who want a long haul and enjoy making friends etc.. these people tend to have jobs and have cash.. I'm currently moving house, so I'm a tad busy, mind I shall be back. As regards to the retard known as ben, the vast majority of people playing pob's server hate you more than him.. so yeah 30 people who actually prefer pob to you should be a serious insult, the amount you run pob down no? Thought I'd explain it because as you have demonstrated you are a little simple..

try usa mir? ;)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Nov 18, 2008
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

seems the red moon sword is abit op mc 22-40 sc 8-40 dc 30-40 acc2. i aint moaning cus i aint got 1 i had the 2nd one in game.

is the omakingrobe quest working with horn relic redeyeskull thing?


LOMCN Veteran
Apr 9, 2010
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

seems the red moon sword is abit op mc 22-40 sc 8-40 dc 30-40 acc2. i aint moaning cus i aint got 1 i had the 2nd one in game.

is the omakingrobe quest working with horn relic redeyeskull thing?

Aye is a tad OP lol.

and about OKR do relics even drop? killed 10+ zt's yesterday no relic.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

lol at replies, I really hope hone makes empire again, the guy had balance in reams, also knew what to do for events.. and the best thing of all, he wasn't in it to line his pockets, he genuinely enjoyed trying new stuff that he had thought up, and didn't charge anyone.. With dedi's coming down down in price for each month.. my subs might be 50 quid, but I'll have some fun and maybe we can get a non-donation (or donation for wings with low stats) low rate started up.. I know there are loads who want something to log on to to relax.. there's all the people who want all skills and all items in 2 weeks, then there's actually the people who want a long haul and enjoy making friends etc.. these people tend to have jobs and have cash.. I'm currently moving house, so I'm a tad busy, mind I shall be back. As regards to the retard known as ben, the vast majority of people playing pob's server hate you more than him.. so yeah 30 people who actually prefer pob to you should be a serious insult, the amount you run pob down no? Thought I'd explain it because as you have demonstrated you are a little simple..

i dont really take much interest when i read ur posts so maybe ive mis understood, but 100+ ppl play my server instead of pobs, so maybe 100 ppl hate pob just like u claim the 30 ppl playin pobs server hate me lol?

i mean you call me a retard but.... the comments u come out with are amazing really.

If i loged on mir essence does that then lable me a hater of myself lol!?

ne way pretty bored of this childish arguement, gl with the server pob12345678


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Re: The Legend Of Mir Essence

You can donate for any item, as proven by Beast donating for items to create his OKR, and donating for Zuma Relic. That is good enough reason for people to really consider, is it worth playing? Donations dominate this server.

Beast is best kitted, and i've seen him 1 hit people. I don't mind donations, but when top player ingame is at that point due to donations.. then the servers ruined.. guy a sad ****er imo.

Pob, for a server, this is as good as any other random noobs euro clones, with few quests, and caves which are un accessible. The easiests of bosses drop kits... most being soloable......


Simple rule, follow it, your rule server.