Time to Quit


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer

i dont know if this is just me and where i live but...
but no matter where i lived
Uk(northants) - Gibraltar - Malta
all the people that i have made mates with Smoked Green...

Now i sat back yesterday and thought to myself... DAM
ive wasted 13 years of my life smoking this crap... i dont smoke cigarettes

so this was my ciggy... wake up n smoke till i go sleep
and not feeling the stone that hit me like i was a kid but more like a form meditation for me..

well all that bull crap aside... i hate myself.

ive abuse my body for years now... and im slowly feeling the effects

Now im on a mission to quit the beloved
GREEN.... and break this Wall that is stopping me becoming the man i actually should be..

without going into to much detail.. i feel green stops my learning process .. meaning.. i learn a whole month of info
but after the next month comes... i seem to have to siv my memory for the info and really think hard..

to when i was a younger fitter mind i didnt have to think much atall ... my mind was like a quantum hard drive,
now i feel my mind is not even a Dual Core.....

i dont really want to talk to anybody at home about this, but i have to get this off my chest ...
so i thought i might aswell just get abused on lomcn :s

i never thought giving up this would be so hard
Stomach cramps
and now im getting a light fever.... this is crap been 2 days and i feel to kill myself lol (not

all my Friends gave up like its was nothing

I feel i have lost a part of me... however stupid that sounds..

im sure this will pass and i will be buzzing i finally quit... but i just feel ruff
and want to express how im feeling



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 13, 2012
any support i can help with i would
im 36 in 7 days time and was smoking weed almost every hour of every day untill 17 days ago , and just stopped, full stopped
was not getting high and spending 450 euro an ounce every 10 days
that i met a girl, on net just, played a big part in my quitting , simply now prefer to buy her things than just burning money for no reason
do i miss it , yes , definetly
but yesterday i needed go doctors , damn big lump on hip/femur, and today im just back from having 4 x-rays done
that the x-rays showed nothing is not a good sign , and doc will need schedule ctscan / ultrasound and the really scary biopsies needed
so giving up may for me have been too late


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2009
any support i can help with i would
im 36 in 7 days time and was smoking weed almost every hour of every day untill 17 days ago , and just stopped, full stopped
was not getting high and spending 450 euro an ounce every 10 days
that i met a girl, on net just, played a big part in my quitting , simply now prefer to buy her things than just burning money for no reason
do i miss it , yes , definetly
but yesterday i needed go doctors , damn big lump on hip/femur, and today im just back from having 4 x-rays done
that the x-rays showed nothing is not a good sign , and doc will need schedule ctscan / ultrasound and the really scary biopsies needed
so giving up may for me have been too late

Its never too late pal, they can treat near enough everything these days they are smarter than you think. I hope all goes well for you though.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 13, 2012
im completly unworried , even in a worst case scenario i will never change my outlook on life or living , but ty nonetheless
my post was mainly to show that , as u say , its never too late , and that there are better things in life worth spending money on than simply burning it
i will always love weed , its gotten me through stuff so bad it make current thing seem very minor ....


LOMCN VIP (Mapper)
Jul 28, 2004
UK - Midlands
I do a lot of things, In moderation.. Weed, Booze, MDMA, Roll-ups, Fatty/Greasy/Salty/Sugary Food & Drink.

I think if you control & moderate how often you treat yourself to what you put into your body, you will be fine!

Balance is the answer to most things really. On the opposite end of the scale I will also occasionally Gym, Swim, Drink Lots Water, Fruit & Veg throughout week.

Thinking into things too much though I also think can make you Over Worried, Unhappy, Not Confident.. So I tend not to go to deep.

Moderation & Balance :k


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
I do a lot of things, In moderation.. Weed, Booze, MDMA, Roll-ups, Fatty/Greasy/Salty/Sugary Food & Drink.

I think if you control & moderate how often you treat yourself to what you put into your body, you will be fine!

Balance is the answer to most things really. On the opposite end of the scale I will also occasionally Gym, Swim, Drink Lots Water, Fruit & Veg throughout week.

Thinking into things too much though I also think can make you Over Worried, Unhappy, Not Confident.. So I tend not to go to deep.

Moderation & Balance :k

Telling somebody who is an addict that it's ok in small doses is really bad advice. This thread is not about you. Harsh as it may sound.

Myth you obviously also have an issue with falling in with the wrong crowd which is unfortunate. My brother is 26 and been smoking weed since he was 13, I've seen with my own eyes how it changes people, and I'm not talking about short term highs, I'm talking about eventually it will turn you in to a ****ing vegetable. But for the record, to a "normal person", stoners are nothing but annoying. It will definitely hold you back in life and I wish you all the best in giving it up.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step as they say. Anything is possible, I gave up cigarettes 7 months ago now, still hard though
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Feb 3, 2011
Keep your head up and with willpower anything is possible.

I used to be a heavy heavy weed smoker (At the height of my dependancy i was smoking 3-4 20£ bags a day), Around April time i realised it was starting to become a huge huge problem (it had become a problem years ago, but only recently did i actually admit it lol), I stopped socialising with the friends i knew smoked alot, even left my home and girlfriend.

3 months on and im completly weed free, i have a decent job, a new girlfriend and life is very much on the up. Stopping smoking weed also made me realise just how much time i spent locked away playing games, and this was something else i took steps in changing. All in all my life is 100x better without weed or mir.

Goodluck in your quest to defeat the weed demons sir!


LOMCN VIP (Mapper)
Jul 28, 2004
UK - Midlands
Sorry, I didn't really clarify how my post was supposed to relate.

I didn't have any intentions on advising your there, just to make you aware of anothers experience with the drug.

To be more direct toward you, I'd say that you're doing EXACTLY the right thing.
You will need things to take your mind of it and ease this initial 'breaking' period, so starting this thread was spot on.

What else do like to do? Maybe it's time to just start trying lots of new things! Ever enjoyed cycling? swimming? cooking? playing instruments?
If it was me I'd be trying to cook some awesome new dishes and playing my drums loads in the first week and just talking to people as much as possible on forums like this!


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer
i really appreciate all your comments on this as its great to have a insight on other peoples views upon this


i totally get what your saying here ... it does dumb people down to a stupid state and i can feel the effects..
i dont like it atall and this is 1 of the reasons i need to do this also.
thanks for that.

You made me smile with that comment thanks bro :)
its lush to hear that people have been a long addict history with this and had enough will power to pull them out this demon of a rut >.<

I know you ment well bless your heart :)
i kinda get what you mean . but for me my path is to fully quit and take full controll of what i have left ... little as it is..
Im sure all will get better and its great to be in a community that show so much care and support :)

Thanks Guys


Feb 3, 2011
Just so u know too Myth, i was heavily dependant from my early teen years up untill this year (Where i turned 26). If i can give up smoking, anyone can!

Richens is correct in saying you need to fill your time with more interesting things other than weed, the first week or so is always the most difficult, after that it gets easier and easier!
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Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
The thing with weed is you can't rely on it..

I've smoked it for about 3 years now, I will never smoke it during the day and I will never smoke it knowing I have to be somewhere. Some people unwind with a glass of vino, I unwind with the gift of god.

It's when you start smoking it constantly it becomes an issue, and your more addicted to the routine then the actual drug.

I would say try supplementing it for alcohol, but I see weed as harmless because myself and others I know control it, it doesn't control us. But the day I wake up and fancy a doobie will be the day I quit...


Feb 3, 2011
I would say try supplementing it for alcohol, but I see weed as harmless because myself and others I know control it, it doesn't control us. But the day I wake up and fancy a doobie will be the day I quit...

In my honest opinion i think drinking is alot worse than smoking weed, but hey its a good taxable drug!


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
In my honest opinion i think drinking is alot worse than smoking weed, but hey its a good taxable drug!

I agree with you 100%..

The government won't tax weed as they can't keep track in who is growing for personal use and what not.
Give it 2 years and it will be de-criminalised...hopefully.


Feb 3, 2011
I agree with you 100%..

The government won't tax weed as they can't keep track in who is growing for personal use and what not.
Give it 2 years and it will be de-criminalised...hopefully.

Cant see it happening in 2 years tbh, they make so much money in fining people for small amounts that it wouldnt make sense to de-criminalise it, over the years i have paid around 500£ in fines for being caught with one or two draws lol!


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
Cant see it happening in 2 years tbh, they make so much money in fining people for small amounts that it wouldnt make sense to de-criminalise it, over the years i have paid around 500£ in fines for being caught with one or two draws lol!

I've been stopped twice by the police, first time they made me throw it, second time they let me smoke it in front on them.



Feb 3, 2011
I've been stopped twice by the police, first time they made me throw it, second time they let me smoke it in front on them.



Last time i got caught i had 2 draws in my boxers, the policeman could smell it and he gave me the option to hand it over, or if i wanted i could go to the police station for a strip search - I duly handed it over lol.

I was fined £100, and the draws cost me 35, thing that annoyed me the most was i didnt even get to smoke a joint out of said draws :(


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 13, 2012
never got arrested for weed , never been searched , luckily
always carried enough for a few cones, or an ounce going out


Feb 3, 2011
never got arrested for weed , never been searched , luckily
always carried enough for a few cones, or an ounce going out

Is a day to day thing round here to be stop and searched, as soon as a police car pulls over nowadays i just get all my **** out of pocket and put it on floor, it has the old bill in hysterics lol


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 13, 2012
police wont come near me without very good reason, and usually they bring nurses.....