Tim's story. (IRL)

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Dedicated Member
Sep 8, 2004
Top of a Building
Tim was a shy person, not exactly outgoing so he decides to go to the barbers to get a mullet cut and relive the 80s.

After he got it cut, he walked down the street only to be mugged by a freddy mercury lookalike.

After alot of pulling and tugging he finally gives in and goes down the alley to be bummed into oblivion.

He then decided, "amg i walk like a cowboy, i r think i may look like john wayne" so he goes and gets another haircut and some coyboy gear.

After getting sorted, he runs down the street only to have his pants pulled down by an indian and gets fisted with an arrow.

So he goes home and watches trisha, and decides " i r have many problems so i r go see trisha."

He appears on trisha after 6 weeks of waiting, only to be bummed by security gaurds and left with his arse in the air in a feild.

So he goes home and downloads a virus, which bummed his computer.

So after all this, he goes and buys some arseless chaps.

MORAL IS - wear arseless chaps, cos you dont know whos going to rip off your pants and bum you.