TutPack™ Version 1 - Create a CS sig.

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 11, 2005
Northern Ireland
Welcome to the First TutPack™ release!

In this TutPack, you will learn to create an image like the following.


Get the TutPack™ HERE.
Mirrored HERE.

Get your tutpack™ downloaded, and follow the readme file inside, it'll explain how to install fonts, and anything else you will need to follow along.


Lets get started.

First off, open photoshop. Now load the base.jpg image from wherever you extracted the tut pack files.

SO here we have the base gradient/sig layout already done for you.

Now we want to have a CS theme'd banner/sig, so load up the file named cssprite.gif.

With the open in photoshop, grab your rectangle marquee tool, which can be found on the main photoshop toolbar, right beside the move tool. Drag it the full size of the image and hit ctrl + C to copy it to your clipboard.

Lets close the CS image and head back to your sig base.

Paste your CS image into the document using ctrl + v.

It looks a bit large, and we want to have a nice smallish sized image to the right of the image.

Now, find the move tool, which is situated at the top right of the toolbar/sidebar. To resize the image, we need to put a tick in the "show bounding box" checkbox on the top menu bar, hopefully you should find it with no problemos.

now your counterstrike image should have 8 square shaped handles around the edges of it, hover your mouse over one, and it will change to a resize pointer.

Now making sure your mouse is hovered over one of the CORNER squares, hold SHIFT and drag the corner square, until you feel he is the right size, compared to final image included in your tutorial pack.

Now using the move tool, move the image into place, adjusting it so it looks like our final image.


Next up, we want to have a larger copy of the CS image in the background, to give it a nice perspective feel.

Hopefully you havent copy'd and pasted anything since i last told you to, if so just reopen the CS image and copy it again.

Now push control + v again, and another copy of the CS image should appear on the canvas, this time we DONT want to resize it, we just want it to appear behind our first CS image.

To do this, click layer, then go down to arrange, then select "send to back".
If you have done this correctly, your large image should now be at the very back on the image. Drag it accross to match the final image in your tutpack.

The large cs image is a little too dark, so we need to change the transparency to make him less visable, and so that our front CS image stands out.

On your layers pallette, this is the area in which all your layers are, click layer 2, and where the opacity percentage is, type 30%.

If everything went according to plan, he should be transparent, and your front CS image should look alot better.

Now onto adding the text, we will go back to our CS images later for some extra effects.


If you followed the readme in your tutpack, you should have the fonts i added already installed, if not, go ahead and do it before going onto this section of the tutorial.

First, we want to setup the small pixel font, with the text "Counterstrike servers".

Click your text tool, and click anywhere inside the current document, a type cursor should now appear, and you should be able to type some text.

Type COUNTERSTRIKE SERVERS in capitals, and select it all using your mouse.

The reason we have it in capitals, is because as a small font, it can be hard to read at times.

Now with your text selected, from the select font menu, choose "04b_03". Make sure your font aliasing is set to "none" and also set the font size to 8.

At the moment, the text looks a little too plain and hard to see on the background gradient, so we will give it a subtle boost by adding a small drop shadow.

In your layers palette, right click on the layer with the same name as your text, and when the popup menu appears, select "blending options".

Now, up pops our blending options window.

Slap a big ol' tick in the drop shadow box, and then click on the "drop shadow" text beside it, just incase it doesnt bring up the settings.

Now we must edit the settings in order to get the desired look.

in the distance box, enter "1"
and on the spread section, drag the slider up to the very top.
In the size box, enter "0"

Now, on the opacity box, enter "35".

Click ok and you will be taken back to your nice new text.

Now we need to add larger text in the background, so to do this, we grab the text tool again, and do the same thing, only this time, change the font to "arial black" and the size to 18, and the aliasing to "sharp".

Position the text the same as shown in the final image.

The text may be covering some of your CS man, so we want to send this layer to the very back, do this as shown before.
If you dont understand how to send the image to the back, you havent read the tutorial correctly above ;).

Now, remember we changed the opacity on the large CS image? do the same with this text layer, only this time, change the opacity to 20%.

Now our text should look pretty good.


Noticed that those CS images dont blend in too well with the background image? well right now were going to fix that.

Navigate your layers pallete,and click on layer 1.

Now from the main menu, click:

Image > adjustments > desaturate.

This should have made your image grey or greyscale as its known.

Now we want to add some blue to this Cs image, so click the following:

Image > adjustments > hue/saturation

Up pops the hue/saturation box.

Put a tick in the "colorise" box to the bottom right of the settings box.

Use the following settings to get the correct color.

Hue - 203
Saturation - 55
Lightness - 0

And click ok.

Hopefully you should have a nice blue CS image.

Now, naviagate your layers palette and click on layer 2, and follow the same steps we did to change the color of layer 1.

Everything going ok? good.


Now comes the glass effect, this is so effective and so simple.

First we must make a new layer, you can do this by pressing CTRL + Shift + N, give it the name "glass".

Grab your rectangle marquee tool, and draw a box around the TOP HALF on your image.

Now, click on the gradient tool, to get this, simply hold the mouse down on the paint bucket tool, and select gradient when the little side box pops out.

We need to edit our gradient, so from the tool menu bar, click the little downward arrow beside the current gradient.


When you click the downward arrow, a small box should appear below it.

click on the "foreground to transparent" gradient.

Now making sure your selection is still active, hold the shift key from the TOP of the selection, and drag it to 3/4 down the WHOLE IMAGE.

IF all has gone well you should have a glassy type look.

In the case that your layer is hidden behind some of the others, goto layer > arrange, and click "bring to front".

The transparency on your "glass" layer is a little high, so change it to "80%".

Now for our final touch, the border.

Make a new layer, as shown above, and grab the pencil tool.

Now change your foreground color to BLACK, and start drawing a line the whole way around the outside of your image.

A quick method of doing this, is starting at a corner, and holding shift to keep your line straight, and dragging across to the opposite side.

If this layer is behind the others dont forget to bring it to the front.

And finally, your done!


Dont forget to save your image, and if you wish to post it on the thread to show your joy, click:

file > save as >

and select jpg as the filetpe.

Continue onward, and get your image uploaded so i can take a look.


You have just finished your first TutPack™
!, i really do hope this helps some of you, and i know its not in anyway perfect, if you spot problems, or ive fcuked it up majorly, PM me.

Enjoy!!, and please post your results!
Last edited:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 6, 2004
Heres my go lol also ive never ever used PS b4 etc ahh well -_-, also it aint finished.


  • rofl.jpg
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TheBoss: It's looking good so far but remember that pixel fonts aren't meant to be as big as that. If you want your font to be that size then try using a sans serif font (such as Arial, Arial Black, Tahoma, Verdana, etc).


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 11, 2005
Northern Ireland
gotrex is you cant get it downloaded, just scroll to the bottom, and click "free" it should take u 2 the downloads page.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
can u upload it to somewhere else pixie. ntl users cant download from ripidshare, we're behind a proxy.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 2, 2004
Done, i must say it looks Daunting reading all that at 1st even for me, and ive dun it all b4 lol :P

if its bad i blame my mouse because its about to die on me as it doesnt scroll properly nymore :(


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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 11, 2005
Northern Ireland
jesus christ. Yours turned out immaculately.

And yours is a little off, thats how i know its not the final image just reuploaded, it took a hell of alot of looking back just to make sure.

omg. It worked.

But did it teach u any new things gotty?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 2, 2004
ye that if u hold shift while resizing it dont fcuk up and a free font :)


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 9, 2005
Hampshire, UK
Re: TutPack™ Version 1 - Create a CS sig.

Learnt about saturation and how u can use it to tint stuff colours (which i didnt no and will be very handy)

Also the amazing powers of Shift and a Pencil :eek: gonna save me alot of time drawing borders haha ^_^


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