War of the Worlds (Spoilers) REVIEW (long)

smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Developer
Jul 22, 2003
Romania, Timisoara
LeoCrasher said:
Vans right it really was terrible (even though it was an unbalanced review). It didn't even really explain why they were here like the original did, and I really didn't like how the entire movie was based around people running away from the aliens. At least in the original there was some science blabble about trying to defeat them. The major problem with Spiels interpretation of the stroy is the whole millions of years concept.

Why does an alien race (in the original they came from mars yea?), plant some crap long before we exist then randomly decide to take us over in the 21st century. They've had millions of years to advance they're bio****e techno but they still have to use million year old mechas to blast the place to human putty. Surely such a race could do it from orbit instead. (Unless they're some sort of rebble group which the other aliens don't agree with or something). Then they die, and in this movie it isn't explained why (original: common cold), leading to furthur confusion and dissatisfaction with the movie. You'd think their 1milllion year old tech might have helped them out there, but nah.

One thing that neither the movie, series or original ever explained is what happens when the folks back home find out? ;)

Nd I agree a movie is there to be enjoyed, but some people can't just enjoy a movie purely on graphical effect, which essentially is all WotW was. I've come to expect a lot more from SS, and this was a step backwards. The only good thing was the acting from the little girl, she was brilliant. Think I've seen her in another film, Man on Fire?


The little girl is briliant -> shame she played a fking bad char.

She was in Men on Fire and there she was briliant 2. But that was a briliant movie not like this pice of crap WoTW