well i almost lasted a year....

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 22, 2004
u can drive drunk if your being safe and obeying speed limits and being carefull, not that you should but... i was just being a tit, even if i was sober i wudnt of bn able to control hw fast i was goin but i wouldnt of bn stupid enuf to try what i did if i was sober.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 30, 2005
Newport S.Wales
its not about being sensible and obeying speed limits when your drunk, you havnt got the same reaction times when your drunk.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 2, 2004
u can drive drunk if your being safe and obeying speed limits and being carefull, not that you should but... i was just being a tit, even if i was sober i wudnt of bn able to control hw fast i was goin but i wouldnt of bn stupid enuf to try what i did if i was sober.

self control issues r a ***** huh??

1 Litre Road Eater for u next then!!!!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
u can drive drunk if your being safe and obeying speed limits and being carefull, not that you should but... i was just being a tit, even if i was sober i wudnt of bn able to control hw fast i was goin but i wouldnt of bn stupid enuf to try what i did if i was sober.

You can't drive drunk regardless of any ****ty little justifications you try to use. Thats why its illegal you ****ing ballsack. If your girlfriend was hit by a drunk driver, would you forgive him if he said "yeh m8 i wuz drunk but wuznt speeding and being safe blud innit"

I no longer want you to die though, I want you to kill your girlfriend in a car accident, and have to live with it for the rest of your life. The best part being that when you sleep at night, it won't be the latest prison raping that haunts your visions, but your girlfriends cold lifeless eyes staring at you from the passenger seat as you get out and try to run off.

You can't drive drunk if your slow and careful, because when your drunk you cannot judge slow and careful. You don't even have the ****ing brain power to drive a car right when sober, your a danger to everyone around you, and I honestly hope you kill your ****ing girlfriend.


Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
Originally Posted by Atomicide
You can't drive drunk regardless of any ****ty little justifications you try to use. Thats why its illegal you ****ing ballsack. If your girlfriend was hit by a drunk driver, would you forgive him if he said "yeh m8 i wuz drunk but wuznt speeding and being safe blud innit"

I no longer want you to die though, I want you to kill your girlfriend in a car accident, and have to live with it for the rest of your life. The best part being that when you sleep at night, it won't be the latest prison raping that haunts your visions, but your girlfriends cold lifeless eyes staring at you from the passenger seat as you get out and try to run off.

You can't drive drunk if your slow and careful, because when your drunk you cannot judge slow and careful. You don't even have the ****ing brain power to drive a car right when sober, your a danger to everyone around you, and I honestly hope you kill your ****ing girlfriend.

ell oh ell.


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
You can't drive drunk regardless of any ****ty little justifications you try to use. Thats why its illegal you ****ing ballsack. If your girlfriend was hit by a drunk driver, would you forgive him if he said "yeh m8 i wuz drunk but wuznt speeding and being safe blud innit"

I no longer want you to die though, I want you to kill your girlfriend in a car accident, and have to live with it for the rest of your life. The best part being that when you sleep at night, it won't be the latest prison raping that haunts your visions, but your girlfriends cold lifeless eyes staring at you from the passenger seat as you get out and try to run off.

You can't drive drunk if your slow and careful, because when your drunk you cannot judge slow and careful. You don't even have the ****ing brain power to drive a car right when sober, your a danger to everyone around you, and I honestly hope you kill your ****ing girlfriend.

His girlfriend doesn't deserve it only he does.

Why wish other peoples death, when they have no part in this guys retarded crash..


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 18, 2003
The Matrix!!
u can drive drunk if your being safe
Wrong, you cant period. Its the law and medically proven that driving under the influence increases the risk of accident by ten-fold, whatever the speed.

obeying speed limits and being carefull
You should be obeying them anyway, not just to stop yourself from getting pulled over and breathalised.

i was just being a tit,
Yes you were, and still are by your attitude to the whole thing! Would you murder somebody in cold blood? Stick a knife into their chest or put a bullet in between somebodies eyes? Because everytime you step behing the wheel of a car intoxicated every person on the street is a potential muder victim at your hands.

even if i was sober i wudnt of bn able to control hw fast i was goin
Then give up your license now before you are presented with the opertunity to potentially kill somebody again

but i wouldnt of bn stupid enuf to try what i did if i was sober
So your mentality is race cars drunk when you have little control, but not sober when you have full control. I think its time for the men in white coats to pay you a visit

His girlfriend doesn't deserve it only he does.

Why wish other peoples death, when they have no part in this guys retarded crash..

Well, with what he is trying to say it would stipulate his girlfreind to be in the car with him and if he is drunk then she is aparty to this action aswell. If he is drunk she should not get in the car with him, if she does she knows the risks and what may come.

But i get what he is trying to say, although I wouldnt neccacarily wish anyones death, if he continues this bumhole attitude towards powering what is basically a deadly weapon whilst barely fit to do so, him killing his girlfriend maybe a slightly bigger eye opener than if it was just a random person.

All this bull**** about being able to drive whilst drunk is pure nonsense, their is no safe way AT ALL, period, no matter how much you concentrate! Your reactions are imparied as is your sense of danger, your stopping distances are increased to that of ice on the road, and I dont care what he says, there is no excuse. My dad scrapes dicks like him off the road every day (hes a paramedic), and if his dont care if I die attitude is just a jumped up macho front to a pathetic individual that I wouldnt piss on if he was on fire. See, its made worse by his attitude, 'ad a big crash, wrote of me motor, broke a few bones, wtf, who cares, only a crash aint it' as if it means nothing, maybe to him, but to the wife, hasband, son, daughter or relative you kill, which you will, it is inevatable. Could they be looked in the eye and say, sorry, it was only a little crash, they died, what can I do?

Continue with your hard attitude to life, see were it gets you! And to go back to atomicide was saying, maybe an accident were he or his girlfreind spend the rest of their lifes in a vegatitive state would be better a punishment. See how he like thats.

Last edited:


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
end of the day the police should of taken his driving lience off him. YOU DONT DRINK AND DRIVE SIMPLE. or take drugg's



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
His girlfriend doesn't deserve it only he does.

Why wish other peoples death, when they have no part in this guys retarded crash..

His girlfriend appears to have as much intelligence as he does, and although I do not have anything against her apart from her spelling, I have no affiliation for her and do not really care for her in any way.

The fact is, he's going to kill someone eventually, and it would be a lot better if the person he killed was someone he loved, that way, it ****s him over forever. He's such a twat that if he killed some random pedestrian he would probably head here to brag about it when he is released from prison.

I mean, it doesnt HAVE to be like that, I would also happily take a situation where he is paralysed from the neck down. That way if he gets one of those text-to-voice systems and can post on here with it, I can laugh at the fact he is a cripple with no ill feeling towards myself because he 100% deserved it.


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
His girlfriend appears to have as much intelligence as he does, and although I do not have anything against her apart from her spelling, I have no affiliation for her and do not really care for her in any way.

The fact is, he's going to kill someone eventually, and it would be a lot better if the person he killed was someone he loved, that way, it ****s him over forever. He's such a twat that if he killed some random pedestrian he would probably head here to brag about it when he is released from prison.

I mean, it doesnt HAVE to be like that, I would also happily take a situation where he is paralysed from the neck down. That way if he gets one of those text-to-voice systems and can post on here with it, I can laugh at the fact he is a cripple with no ill feeling towards myself because he 100% deserved it.

True i guess.

Point taken ^^


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 18, 2003
The Matrix!!
People like myself who can drive drunk.

lol yes you have the occasional swerve.. but so what?

Are you seriously that **** of a driver?

I drive home 30 mins to my place drunk almost every weekend. Really drunk.

I race my friends doing speeds of 140+, crazy **** it is having 3 mustangs race.

Yes i've had seriously horrible mis haps like when I was on coke.. but not once have I ever crashed my car where I could not drive it.

This is coming from some one who races nubs daily and gets pulled over for doing doughnuts on the street.

Seriously learn to drive.

PS. what dumbass races in rain?

@ those who flamed me. I care what you say really I do.
Cause you are, ****ing repentent twat like you is really bothered what we think. You will be next up a lamp-post with your head were your arse used to be.

You know fast cars are great, having some fun blagging someone off the lights is alright, but you and that arsewipe are summat else. If I were a paramedic attending your crash id just punch **** out out of you.




LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 30, 2005
Newport S.Wales
hes a yank he was born retarded, n he lives in new york where you can only reach 10mph before theres a traffic jam from a car accident.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 20, 2006
haha u lot r jokers.. little geeks sayin ud smash his head in n stuff yh if u went and beat all da drink drivers up ud be fitin half of the world


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 30, 2005
Newport S.Wales
haha u lot r jokers.. little geeks sayin ud smash his head in n stuff yh if u went and beat all da drink drivers up ud be fitin half of the world

your a joker.
your a geek.

world would be a better place without all the retarded drink drivers.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 18, 2003
The Matrix!!
if u went and beat all da drink drivers up ud be fitin half of the world

Quote innacurate dumbass. For example, the muslim population makes up approx 21% of the overall world population and are prohibited through their religeon to drink alcohol, although I would imagine some do drink but its not my place to say, im just quoting facts.

That would mean that for half the population of the world to be drink drivers that every 3 in 4 of the worlds population who are non muslim then must drink and drive. That doesnt take into account the tee totalers, the other non drinkers and religeons that prohibit alcohol. Your either an idiot, or just think you are clever, when really you are not even slightly.

On top of that, in agreement with colonel, the world WOULD be better off without the drink drivers.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2005
New york
Quote innacurate dumbass. For example, the muslim population makes up approx 21% of the overall world population and are prohibited through their religeon to drink alcohol, although I would imagine some do drink but its not my place to say, im just quoting facts.

That would mean that for half the population of the world to be drink drivers that every 3 in 4 of the worlds population who are non muslim then must drink and drive. That doesnt take into account the tee totalers, the other non drinkers and religeons that prohibit alcohol. Your either an idiot, or just think you are clever, when really you are not even slightly.

On top of that, in agreement with colonel, the world WOULD be better off without the drink drivers.

lol you probably don't even drink, get some friends fat ass.

hes a yank he was born retarded, n he lives in new york where you can only reach 10mph before theres a traffic jam from a car accident.

ROFL did you just try to insult me? Look at yourself you look like a short constipated baby faced ****.